Wouter01 / MediaMate-Releases

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FR : Add support to steve228uk/YouTube-Music #60

Open Write opened 3 months ago

Write commented 3 months ago


I would like to use mediamate with https://github.com/steve228uk/YouTube-Music app, specifically this fork : https://github.com/steve228uk/YouTube-Music/pull/192 that I built to run locally, but that shouldn't matter.

Unfortunately, when Safari is playing a video (ie Youtube) the pause / play button takes precedence on the current Safari video.

If that's something that's fixable that would be awesome :)


Write commented 3 months ago

Actually, it seems that it doesn't even work with regular Music app.

Even with an app Like Reflex installed, MediaMate always forward the media keys to frontmost app (ie Safari)

Wouter01 commented 3 months ago


Unfortunately, MediaMate can currently not control which app will get the play / pause event. This is managed by macOS and is inaccessibly to 3rd party apps (it is protected by an entitlement). At this moment, MediaMate can only report the status of the current playing app. Disabling SIP can make this feature work, but this is not a path I want to take.

In the future, I'd like to explore adding the ability to add custom behavior for the media keys, allowing MediaMate to control the keys more granular. However, this would also only be possible for a few specific apps, like Apple Music or Spotify.