Wouter01 / MediaMate-Releases

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Feature Request: Cool animation when notch doesn't have anything to do (Not in Now playing mode) #48

Closed Bhanu1776 closed 4 months ago

Bhanu1776 commented 4 months ago





Wouter01 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the feature request. I feel like this would be mostly distracting, hence why I'm not planning to add it.

Bhanu1776 commented 3 months ago

Thank you for considering my feature request. I completely understand your concern about potential distractions. However, I believe that adding an animation for when the notch doesn't have anything to display, with the option to enable or disable it, could provide users with a more customizable experience.

By making it an optional feature, users who prefer a minimalist interface can choose to keep it disabled, while those who enjoy added visual flair can opt to enable it.

Thank you for your consideration.

Wouter01 commented 3 months ago

I understand your thoughts completely! I'd love to make it happen some day, however I have to make some choices about what is worth it and what isn't. If I did add each feature request, the app would have at least double the options it has now. Each added option adds an extra parameter I have to test when making changes, and an extra possibility to add bugs. Hence why I'm hesitant

Bhanu1776 commented 3 months ago

Absolutely, your concerns are completely valid. Prioritizing features and carefully considering the trade-offs is essential for maintaining a stable and manageable application. Keep up the great work of making thoughtful decisions for your application's development!