WuDan0399 / Integrate-NVDLA-and-TVM

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(DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) #3

Closed chayitw closed 3 years ago

chayitw commented 3 years ago

Hi Shivmgg & WuDan, I follow the step of "How to Run the Whole Process for Model Inference" as below:

  1. python3.6 examples/run_LeNet_Relay.py 2 cd /sw/umd/out/apps/compiler/nvdla_compiler/ ./nvdla_compiler --jsonfile

    but meet the issue about: (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72)

    I think there is some mismatch about the "modified NVDLA compiler code"(https://github.com/WuDan0399/nvdla_sw/), because i find getDataType() in CanonicalAST.cpp only support "float32" but the json-file generated from Shivmgg's TVM -branch(https://github.com/shivmgg/tvm) support "int8" as like below:

    {"input": {"dtype": [["int8"]], "shape": [[[1, 1, 28, 28]]], "id": "node_0", "source": [], "dest": ["node_1"]}, "conv2d_0": {"num_outputs": "1", "num_inputs": "2", "shape": [[[1, 20, 24, 24]]], "out_dtype": [[""]], "out_layout": [[""]], "data_layout": [["NCHW"]], "padding": [["0", "0", "0", "0"]], "kernel_layout": [["OIHW"]], "kernel_size": [["5", "5"]], "strides": [["1", "1"]], "channels": [["20"]], "dilation": ... }

    Could you give me a match version of "modified NVDLA compiler code" or some suggestions, Thank You ^ ^ --chayi


below is the detail when using "modified NVDLA compiler code"(https://github.com/WuDan0399/nvdla_sw/):

(py3.7) chayi@ailab04:~/workspace/tvm/tutorial/nvdla_sw/umd/out/apps/compiler/nvdla_compiler$ ./nvdla_compiler --json_file /home/chayi/workspace/tvm/tutorial/tvm/examples/NVDLA_lenet.json creating new wisdom context... opening wisdom context... compiling profile "fast-math"... config "nv_full"... libnvdla<3> The profile we chooose is fast-math libnvdla<3> Compiler profile: fast-math libnvdla<3> compute precision NVDLA_PRECISION_INT8 libnvdla<3> network input data format NHWC libnvdla<3> network input surface format NVDLA_IMG_A8B8G8R8 libnvdla<3> network output data format NCxHWx libnvdla<3> network output surface format NVDLA_FEATURE_DATA_INT8 libnvdla<3> batch size 0 libnvdla<3> tensor scaling mode PER_TENSOR libnvdla<3> quantization mode PER_KERNEL (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) (DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72) libnvdla<2> Prototxt #chnls (C = 1) != Profile #chnls for input (NVDLA_IMG_A8B8G8R8: C = 4). Preferring #chnls from Profile for compiling. libnvdla<3> printGraph: engine_ast::generateGraph libnvdla<3> n-0:dc-conv-0/conv2d_0: (in)e-0[tt-1], (Aux)e-8[tt-4], (out)e-10[tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-1:bias-0/conv2d_0: (Aux)e-9[tt-5], (in)e-10[tt-8], (out)e-1[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-2:pdp-0/max_pool2d_0: (in)e-1[tt-3], (out)e-5[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-3:dc-conv-1/conv2d_1: (in)e-5[tt-3], (Aux)e-11[tt-4], (out)e-13[tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-4:bias-1/conv2d_1: (Aux)e-12[tt-5], (in)e-13[tt-8], (out)e-2[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-5:pdp-1/max_pool2d_1: (in)e-2[tt-3], (out)e-6[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-6:fc-0/dense_1: (in)e-6[tt-3], (Aux)e-14[tt-4], (out)e-16[tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-7:bias-2/dense_1: (Aux)e-15[tt-5], (in)e-16[tt-8], (out)e-3[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-8:sdp-scale-0/: (in)e-3[tt-3], (Aux)e-17[tt-7], (out)e-18[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-9:act-0/relu_2: (in)e-18[tt-3], (out)e-7[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-10:fc-1/dense_2: (in)e-7[tt-3], (Aux)e-19[tt-4], (out)e-21[tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-11:bias-3/dense_2: (Aux)e-20[tt-5], (in)e-21[tt-8], (out)e-4[tt-2], libnvdla<3> printGraph: Final libnvdla<3> n-0:dc-conv-0/conv2d_0: (in)e-0[1x4x28x28][tsd-0][tt-1], (Aux)e-8[20x20x5x1][tsd-1][tt-4], (out)e-10[1x20x24x24][tsd-10][tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-1:bias-0/conv2d_0: (Aux)e-9[1x20x1x1][tsd-2][tt-5], (in)e-10[1x20x24x24][tsd-10][tt-8], (out)e-1[1x20x24x24][tsd-11][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-2:pdp-0/max_pool2d_0: (in)e-1[1x20x24x24][tsd-11][tt-3], (out)e-5[1x20x12x12][tsd-12][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-3:dc-conv-1/conv2d_1: (in)e-5[1x20x12x12][tsd-12][tt-3], (Aux)e-11[50x20x5x5][tsd-3][tt-4], (out)e-13[1x50x8x8][tsd-13][tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-4:bias-1/conv2d_1: (Aux)e-12[1x50x1x1][tsd-4][tt-5], (in)e-13[1x50x8x8][tsd-13][tt-8], (out)e-2[1x50x8x8][tsd-14][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-5:pdp-1/max_pool2d_1: (in)e-2[1x50x8x8][tsd-14][tt-3], (out)e-6[1x50x4x4][tsd-15][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-6:fc-0/dense_1: (in)e-6[1x50x4x4][tsd-15][tt-3], (Aux)e-14[500x50x4x4][tsd-5][tt-4], (out)e-16[1x500x1x1][tsd-16][tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-7:bias-2/dense_1: (Aux)e-15[1x500x1x1][tsd-6][tt-5], (in)e-16[1x500x1x1][tsd-16][tt-8], (out)e-7[1x500x1x1][tsd-19][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-10:fc-1/dense_2: (in)e-7[1x500x1x1][tsd-19][tt-3], (Aux)e-19[10x500x1x1][tsd-8][tt-4], (out)e-21[1x10x1x1][tsd-20][tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-11:bias-3/dense_2: (Aux)e-20[1x10x1x1][tsd-9][tt-5], (in)e-21[1x10x1x1][tsd-20][tt-8], (out)e-4[1x10x1x1][tsd-21][tt-2], libnvdla<1> no network present closing wisdom context...

