WouterJD / FortiusANT

FortiusANT enables a pre-smart Tacx trainer (usb- or ANT-connected) to communicate with TrainerRoad, Rouvy or Zwift through ANT or Bluetooth LE.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Rouvy does not detect FortiusANT #270

Closed slilja closed 3 years ago

slilja commented 3 years ago

I am using Bushido T1981 brake with FortiusANT experimental BushidoDirect option. FortiusANT connects to brake (displays correct speed, cadence and power) but I can not connect Rouvy to FortiusANT. I am running FortiusANT on MacBook, using CHILEAF ANT+ dongle. This Mac also has USB BT dongle. I am running Rouvy Mobile on iPhone. When I start Rouvy it asks for trainer type. Which trainer should I select? Does FortiusANT work with Rouvy? C555A553-7AE8-4717-831B-0FC676B69FC4

BikeBeppe64 commented 3 years ago


Try to select:

slilja commented 3 years ago

I made a mistake with command and forget to use option -b when starting FortiusANT.

But now I have a new issue: when I start FortiusANT with python FortiusAnt.py -b -a -g -t BushidoDirect I get lot of error messages requests.post() error HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=9999): Max retries exceeded with url: /ant (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x1159696a0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 61] Connection refused'))

I noticed an error message regarding bleno module, but did not find anything that helps me to install that. I also checked issues #253 and #192 but with no help. One tip was to run npm install in subdir node/. I did that, but also that command fails with something related to bleno. errorlog.txt

slilja commented 3 years ago

Actually, I can close this. Seems that problems are related to BushidoDirect-branch. When I run main branch FortiusAnt with T1982 head unit, is now connects nicely to Rouvy on iPhone and Zwift on AppleTV.

If someone wants to look at problems in BushidoDirect branch, here is some more debugging. I am using Bushido T1981 brake and T1982 headunit. ANT+ connects to headunit. FortiusANT runs on MacBook.

Case 1 python FortiusAnt.py -a -g -b: GUI starts, no errors on console. Does not open bluetooth interface and also does not find trainer. Case 2 python FortiusAnt.py -a -g -b -t Bushido: GUI starts and finds trainer ("Tacx Bushido paired: 5404 / Using Dynastream Innovations dongle, Bluetooth interface opened to CTP"). Writes a lot of (bleno-related?) errors on console. Whatever I do, I can not connect Rouvy or Rouvy AR or Zwift (all running on iPhone). CTP does not find device.

If I remember correctly, the same issues happen when I use -t BushidoDirect instead of -t Bushido.