WuBingzheng / memleax

debugs memory leak of running process. Not maintained anymore, try `libleak` please.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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does memleax handle allocations from free list correctly? #37

Open WallStProg opened 6 years ago

WallStProg commented 6 years ago

Thanks for putting this out! I looks to be a very useful adjunct to other tools like valgrind, and covers a scenario that valgrind really doesn't handle very well.

I'm trying to use memleax to diagnose a problem with memory growing over time while a process is running. valgrind reports no leaks at shutdown, but top shows memory increasing steadily until the process is terminated.

But I'm having a problem, and I think it may be that malloc is returning the same block address that was previously freed -- since the address is the same memleax thinks that it exceeds the expire time, when in reality it has just been malloc'd and free'd over and over again.

Do you know if that's possible with memleax? If so, can you help point me to the code in memleax that timestamps the allocation? Perhaps that is not being updated with subsequent allocations after the first?

Thanks again for a terrific tool, and for any help you may be able to provide.

WuBingzheng commented 6 years ago

There is no such problem in memleax.

The new memory block allocation time is set at memblock.c:memblock_new() :

mb->create = time(NULL);

and it is used for expiration checking at memblock.c:memblock_expire():

if (now - mb->create < expire) {

When a memory block is freed, the record (struct memblock_s) is deleted. If the memory block with the same address is allocated later, a new record is created with the current timestamp, and is not related to the previous record at all.

WallStProg commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply!

Something else must be going on then, because when I run memleax on my application it terminates after reaching the maximum number of expired blocks (1000 blocks older than 60 seconds).

However, without memleax the same application is running for several days with perfectly flat memory usage (VIRT & RES) according to top.

I was hoping that the discrepancy was caused by malloc returning new allocations from the free list, but it seems that is not the case.

Please let me know if you have any thoughts on how to resolve this. Thanks!

WallStProg commented 6 years ago

So I've tried a few things to resolve this, so far with no luck.

I noticed that memleax was using a lot of CPU when run, so I reduced the load on the target application, to the point where it uses < 2% CPU -- at that load, memleax is running at approx. 2% CPU. Memory utilization of both memleax and the target application is steady at approx. 100-200MB (on a 16GB machine).

I also reduced the size of the call stack captured to 10 frames.

Even with these settings I am seeing what I am convinced are spurious reports from memleax:

[/home/btorpey] /build/share/memleax/1.1.1/bin/memleax -e 60 -l 10 7276
== Begin monitoring process 7276...
CallStack[1]: memory expires with 17 bytes, backtrace:
    0x00000033bfe7aa50  libc-2.12.so  __malloc()+0  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/libio/genops.c:598
    0x00000033bfe80ed2  libc-2.12.so  __strdup()+34  ../sysdeps/x86_64/strcpy.S:155
    0x00007f29b7e2512d  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchSubMsg()+771  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:729
    0x00007f29b7e24ce3  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchNormalMsg()+196  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:643
    0x00007f29b7e243e3  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchThread()+873  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:475
    0x00000033c0607aa1  libpthread-2.12.so  start_thread()+209  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/nptl/nptl-init.c:280
    0x00000033bfee8bcd  libc-2.12.so  __clone()+109  ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:115
CallStack[1]: memory expires with 17 bytes, 2 times again
CallStack[1]: memory expires with 17 bytes, 3 times again
CallStack[1]: memory expires with 17 bytes, 4 times again
CallStack[1]: memory expires with 17 bytes, 5 times again
CallStack[1]: memory expires with 17 bytes, 6 times again
CallStack[1]: memory expires with 17 bytes, 7 times again

I'm having a hard time understanding how any allocations can live for > 60 seconds if neither memleax nor the target application are using significant CPU or memory.

FWIW, the target application simply subscribes to messages sent by a publishing application (using ZeroMQ) and discards each message after processing. As mentioned previously, the same target application has been running for several days at a much higher message rate (100,000 m/s) with flat memory utilization.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated - thanks!

P.S. I'm running memleax 1.1.1 with the patch from https://github.com/WuBingzheng/memleax/issues/36. The test machine is running CentOS 6.9 w/4x i5-2400 CPUs and 16GB RAM.

