Wren6991 / Hazard3

3-stage RV32IMACZb* processor with debug
Apache License 2.0
632 stars 42 forks source link

error: Unable to place cell, cell type ICESTORM_LC #4

Closed gojimmypi closed 2 years ago

gojimmypi commented 2 years ago

Errors for Icebreaker

Following the instructions for Building an example SOC for the iCEBreaker, I ran into this error:

ERROR: Unable to place cell 'soc_u.cpu.core.fast_branchcmp.branchcmp_u.op_a_SB_LUT4_O_20_LC', no BELs remaining to implement 

In more detail:

⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3 (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  . sourceme
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3 (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  cd example_soc/synth
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  make -f Icebreaker.mk prog
>>> Synth

yosys -p "read_verilog -I../../hdl -DFPGA -DFPGA_ICE40 ../fpga/fpga_icebreaker.v ../libfpga/common/reset_sync.v ../libfpga/common/fpga_reset.v ../libfpga/common/activity_led.v ../libfpga/cdc/sync_1bit.v ../soc/example_soc.v ../../hdl/hazard3_core.v ../../hdl/hazard3_cpu_1port.v ../../hdl/hazard3_cpu_2port.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_alu.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_branchcmp.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_mul_fast.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_muldiv_seq.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_encode.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_priority_encode.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_shift_barrel.v ../../hdl/hazard3_csr.v ../../hdl/hazard3_decode.v ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v ../../hdl/hazard3_instr_decompress.v ../../hdl/hazard3_pmp.v ../../hdl/hazard3_power_ctrl.v ../../hdl/hazard3_regfile_1w2r.v ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_jtag_dtm.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_jtag_dtm_core.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_apb_async_bridge.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_reset_sync.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_sync_1bit.v ../../hdl/debug/dm/hazard3_dm.v ../libfpga/peris/uart/uart_mini.v ../libfpga/peris/uart/uart_regs.v ../libfpga/common/clkdiv_frac.v ../libfpga/common/sync_fifo.v ../libfpga/peris/spi_03h_xip/spi_03h_xip.v ../libfpga/peris/spi_03h_xip/spi_03h_xip_regs.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_cache_readonly.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_cache_writeback.v ../libfpga/mem/cache_mem_set_associative.v ../libfpga/mem/sram_sync.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_sync_sram.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_crossbar.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_splitter.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v ../libfpga/common/onehot_mux.v ../libfpga/common/onehot_priority.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_to_apb.v ../libfpga/busfabric/apb_splitter.v; synth_ice40 -dsp; write_json fpga_icebreaker.json" > synth.log
tail -n 35 synth.log
51.53. Printing statistics.

=== fpga_icebreaker ===

   Number of wires:               7946
   Number of wire bits:          29330
   Number of public wires:        7946
   Number of public wire bits:   29330
   Number of memories:               0
   Number of memory bits:            0
   Number of processes:              0
   Number of cells:              14872
     SB_CARRY                      390
     SB_DFF                         75
     SB_DFFE                       113
     SB_DFFER                     4039
     SB_DFFES                       19
     SB_DFFESR                      32
     SB_DFFNR                        1
     SB_DFFR                        94
     SB_DFFS                         7
     SB_LUT4                     10094
     SB_RAM40_4K                     4
     SB_SPRAM256KA                   4

51.54. Executing CHECK pass (checking for obvious problems).
Checking module fpga_icebreaker...
Found and reported 0 problems.

52. Executing JSON backend.

Warnings: 26 unique messages, 40 total
End of script. Logfile hash: 7ff0402baf, CPU: user 85.47s system 1.12s, MEM: 968.21 MB peak
Yosys 0.20+70 (git sha1 6e907acf8, clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os)
Time spent: 32% 14x proc_mux (31 sec), 15% 62x opt_expr (15 sec), ...
>>> Place and Route

nextpnr-ice40 -r --up5k --package sg48 --pcf fpga_icebreaker.pcf --json fpga_icebreaker.json --asc fpga_icebreaker.asc --timing-allow-fail --quiet --log pnr.log
ERROR: Unable to place cell 'soc_u.cpu.core.fast_branchcmp.branchcmp_u.op_a_SB_LUT4_O_20_LC', no BELs remaining to implement cell type 'ICESTORM_LC'
0 warnings, 1 error
make: *** [/mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/scripts/synth_ice40.mk:48: fpga_icebreaker.asc] Error 255

another attempt:

0 $  make -f Icebreaker.mk
>>> Place and Route

nextpnr-ice40 -r --up5k --package sg48 --pcf fpga_icebreaker.pcf --json fpga_icebreaker.json --asc fpga_icebreaker.asc --timing-allow-fail --quiet --log pnr.log
ERROR: Unable to place cell 'soc_u.cpu.core.fast_branchcmp.branchcmp_u.op_a_SB_LUT4_O_20_LC', no BELs remaining to implement cell type 'ICESTORM_LC'
0 warnings, 1 error
make: *** [/mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/scripts/synth_ice40.mk:48: fpga_icebreaker.asc] Error 255

Errors for ULX3S

The ULX3S also has an error:

0 $  make clean
rm -f fpga_icebreaker.json fpga_icebreaker.asc fpga_icebreaker.bin fpga_icebreaker_synth.v
rm -f synth.log pnr.log
rm -f pnr_try*.asc pnr*.log
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  make -f ULX3S.mk
>>> Synth

yosys -p "read_verilog -I../../hdl -DFPGA -DFPGA_ECP5 ../fpga/fpga_ulx3s.v ../fpga/pll_25_50.v ../fpga/pll_25_40.v ../libfpga/common/reset_sync.v ../libfpga/common/fpga_reset.v ../soc/example_soc.v ../../hdl/hazard3_core.v ../../hdl/hazard3_cpu_1port.v ../../hdl/hazard3_cpu_2port.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_alu.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_branchcmp.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_mul_fast.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_muldiv_seq.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_encode.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_priority_encode.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_shift_barrel.v ../../hdl/hazard3_csr.v ../../hdl/hazard3_decode.v ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v ../../hdl/hazard3_instr_decompress.v ../../hdl/hazard3_pmp.v ../../hdl/hazard3_power_ctrl.v ../../hdl/hazard3_regfile_1w2r.v ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_jtag_dtm.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_jtag_dtm_core.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_apb_async_bridge.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_reset_sync.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_sync_1bit.v ../../hdl/debug/dm/hazard3_dm.v ../libfpga/peris/uart/uart_mini.v ../libfpga/peris/uart/uart_regs.v ../libfpga/common/clkdiv_frac.v ../libfpga/common/sync_fifo.v ../libfpga/cdc/sync_1bit.v ../libfpga/peris/spi_03h_xip/spi_03h_xip.v ../libfpga/peris/spi_03h_xip/spi_03h_xip_regs.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_cache_readonly.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_cache_writeback.v ../libfpga/mem/cache_mem_set_associative.v ../libfpga/mem/sram_sync.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_sync_sram.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_crossbar.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_splitter.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v ../libfpga/common/onehot_mux.v ../libfpga/common/onehot_priority.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_to_apb.v ../libfpga/busfabric/apb_splitter.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_ecp5_jtag_dtm.v; hierarchy -top fpga_ulx3s; synth_ecp5 -abc9 -json fpga_ulx3s.json" > synth.log
ERROR: Unterminated preprocessor conditional!
make: *** [/mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/scripts/synth_ecp5.mk:44: fpga_ulx3s.json] Error 1
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

I can confirm synth_ecp5.mk:44 matches what I have locally $(YOSYS) -p "$(SYNTH_CMD)" > synth.log:


I have the latest toolchain installed, as of today, from:


Specifically there versions:

0 $  yosys --version
Yosys 0.20+70 (git sha1 6e907acf8, clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os)
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  nextpnr-ice40 --version
nextpnr-ice40 -- Next Generation Place and Route (Version nextpnr-0.3-89-gf1349e11)
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  which yosys
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  which nextpnr-ice40
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

If it helps, I have a blog with more details.

Any tips on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks.

Wren6991 commented 2 years ago

Ah, yeah, I haven't been running them recently. The iCE40 one is almost certainly because example_soc.v is not disabling debug/PMP and it's going over area.

Wren6991 commented 2 years ago

Actually it seems like Yosys might be failing to trim the IRQ priority, enable, force etc flops, which is dumping 3k+ flops into the design. I'll have a look tomorrow.

At the moment development is still moving fairly fast, so you should expect things to occasionally be broken. It's almost feature complete now, so hopefully things will stabilise over the next couple of months.

gojimmypi commented 2 years ago

Of course! I hadn't considered the breaking daily release.

Any suggestion on which to use? They appear to be all daily releases, with no indication of "Stable".

Thank you for your reply.

Wren6991 commented 2 years ago

There is no stable release, yet. I'm planning to go straight to a 1.0 release in a couple of months or so.

