WouterJD / FortiusANT

FortiusANT enables a pre-smart Tacx trainer (usb- or ANT-connected) to communicate with TrainerRoad, Rouvy or Zwift through ANT or Bluetooth LE.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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indieVelo & FortiusANT/i-Vortex: target power ineffective #442

Closed orrmany closed 7 months ago

orrmany commented 7 months ago

Hi, I try to use a T1961/T1962 brake/headunit combo ("i-Vortex") with FortiusANT. My ultimate goal is to control the trainer according to power-based structured workouts from intervals.icu. When I change target power (resistance) via the Tacx headunit, then the trainer braking effect changes noticeably.

However, when indieVelo connects to FortiusANT via ANT FE-C, then the brake's resistance seems to be fixed whatever resistance have been set prior to the connection, regardless of the target sent by CTP (indieVelo). The target seemingly changes according to the printout, see this screenshot:
Screenshot 2023-11-12 112647 however, the brake's effective resistance does NOT change, i.e., it remains constant.

If the target power in the workout changes then I need to raise the physical speed of the wheel. (Last time I launched indieVelo, the brake's resistance was seemingly stuck around 100W@22..4km/h. The workout asked for 140W as start, then I already had to raise wheel revolution speed, as opposed to my expectations that I can keep the pedalling speed and the the brake would increase braking. Then the CTP sent a target for 220W, then I really had to physically shift gears and increase the wheel's revolution to 45...48km/h to reach 220W, which made the training session extremely noisy. T1961's rated wattage capacity shall be around 950W at top revolution speeds, so 220W should have been possible at very moderate wheel-speed, say well below 25km/h spinning speed according to the Vortex device-profile: Screenshot 2023-11-15 113709

Command line has been (Raspberry Pi 3B, latest OS, latest FortiusANT): ~/FortiusANT/raspberry/FortiusAntMain.sh -a -bb -t Vortex -x -H 0

Is this behavior normal?

orrmany commented 7 months ago

Now upgraded firmwares as per #219.

WouterJD commented 7 months ago

When I change target power (resistance) via the Tacx headunit, then the trainer braking effect changes noticeably.

How did you do that?

Then the CTP sent a target for 220W

How do you know this?

~/FortiusANT/raspberry/FortiusAntMain.sh -a -bb -t Vortex -x -H 0

This is OK.

Is your CTP indieVelo paired with FortiusAnt? It just seems that the target is not received by FortiusAnt for some reason.

To investigate, you could use the -d f flags, which produces a logfile with functional lines. When the CTP sends the target, the logfile contains "SetPower(Power)"

--- So far assuming that the target power is NOT correct

But in the image you send (see above) https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16136500/283086082-a345f975-5324-490e-9eef-721821b75eb9.png

I see a black square image saying Target 140W

So indieVelo wants you to cycle with a resistance of 140W

The workout asked for 140W as start, then I already had to raise wheel revolution speed, as opposed to my expectations that I can keep the pedalling speed and the the brake would increase braking.

This expectation is correct.

As you see, the TargetPower is 140 and for Tacx-trainers, the Target-Resistance is calculated (r= 140). The vortex Tacx Trainer is smarter than the older trainers; the required power is directly sent to the trainer.

Then the CTP sent a target for 220W, then I really had to physically shift gears and increase the wheel's revolution to 45...48km/h to reach 220W, which made the training session extremely noisy.

What puzzles me is that

I can help, if you describe in more detail the two procedures, including a screen print.

Sorry for the long text, it shows the troughts I had while trhinking of your issue.

orrmany commented 7 months ago

I made a short workout in intervals.icu:

When the trainer used in standalone mode, then I was / am able to adjust target power from the HU and the brake reacts accodingly. I was /am able to adjust braking anywhere between 100-200W easily whe spinning the wheel 25km/h, as the power-curve suggests, too. When I change wheel speed then brake adjust braking to keep the target power, like it should.

When I start FortiusANT and the CTP connects the resistance "feels" as ca. 100W. I start the workout (indieVelo pulls the workout from intervals.icu and I start it), while spinning the wheel at moderate speed, producing ca. 60..80W. So, when the workout starts, then the printout (the lines looking as: "16:31:44,496: Target=100W 0.0km/h hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 100% --b-" ) seems to react to the changing target power (both the target watt and the target "r=xxx" changes to the target watt numbers.

Say, at 155W target it prints like: ".... Target=155W [....] r= 155 ...." but the brake keeps at constant braking, i.e., as hard (or soft) as was before starting the CTP. If I change the spinning speed, then the observed wattage changes accordingly and reported to the CTP. See logs:

orrmany commented 7 months ago

Here is the screenshot explained Képernyőkép 2023-11-17 210730

orrmany commented 7 months ago

When I change target power (resistance) via the Tacx headunit, then the trainer braking effect changes noticeably. 1 How did you do that?

With buttons on the Head Unit (HU, an (i-)Vortex T1962 graphical head unit). The HU can accept either HR, or slope-%, or Wattage as target. I specify the target type via presing the [OK] button then cycling-through the modes with the arrows, then choose mode with [OK] again. If in target-Wattage mode I can adjust the target wattage with the up-down buttons. Note, that fortiusANT must NOT operate during this time, since if it does, then the HU displays only "--PC--" and shows nothing else.

Then the CTP sent a target for 220W

How do you know this?