WuDan0399 commented 3 years ago

Due to time limitation, I haven't implemented the support for other data types, but the NVDLA software itself do support other datatypes. To simply run the code, could you please try change all "int8“ to "float32"?

chayitw commented 3 years ago

Hi WuDan, Thank you.

As your suggestion, I try changed all "int8“ to "float32" (as to check whether could complete the flow),
it seems could pass the original issue of:
"(DLA) Error 0x00000004: Unsupported Data Type (in CanonicalAST.cpp, function getDataType(), line 72)"
but the end is also:
**"libnvdla<1> no network present"**

Is it normal? Could you give more suggestion?

thanks, --chayi

(py3.7) chayi@ailab04:~/workspace/tvm/tutorial/nvdla_sw/umd/out/apps/compiler/nvdla_compiler$ ./nvdla_compiler --json_file /home/chayi/workspace/tvm/tutorial/tvm//examples/NVDLA_lenet_int8TOfloat32.json creating new wisdom context... opening wisdom context... compiling profile "fast-math"... config "nv_full"... libnvdla<3> The profile we chooose is fast-math libnvdla<3> Compiler profile: fast-math libnvdla<3> compute precision NVDLA_PRECISION_INT8 libnvdla<3> network input data format NHWC libnvdla<3> network input surface format NVDLA_IMG_A8B8G8R8 libnvdla<3> network output data format NCxHWx libnvdla<3> network output surface format NVDLA_FEATURE_DATA_INT8 libnvdla<3> batch size 0 libnvdla<3> tensor scaling mode PER_TENSOR libnvdla<3> quantization mode PER_KERNEL libnvdla<2> Prototxt #chnls (C = 1) != Profile #chnls for input (NVDLA_IMG_A8B8G8R8: C = 4). Preferring #chnls from Profile for compiling. libnvdla<3> printGraph: engine_ast::generateGraph libnvdla<3> n-0:dc-conv-0/conv2d_0: (in)e-0[tt-1], (Aux)e-8[tt-4], (out)e-10[tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-1:bias-0/conv2d_0: (Aux)e-9[tt-5], (in)e-10[tt-8], (out)e-1[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-2:pdp-0/max_pool2d_0: (in)e-1[tt-3], (out)e-5[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-3:dc-conv-1/conv2d_1: (in)e-5[tt-3], (Aux)e-11[tt-4], (out)e-13[tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-4:bias-1/conv2d_1: (Aux)e-12[tt-5], (in)e-13[tt-8], (out)e-2[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-5:pdp-1/max_pool2d_1: (in)e-2[tt-3], (out)e-6[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-6:fc-0/dense_1: (in)e-6[tt-3], (Aux)e-14[tt-4], (out)e-16[tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-7:bias-2/dense_1: (Aux)e-15[tt-5], (in)e-16[tt-8], (out)e-3[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-8:sdp-scale-0/: (in)e-3[tt-3], (Aux)e-17[tt-7], (out)e-18[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-9:act-0/relu_2: (in)e-18[tt-3], (out)e-7[tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-10:fc-1/dense_2: (in)e-7[tt-3], (Aux)e-19[tt-4], (out)e-21[tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-11:bias-3/dense_2: (Aux)e-20[tt-5], (in)e-21[tt-8], (out)e-4[tt-2], libnvdla<3> printGraph: Final libnvdla<3> n-0:dc-conv-0/conv2d_0: (in)e-0[1x4x28x28][tsd-0][tt-1], (Aux)e-8[20x20x5x1][tsd-1][tt-4], (out)e-10[1x20x24x24][tsd-10][tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-1:bias-0/conv2d_0: (Aux)e-9[1x20x1x1][tsd-2][tt-5], (in)e-10[1x20x24x24][tsd-10][tt-8], (out)e-1[1x20x24x24][tsd-11][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-2:pdp-0/max_pool2d_0: (in)e-1[1x20x24x24][tsd-11][tt-3], (out)e-5[1x20x12x12][tsd-12][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-3:dc-conv-1/conv2d_1: (in)e-5[1x20x12x12][tsd-12][tt-3], (Aux)e-11[50x20x5x5][tsd-3][tt-4], (out)e-13[1x50x8x8][tsd-13][tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-4:bias-1/conv2d_1: (Aux)e-12[1x50x1x1][tsd-4][tt-5], (in)e-13[1x50x8x8][tsd-13][tt-8], (out)e-2[1x50x8x8][tsd-14][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-5:pdp-1/max_pool2d_1: (in)e-2[1x50x8x8][tsd-14][tt-3], (out)e-6[1x50x4x4][tsd-15][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-6:fc-0/dense_1: (in)e-6[1x50x4x4][tsd-15][tt-3], (Aux)e-14[500x50x4x4][tsd-5][tt-4], (out)e-16[1x500x1x1][tsd-16][tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-7:bias-2/dense_1: (Aux)e-15[1x500x1x1][tsd-6][tt-5], (in)e-16[1x500x1x1][tsd-16][tt-8], (out)e-7[1x500x1x1][tsd-19][tt-3], libnvdla<3> n-10:fc-1/dense_2: (in)e-7[1x500x1x1][tsd-19][tt-3], (Aux)e-19[10x500x1x1][tsd-8][tt-4], (out)e-21[1x10x1x1][tsd-20][tt-8], libnvdla<3> n-11:bias-3/dense_2: (Aux)e-20[1x10x1x1][tsd-9][tt-5], (in)e-21[1x10x1x1][tsd-20][tt-8], (out)e-4[1x10x1x1][tsd-21][tt-2], libnvdla<1> no network present closing wisdom context...