Actually it seems like Yosys might be failing to trim the IRQ priority, enable, force etc flops

Believe this is fixed by https://github.com/Wren6991/Hazard3/commit/c594ec42e97a64b72ee6cda55b281e8731c5e1af

I haven't looked at ECP5 yet

gojimmypi commented 2 years ago

Ah, I meant if you had a suggestion for stable yosys, etc.

Wren6991 commented 2 years ago

Looks like ECP5 was broken by this commit


Fixed by 787a7ec372d4

Wren6991 commented 2 years ago

Ah, I meant if you had a suggestion for stable yosys, etc.

I tend to just use a fairly recent master build

gojimmypi commented 2 years ago

Aha, I misunderstood the root cause. I thought it was a yosys problem.

Wren6991 commented 2 years ago

Yosys was not constant-trimming something I expected to be constant-trimmed, and the area blew up as a result. It's fixed by a change in the RTL style to make the constant propagation more obvious to the tools. As for whose fault it is... no idea, but it's fixed :)

Let me know if things work better for you now, I don't have nextpnr on this machine currently.

gojimmypi commented 2 years ago

your changes appear to have fixed the build for both the iCEBreaker and ULX3S! :)

curiously the ULX3S takes considerably longer to complete.

there are still some warnings:

Warning: Encountered `translate_off' comment! Such legacy hot comments are supported by Yosys, but are not part of any formal language specification. Using a portable and standards-compliant construct such as `ifdef is recommended!
Warning: Replacing memory \req_stratified with list of registers. See ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v:37, ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v:35
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_valid with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:133
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_valid_hw with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:135, ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:132
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_err with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:131
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_predbranch with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:130
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_mem with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:129
../../hdl/hazard3_pmp.v:107: Warning: Range [0:-1] select out of bounds on signal `\cfg_wdata': Setting 1 LSB bits to undef.
Warning: Replacing memory \tdata2 with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v:86
Warning: Replacing memory \mcontrol_execute with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v:84
Warning: Replacing memory \mcontrol_u with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v:83
Warning: Replacing memory \mcontrol_m with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v:82
Warning: Replacing memory \mcontrol_action with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v:81
Warning: Replacing memory \tdata1_dmode with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v:79
../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v:73: Warning: Range [0:-1] select out of bounds on signal `\cfg_wdata': Setting 1 LSB bits to undef.
Warning: Replacing memory \mem with list of registers. See ../libfpga/common/sync_fifo.v:70, ../libfpga/common/sync_fifo.v:65
Warning: Replacing memory \buf_hmastlock with list of registers. See ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v:152
Warning: Replacing memory \buf_hprot with list of registers. See ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v:151
Warning: Replacing memory \buf_hburst with list of registers. See ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v:150
Warning: Replacing memory \buf_hsize with list of registers. See ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v:149
Warning: Replacing memory \buf_hwrite with list of registers. See ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v:148
Warning: Replacing memory \buf_haddr with list of registers. See ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v:147
Warning: Replacing memory \buf_htrans with list of registers. See ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v:146
Warning: Replacing memory \mem with list of registers. See ../libfpga/common/sync_fifo.v:70, ../libfpga/common/sync_fifo.v:65
Warning: Replacing memory \real_dualport_reset.mem with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_regfile_1w2r.v:40
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_valid with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:133
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_valid_hw with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:135, ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:132
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_err with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:131
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_predbranch with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:130
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_mem with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:129
Warning: Replacing memory \req_stratified with list of registers. See ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v:37, ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v:35
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_valid with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:133
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_valid_hw with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:135, ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:132
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_err with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:131
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_predbranch with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:130
Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_mem with list of registers. See ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v:129
Warning: Replacing memory \req_stratified with list of registers. See ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v:37, ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v:35
Warning: Wire fpga_ulx3s.\dbg [7] is used but has no driver.
Warning: Wire fpga_ulx3s.\dbg [6] is used but has no driver.
Warning: Wire fpga_ulx3s.\dbg [5] is used but has no driver.
Warning: Wire fpga_ulx3s.\dbg [4] is used but has no driver.
Warning: Wire fpga_ulx3s.\dbg [3] is used but has no driver.
Warning: Wire fpga_ulx3s.\dbg [2] is used but has no driver.
Warning: Wire fpga_ulx3s.\dbg [1] is used but has no driver.
Warning: Wire fpga_ulx3s.\dbg [0] is used but has no driver.
ABC: Warning: The network is combinational.
Warnings: 32 unique messages, 46 total

One warning is of a failure:

Warning: ABC: execution of command ""/mnt/c/download/yosyshq/oss-cad-suite/lib/yosys-abc" -s -f /tmp/yosys-abc-Yve1cs/abc.script 2>&1" failed: return code 134.

but otherwise bin files created for iCEBreaker:

⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  make -f Icebreaker.mk
>>> Synth

yosys -p "read_verilog -I../../hdl -DFPGA -DFPGA_ICE40 ../fpga/fpga_icebreaker.v ../libfpga/common/reset_sync.v ../libfpga/common/fpga_reset.v ../libfpga/common/activity_led.v ../libfpga/cdc/sync_1bit.v ../soc/example_soc.v ../../hdl/hazard3_core.v ../../hdl/hazard3_cpu_1port.v ../../hdl/hazard3_cpu_2port.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_alu.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_branchcmp.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_mul_fast.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_muldiv_seq.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_encode.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_priority_encode.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_shift_barrel.v ../../hdl/hazard3_csr.v ../../hdl/hazard3_decode.v ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v ../../hdl/hazard3_instr_decompress.v ../../hdl/hazard3_pmp.v ../../hdl/hazard3_power_ctrl.v ../../hdl/hazard3_regfile_1w2r.v ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_jtag_dtm.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_jtag_dtm_core.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_apb_async_bridge.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_reset_sync.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_sync_1bit.v ../../hdl/debug/dm/hazard3_dm.v ../libfpga/peris/uart/uart_mini.v ../libfpga/peris/uart/uart_regs.v ../libfpga/common/clkdiv_frac.v ../libfpga/common/sync_fifo.v ../libfpga/peris/spi_03h_xip/spi_03h_xip.v ../libfpga/peris/spi_03h_xip/spi_03h_xip_regs.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_cache_readonly.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_cache_writeback.v ../libfpga/mem/cache_mem_set_associative.v ../libfpga/mem/sram_sync.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_sync_sram.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_crossbar.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_splitter.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v ../libfpga/common/onehot_mux.v ../libfpga/common/onehot_priority.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_to_apb.v ../libfpga/busfabric/apb_splitter.v; synth_ice40 -dsp; write_json fpga_icebreaker.json" > synth.log
tail -n 35 synth.log
51.53. Printing statistics.

=== fpga_icebreaker ===

   Number of wires:               3217
   Number of wire bits:          20276
   Number of public wires:        3217
   Number of public wire bits:   20276
   Number of memories:               0
   Number of memory bits:            0
   Number of processes:              0
   Number of cells:               5500
     SB_CARRY                      381
     SB_DFF                          3
     SB_DFFE                       113
     SB_DFFER                      895
     SB_DFFES                       17
     SB_DFFESR                      32
     SB_DFFNR                        1
     SB_DFFR                        99
     SB_DFFS                         8
     SB_LUT4                      3943
     SB_RAM40_4K                     4
     SB_SPRAM256KA                   4

51.54. Executing CHECK pass (checking for obvious problems).
Checking module fpga_icebreaker...
Found and reported 0 problems.

52. Executing JSON backend.

Warnings: 23 unique messages, 37 total
End of script. Logfile hash: f84a88a709, CPU: user 55.14s system 0.52s, MEM: 317.92 MB peak
Yosys 0.20+70 (git sha1 6e907acf8, clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os)
Time spent: 49% 11x proc_mux (29 sec), 10% 55x opt_expr (6 sec), ...
>>> Place and Route

nextpnr-ice40 -r --up5k --package sg48 --pcf fpga_icebreaker.pcf --json fpga_icebreaker.json --asc fpga_icebreaker.asc --timing-allow-fail --quiet --log pnr.log
Info: Max frequency for clock     'tck$SB_IO_IN_$glb_clk': 42.64 MHz (PASS at 12.00 MHz)
>>> Generate Bitstream

icepack -s fpga_icebreaker.asc fpga_icebreaker.bin
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

and bin files also successfully created for ULX3S:

0 $  make clean
rm -f fpga_icebreaker.json fpga_icebreaker.asc fpga_icebreaker.bin fpga_icebreaker_synth.v
rm -f synth.log pnr.log
rm -f pnr_try*.asc pnr*.log
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $  make -f ULX3S.mk
>>> Synth