WallStProg commented 6 years ago

P.S. I terminated memleax and here's the report it gives:

== Terminate monitoring.
== Callstack statistics: (in ascending order)

CallStack[5]: may-leak=2 (48 bytes)
    expired=2 (48 bytes), free_expired=0 (0 bytes)
    alloc=17391 (417384 bytes), free=17388 (417312 bytes)
    freed memory live time: min=0 max=1 average=0
    un-freed memory live time: max=1508
    0x00000033bfe7aa50  libc-2.12.so  __malloc()+0  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/libio/genops.c:598
    0x00007f29b7bce161  libzmq.so  _ZN3zmq15socket_poller_t7rebuildEv()+467
    0x00007f29b7bce4b9  libzmq.so  _ZN3zmq15socket_poller_t4waitEPNS0_7event_tEil()+69
    0x00007f29b7bcc0b9  libzmq.so  zmq_poller_wait_all()+229  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:1371
    0x00007f29b7bcc8ff  libzmq.so  _Z15zmq_poller_pollP14zmq_pollitem_til()+893  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:813
    0x00007f29b7bcba4c  libzmq.so  zmq_poll()+40  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:861
    0x00007f29b7e2421c  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchThread()+418  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:450
    0x00000033c0607aa1  libpthread-2.12.so  start_thread()+209  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/nptl/nptl-init.c:280
    0x00000033bfee8bcd  libc-2.12.so  __clone()+109  ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:115

CallStack[4]: may-leak=2 (24 bytes)
    expired=2 (24 bytes), free_expired=0 (0 bytes)
    alloc=17391 (208692 bytes), free=17388 (208656 bytes)
    freed memory live time: min=0 max=1 average=0
    un-freed memory live time: max=1508
    0x00000033bfe7aa50  libc-2.12.so  __malloc()+0  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/libio/genops.c:598
    0x00007f29b89cf30d  libstdc++.so  _Znwm()+29  /shared/buildtest/gcc/4.8.2/gcc-4.8.2/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/include/ext/concurrence.h:106
    0x00007f29b7bcd92e  libzmq.so  _ZN3zmq15socket_poller_t3addEPNS_13socket_base_tEPvs()+236
    0x00007f29b7bcbc4d  libzmq.so  zmq_poller_add()+178  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:1259
    0x00007f29b7bcc789  libzmq.so  _Z15zmq_poller_pollP14zmq_pollitem_til()+519  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:784
    0x00007f29b7bcba4c  libzmq.so  zmq_poll()+40  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:861
    0x00007f29b7e2421c  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchThread()+418  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:450
    0x00000033c0607aa1  libpthread-2.12.so  start_thread()+209  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/nptl/nptl-init.c:280
    0x00000033bfee8bcd  libc-2.12.so  __clone()+109  ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:115

CallStack[3]: may-leak=2 (192 bytes)
    expired=2 (192 bytes), free_expired=0 (0 bytes)
    alloc=17391 (1669536 bytes), free=17388 (1669248 bytes)
    freed memory live time: min=0 max=1 average=0
    un-freed memory live time: max=1508
    0x00000033bfe7aa50  libc-2.12.so  __malloc()+0  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/libio/genops.c:598
    0x00007f29b89cf39d  libstdc++.so  _ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t()+29  /shared/buildtest/gcc/4.8.2/gcc-4.8.2/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/include/ext/concurrence.h:106
    0x00007f29b7bcc5e4  libzmq.so  _Z15zmq_poller_pollP14zmq_pollitem_til()+98  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:761
    0x00007f29b7bcba4c  libzmq.so  zmq_poll()+40  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:861
    0x00007f29b7e2421c  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchThread()+418  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:450
    0x00000033c0607aa1  libpthread-2.12.so  start_thread()+209  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/nptl/nptl-init.c:280
    0x00000033bfee8bcd  libc-2.12.so  __clone()+109  ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:115

CallStack[2]: may-leak=15 (800 bytes)
    expired=15 (800 bytes), free_expired=0 (0 bytes)
    alloc=52173 (3895584 bytes), free=52157 (3894656 bytes)
    freed memory live time: min=0 max=1 average=0
    un-freed memory live time: max=1511
    0x00000033bfe7aa50  libc-2.12.so  __malloc()+0  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/libio/genops.c:598
    0x00007f29b89cf30d  libstdc++.so  _Znwm()+29  /shared/buildtest/gcc/4.8.2/gcc-4.8.2/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/include/ext/concurrence.h:106
    0x00007f29b7bcf7a0  libzmq.so  _ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIN3zmq15socket_poller_t6item_tEE8allocateEmPKv()+64
    0x00007f29b7bcf5a1  libzmq.so  _ZNSt12_Vector_baseIN3zmq15socket_poller_t6item_tESaIS2_EE11_M_allocateEm()+47
    0x00007f29b7bcf073  libzmq.so  _ZNSt6vectorIN3zmq15socket_poller_t6item_tESaIS2_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS2_S4_EERKS2_()+325
    0x00007f29b7bcecca  libzmq.so  _ZNSt6vectorIN3zmq15socket_poller_t6item_tESaIS2_EE9push_backERKS2_()+120
    0x00007f29b7bcd9c2  libzmq.so  _ZN3zmq15socket_poller_t3addEPNS_13socket_base_tEPvs()+384
    0x00007f29b7bcbc4d  libzmq.so  zmq_poller_add()+178  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:1259
    0x00007f29b7bcc789  libzmq.so  _Z15zmq_poller_pollP14zmq_pollitem_til()+519  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:784
    0x00007f29b7bcba4c  libzmq.so  zmq_poll()+40  /home/btorpey/work/libzmq/4.2.3/src/zmq.cpp:861