The CTP (indieVelo) displays the target. As soon the CTP changes the target, say for "155W", then in the Fortius ANT console printout both the value of the "...Target =...." field and the "...r = ..." field adapt. That is, these fields eventually and gradually (during 2...3 printout time) became like "...Target = 155W [.....] r = 155 ..."

* Do you see the target in CTP being 220W


* Or do you see something on the FortiusAnt screen?


Is your CTP indieVelo paired with FortiusAnt?


It just seems that the target is not received by FortiusAnt for some reason.

According to its console printouts it receives and adapts both the "Target = " and the "r = " fields to the same numeral value. I.e., when the TCP seems to sends XXX watt as target, then FortiusANT prints both "Target = XXX W" and " r = XXX "

To investigate, you could use the -d f flags, which produces a logfile with functional lines.

I did, with "-d 127"

When the CTP sends the target, the logfile contains "SetPower(Power)"

I have attached the logs above.

--- So far assuming that the target power is NOT correct

But in the image you send (see above) https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16136500/283086082-a345f975-5324-490e-9eef-721821b75eb9.png

I see a black square image saying Target 140W

I have uploaded a new version of the screenshot augmented with labels

So indieVelo wants you to cycle with a resistance of 140W


* when you set the resistance manually (again: how do you do that); your trainer works well

Yes. I explained the how above,

* when you use a CTP it does not work

Yes, the resistance seems to remain unaffected,

Sorry for the long text, it shows the troughts I had while trhinking of your issue.

I really appreciate your effort and the great software you have created. :) Thank you!

WouterJD commented 7 months ago

Correct As you see, the CTP transmits it's required power (130, 190, ...) This is also visible in the logfile (not that -d f only shows a subset of what can be traced;-d all traces everything and - I agree - the logfile is not a beauty)

2023-11-17 16:18:33,245: [FortiusAnt, INFO] SetPower(155.0)
2023-11-17 16:18:34,219: [FortiusAnt, INFO] Target=155W 18.3km/h hr=  0 Current= 35W Cad= 46 r= 155 100% t-ba

Conclusion 1: the communication between FortiusAnt and the CTP works.

Thanks for describing the headunit again: when modifying the power manually, FortiusAnt is not used at all.

When FortiusAnt is activem, the displpay shows --PC-- Conclusion 2: there is communication between FortiusAnt and the Vortex.

Question now is: is the target power sent to the Vortex?

I would suggest to redo the test, with more logging; just log all then I willl find out what I need.

After the message 2023-11-17 16:18:33,245: [FortiusAnt, INFO] SetPower(155.0) I would expect ANT-messages being sent to the Vortex (now not traced) ... Dongle send ... (ch=5 p=16 ... where ch=5 is the Vortex channel and page 16=msgPage16_TacxVortexSetPower

WouterJD commented 7 months ago

By the way Gábor, I read ". I recently started to use FortiusANT with a T1961 break with a T1962 head unit, which I have bought second hand. " but I have the impression you use FortiusAnt already since Nov 2020. Is that correct? We already had some communication back then!

orrmany commented 7 months ago

I will test with "-d all" tomorrow, now it is too late to fire up the trainer for pedallinh: I live in a multi-apartment house.

Yes, I briefly tested Fortius ANT a few years ago, but I never wanted to pay for Zwift and found a gym nearby with half-smart stationary bikes: they report ANT+power (and have manual, analogue braking adjustment). I used those for a while for winter time and I went outdoor during summers. As such, I never really started to use the Tacx trainer until recently.

Now I got potential company for indieVelo/Zwift, so I got interested.

orrmany commented 7 months ago

We follow each other @Strava, too. :) If it suits you, then I would be happy to have a voice chat via a suitable client (Messenger, Skype, Teams, whatever) to discuss the problem, sometimes an oral discussion is quicker than writing comments, but of course I would like to honor your privacy, so notes only here are totally fine.

WouterJD commented 7 months ago

That's ok; good fun. Let's see next week when you're able to do some testing.

It just seems as if the power does not get to the trainer.

We follow each other https://github.com/strava, too. :) --> Yep!

orrmany commented 7 months ago

FYI: while scanning the log myself, I saw some strange lines: like trying to set power to 700+ Watts (temporarily), receiving from "unknown ANT+ channel", etc. It would be worth to record the ANT communication between the HU and the brake during the succesfull target-wattage setting communication in standalone mode. Maybe ExploreANT can do such "ANT+ eavesdropping"?

orrmany commented 7 months ago

Képernyőkép 2023-11-17 215719

orrmany commented 7 months ago

@WouterJD , I am sorry, I am/will not able to redo the test at least for 5..6 days: the bike has been re-fitted with outdoor tyres for the weekend and I will need to travel abroad this week: simply the timing prevents me to rerun the test before next week.

WouterJD commented 7 months ago

Hi Gabor, thanks for update. No worries I'll see you back as soon as you can.

orrmany commented 7 months ago

Now I came back from my trip, changed back tyre to training tyre, changed debug setting to "-d all" , rebooted the the laptop running the indieVelo CTP --- and suddenly target power setting started to work normally..... Anyway, I am uploading the logs here, then I will close the ticket. If the problem reappers, then I will reopen. FortiusANT_logs_2023-11-28-13.03.30.zip

orrmany commented 7 months ago

Cannot replicate the problem, so closing

WouterJD commented 7 months ago

Almost human. Working better after a good rest