yosys -p "read_verilog -I../../hdl -DFPGA -DFPGA_ECP5 ../fpga/fpga_ulx3s.v ../fpga/pll_25_50.v ../fpga/pll_25_40.v ../libfpga/common/reset_sync.v ../libfpga/common/fpga_reset.v ../soc/example_soc.v ../../hdl/hazard3_core.v ../../hdl/hazard3_cpu_1port.v ../../hdl/hazard3_cpu_2port.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_alu.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_branchcmp.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_mul_fast.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_muldiv_seq.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_encode.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_onehot_priority_dynamic.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_priority_encode.v ../../hdl/arith/hazard3_shift_barrel.v ../../hdl/hazard3_csr.v ../../hdl/hazard3_decode.v ../../hdl/hazard3_frontend.v ../../hdl/hazard3_instr_decompress.v ../../hdl/hazard3_pmp.v ../../hdl/hazard3_power_ctrl.v ../../hdl/hazard3_regfile_1w2r.v ../../hdl/hazard3_triggers.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_jtag_dtm.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_jtag_dtm_core.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_apb_async_bridge.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_reset_sync.v ../../hdl/debug/cdc/hazard3_sync_1bit.v ../../hdl/debug/dm/hazard3_dm.v ../libfpga/peris/uart/uart_mini.v ../libfpga/peris/uart/uart_regs.v ../libfpga/common/clkdiv_frac.v ../libfpga/common/sync_fifo.v ../libfpga/cdc/sync_1bit.v ../libfpga/peris/spi_03h_xip/spi_03h_xip.v ../libfpga/peris/spi_03h_xip/spi_03h_xip_regs.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_cache_readonly.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_cache_writeback.v ../libfpga/mem/cache_mem_set_associative.v ../libfpga/mem/sram_sync.v ../libfpga/mem/ahb_sync_sram.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_crossbar.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_splitter.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_arbiter.v ../libfpga/common/onehot_mux.v ../libfpga/common/onehot_priority.v ../libfpga/busfabric/ahbl_to_apb.v ../libfpga/busfabric/apb_splitter.v ../../hdl/debug/dtm/hazard3_ecp5_jtag_dtm.v; hierarchy -top fpga_ulx3s; synth_ecp5 -abc9 -json fpga_ulx3s.json" > synth.log
tail -n 35 synth.log
Removed 0 unused modules.

54.47. Printing statistics.

=== fpga_ulx3s ===

   Number of wires:               7860
   Number of wire bits:          27851
   Number of public wires:        7860
   Number of public wire bits:   27851
   Number of memories:               0
   Number of memory bits:            0
   Number of processes:              0
   Number of cells:               9708
     CCU2C                         210
     DP16KD                         64
     EHXPLLL                         1
     JTAGG                           1
     L6MUX21                       633
     LUT4                         5808
     MULT18X18D                      3
     PFUMX                        1572
     TRELLIS_DPR16X4                32
     TRELLIS_FF                   1384

54.48. Executing CHECK pass (checking for obvious problems).
Checking module fpga_ulx3s...
Found and reported 0 problems.

54.49. Executing JSON backend.

Warnings: 32 unique messages, 46 total
End of script. Logfile hash: 46793328ad, CPU: user 65.00s system 0.45s, MEM: 416.25 MB peak
Yosys 0.20+70 (git sha1 6e907acf8, clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os)
Time spent: 44% 32x proc_mux (32 sec), 10% 1x abc9_exe (7 sec), ...
>>> Place and Route

nextpnr-ecp5 -r --placer sa --um5g-85k --package CABGA381 --lpf fpga_ulx3s.lpf --json fpga_ulx3s.json --textcfg fpga_ulx3s.config --timing-allow-fail --quiet --log pnr.log
Info: Max frequency for clock '$glbnet$soc_u.genblk1.genblk1.dtm_u.jtck_posedge_dont_use': 161.50 MHz (PASS at 12.00 MHz)
>>> Generate Bitstream

ecppack --compress --svf fpga_ulx3s.svf --idcode 0x41113043 fpga_ulx3s.config fpga_ulx3s.bit
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ gojimmypi@DESKTOP(WSL): /mnt/c/workspace/hazard3/example_soc/synth (master * u=) Wren6991/Hazard3

0 $
Wren6991 commented 2 years ago

there are still some warnings

The range warnings are due to the triggers and PMP being elaborated with a trigger and PMP region count of 0, even though they are subsequently stubbed out. This is known, and is 100% a tool issue, but I have removed the warning by adding further generate blocks inside the trigger/PMP blocks.

The debug warning is just the LEDs not being tied off in the ULX3S top level. I fixed that.

The others are useless noise. The "replacing memory with list of registers" just means that a non-packed array in your code was not inferred as a memory instance, which is not particularly useful as only the minority of non-packed arrays are actually used as memories.

gojimmypi commented 2 years ago

Excellent. Thanks very much for your prompt response and help.