WouterJD / FortiusANT

FortiusANT enables a pre-smart Tacx trainer (usb- or ANT-connected) to communicate with TrainerRoad, Rouvy or Zwift through ANT or Bluetooth LE.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Read from USB trainer error #421

Closed tkathulevej closed 1 year ago

tkathulevej commented 1 year ago


I'm I the only one getting this error now and then:


This happens not always. - Maybe 1 out of 10 training sessions.. I seems also to never happen at low intensities (only after longer intervals at +200W I would say).

In the beginning I thought this had something to do with maybe a faulty Fortius motor unit overheating, but now I have had the opportunity to use FortusANT with 2-3 different Fortius trainers (T1941/1932) and even different kombinations of motor and head unit. - And I still see the error now and then :-/ ....Only way to recover from is to fully shut the FortiusANT program and restart (...meaning your training session in BigRing VR which I use is spoiled.

I've not tried to run Fortius with logging. Maybe I should?

BR /tka

Thomas Kjaer-Andersen, Denmark

WouterJD commented 1 year ago

The real issue is that there is no error recovery on the serial on the interface to the headunit. If insufficient data us received, FortiusAnt tries to recover, but... Not always successful.

Om my trainer it also happens sometimes, properly reconnecting helps. The error also happens when the mains cable is not properly connected; perhaps it causes interference or so.

WouterJD commented 1 year ago

Any suggestions welcome, no solution found until now

WouterJD commented 1 year ago

Logging will help you to understand the problem but will not help me to investigate. It will confirm that records are received incomplete

WouterJD commented 1 year ago

I assume you disabled pedal stroke analysis, causing to tune down the sampling frequency. Not all headunit manage to respond fast enough

tkathulevej commented 1 year ago

...Okay, thx for the information. - And yes, stroke analysis disabled.... /tka

WouterJD commented 1 year ago

Hi how are things?

WouterJD commented 1 year ago

Since there is no communication here, I assume can be closed. If not happy to reopen

WouterJD commented 1 year ago

See also #425

WouterJD commented 1 year ago

See https://github.com/WouterJD/FortiusANT/issues/425#issuecomment-1473961356