CallStack[1]: may-leak=285 (4845 bytes)
    expired=285 (4845 bytes), free_expired=0 (0 bytes)
    alloc=17391 (295647 bytes), free=17095 (290615 bytes)
    freed memory live time: min=0 max=1 average=0
    un-freed memory live time: max=1737
    0x00000033bfe7aa50  libc-2.12.so  __malloc()+0  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/libio/genops.c:598
    0x00000033bfe80ed2  libc-2.12.so  __strdup()+34  ../sysdeps/x86_64/strcpy.S:155
    0x00007f29b7e2512d  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchSubMsg()+771  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:729
    0x00007f29b7e24ce3  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchNormalMsg()+196  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:643
    0x00007f29b7e243e3  libmamazmqimpl.so  zmqBridgeMamaTransportImpl_dispatchThread()+873  /home/btorpey/work/OpenMAMA-zmq/2.0/src/transport.c:475
    0x00000033c0607aa1  libpthread-2.12.so  start_thread()+209  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.12-2-gc4ccff1/nptl/nptl-init.c:280
    0x00000033bfee8bcd  libc-2.12.so  __clone()+109  ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:115

WuBingzheng commented 6 years ago

This may be a bug!

When memleax works with multi-thread process,

  1. memleax set breakpoints at the entry of malloc and free;
  2. one thread runs in free;
  3. memleax catches it, set a breakpoint at the exit of free, and deletes the breakpoint at the entry of free temporarily to let the thread continue;
  4. if another thread runs in free now, memleax will miss it because the breakpoint is deleted!!! Then this memory block record will live for ever in memleax.

For the your output, most memory block is freed, and in 1 second (max=1), so it's the bug very likely:

CallStack[1]: may-leak=285 (4845 bytes)
    expired=285 (4845 bytes), free_expired=0 (0 bytes)
    alloc=17391 (295647 bytes), free=17095 (290615 bytes)
    freed memory live time: min=0 max=1 average=0
    un-freed memory live time: max=1737

I do not know how to fix it by now. Maybe I could study how GDB does. I am busy these days and will try to fix it later.

Thanks for this report.

WuBingzheng commented 6 years ago

memleax may use lots of CPU, if your program call malloc frequently, because it traps on each malloc and read your program's memory several times to get the call stack. And it also make your program slower too.

Besides, why do you use memleax if your program seems no memory leak?

WallStProg commented 6 years ago

Besides, why do you use memleax if your program seems no memory leak?

I know the target application "leaks" (grows memory) in other scenarios, so I was trying to establish a baseline with memleax in a scenario where it does not leak before attempting to diagnose the other problem.

WallStProg commented 6 years ago

I do not know how to fix it by now. Maybe I could study how GDB does.

I'm sure you know this, but other memory debuggers work by intercepting malloc, free (etc.) to insert their own code. It sounds like memleax is using self-modifying code, which is definitely going to be a problem in multi-threaded applications (like mine).

I'm not sure why memleax needs to delete the breakpoint at entry to free -- would it make sense to have both the entry and exit breakpoint active at all times? Of course, that would mean that memleax would need to use thread-safe data structures, but in order to be usable with multi-threaded apps it would need to do that in any case.

You may want to consider adding a note to the README that memleax doesn't necessarily work correctly with multi-threaded apps.

If I can come up with anything that would help, I'll be sure to post back here.

Thanks again!

WuBingzheng commented 6 years ago

I'm sure you know this, but other memory debuggers work...

I do not know this in fact :( I just know basic knowledge about debugging from school, and do not know the detail in practice.

I'm not sure why memleax needs to delete the breakpoint at entry to free...

memleax just places an INT3 instruction at the entry of free(). When trapping, memleax replace it by the origin instruction to let the target program continue; and re-places the INT3 later. This is also the basic idea of debugging, while "inserting their own code" may be an advanced way which I did not know before.

Besides, I do not know how to get the exit address of free(), so I set the breakpoint at the return address actually when trapping into free().

You may want to consider adding a note to the README

Yes, I have added a note, and post issues.

Thanks again!

WallStProg commented 6 years ago

I'm sure you know this, but other memory debuggers work...

I do not know this in fact :( I just know basic knowledge about debugging from school, and do not know the detail in practice.

FWIW, here's a good writeup on the LD_PRELOAD technique: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/426230/what-is-the-ld-preload-trick

This was referenced from another useful post: http://milianw.de/blog/heaptrack-a-heap-memory-profiler-for-linux

This could be a more robust technique for hooking malloc etc. esp. for multi-threaded code.

WuBingzheng commented 6 years ago

The heaptrack seems wonderful. Maybe I would not write memleax if I found it before. I will try it later. Thanks.