Woyken / pixelplanet.fun-OverlayPicture

pixelplanet.fun add your overlay picture to pixelplanet
MIT License
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How to Make Overlay Work for PPF fork #82

Open Derkow opened 1 year ago

Derkow commented 1 year ago

What code does one need to modify in order to make this overlay extension for sites that are virtually identical to PixelPlanet, with the exception of one or two minor features being added or removed? If so, what explicit alterations do I need to make to the code of the extension itself so that it works for the not!PixelPlanet site in question? (I am a new coder)

Woyken commented 1 year ago

I wonder if those (forks) websites still kept exactly same data store in react redux, without any changes, then it might just work. If something did change and some data would be missing or moved out of redux, then it might be very difficult or even impossible to reproduce exact same behavior. Either way supporting multiple different websites would require quite a bit of logic rewriting and abstractions. since there are a bunch of workarounds specifically made for PPF.

I don't have enough time at the moment to put much effort into such tasks

Derkow commented 12 months ago

I see. Will not those other sites be, in large part, susceptible to those same workarounds, again in part due to having the same code as PPF? Also, I am not talking about modifying the code of the original extension itself -- I am thinking of creating a fork of the extension's code, and performing the modifications on the code of the fork

Woyken commented 12 months ago

I mean sure, if they are based on exact same code base it might just work, can you give examples? I would need to add domains to the extension's header '@include'