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TypeScript Template literal types - who need it anyway? #92

Open michalczukm opened 3 months ago

michalczukm commented 3 months ago

TypeScript Template literal types - who need it anyway?

The talk

One-sentence summary

Use template literal types for solving problems, not for ephemeral demo-cases only.

What's the format — is it a case study, a live coding session, a workshop or something else?

Between case study and live coding. I can give the talk in EN or PL, up to you.

You can check the talk at: https://github.com/michalczukm/typescript-who-even-need-template-literal-types-presentation

Tell us more about the talk

A long long time ago TypeScript 4.1 brought major change - introduced Template Literal Types. After this release examples like type-based parser or type-based SQL engine spawned like crazy. In the next releases, we get even more Template Literal Types features!

Cool. But it doesn’t answer our question - “Who needs it anyway?”

I’ll talk about Template Literal Types, and we’ll check more real-life use cases for them than the mentioned type-based SQL engine :)


A few words about yourself

Senior Software Engineer and consultant in Tektit Consulting. IT trainer at Infoshare Academy. Previously worked on Jira Cloud and Atlassian Forge.

He talks and records stuff on Front-end and WebDevelopment related stuff. One of talking heads at “Śniadanie z Programowaniem” and “Z Archiwum IT” by JustJoin.it

👉 [michalczukm.xyz]

How can we find you on social media?

https://www.instagram.com/michalczuk_michal https://twitter.com/michalczukm https://michalczukm.xyz/

Would you be willing to have a Q/A session after the talk?


Do you mind if we record the event?

Please do :)

Is there anything we can help you with?

I'm good, thanks :)

welcome[bot] commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your contribution! One of the @WrocTypeScript/organisers will go back to you as soon as possible.

karol-majewski commented 3 months ago

hello @michalczukm! good to hear from you ;)

this sounds like a great topic to share with the community — however, we're now experimenting with a different meetup format where talks are maximum 5-7 minute long, and it seems that your talk won’t fit into such a strict regimen

I would hate to ask you to trim your talk so significantly, so instead please consider giving your talk at either of these two events — I'm sure they would be also happy to have you:
