WormLabCaltech / alaska

Automated and friendly RNA-seq analysis (deprecated)
MIT License
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Support all Wormbase organisms #34

Closed Lioscro closed 5 years ago

Lioscro commented 5 years ago

Support non-elegans organisms by downloading and placing the appropriate files from wormbase

Lioscro commented 5 years ago

The annotations will be provided by Wormbase starting with the WS270 release. I currently have the files for WS268 and WS269, provided by Michael Paulini and Kevin Howe of WB. From WS270 onward, these files will be available at ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/wormbase/releases/current-production-release/species/c_elegans/PRJNA13758/annotation/ called c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WSXXX.alaska_ids.tsv.gz

Lioscro commented 5 years ago

Indices for all WS268 caenorhabditis organisms have been built.

Lioscro commented 5 years ago

Indices for all WS268 non-caenorhabditis organisms are being built now.

Lioscro commented 5 years ago