WuDan0399 commented 3 years ago

Hi chayitw, Does the NVDLA code works with this json file in repo ‘Integrate-NVDLA-and-TVM'? Sorry that I haven't encountered such a problem before and have little idea how to solve it. Could you please provide the json file you generated?

chayitw commented 3 years ago

Hi WuDan, Appreciate your discuss ^ ^.

I have also try the json file in repo ‘Integrate-NVDLA-and-TVM', and meet (**core dumped**) issue,
below is **some detail**:  (I just download json file again from the link in your newest reply).

The appendix is the compressed json file, which i generated from the TVM branch of newest Shivmgg's version.

thanks, --chayi

some detail:

(py3.7) chayi@ailab04:~/workspace/tvm/tutorial/nvdla_sw/umd/out/apps/compiler/nvdla_compiler$ ./nvdla_compiler --json_file /home/chayi/workspace/tvm/tutorial/tvm//examples/NVDLA_lenet_WuDan_20210412.json creating new wisdom context... opening wisdom context... compiling profile "fast-math"... config "nv_full"... libnvdla<3> The profile we chooose is fast-math libnvdla<3> Compiler profile: fast-math libnvdla<3> compute precision NVDLA_PRECISION_INT8 libnvdla<3> network input data format NHWC libnvdla<3> network input surface format NVDLA_IMG_A8B8G8R8 libnvdla<3> network output data format NCxHWx libnvdla<3> network output surface format NVDLA_FEATURE_DATA_INT8 libnvdla<3> batch size 0 libnvdla<3> tensor scaling mode PER_TENSOR libnvdla<3> quantization mode PER_KERNEL nvdla_compiler: /home/chayi/workspace/tvm/tutorial/nvdla_sw/umd/external/include/rapidjson/document.h:1105: rapidjson::GenericValue<Encoding, Allocator>& rapidjson::GenericValue<Encoding, Allocator>::operator[](const rapidjson::GenericValue<Encoding, SourceAllocator>&) [with SourceAllocator = rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<>; Encoding = rapidjson::UTF8<>; Allocator = rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<>]: Assertion `false' failed. Aborted (core dumped)


WuDan0399 commented 3 years ago

I tried the program with NVDLA_lenet_Shivmgg_20210408,json. The corresponding fast-math.nvdla can be generated. Could you neglect the unsupported data type error and test the generated .nvdla file, which is also callled the loadable, on NVDLA hardware simultor? The error with the json file in ‘Integrate-NVDLA-and-TVM' is a rapidjson parse error at the phase of loading the information of json file into a NVDLA canonical graph. This is an unexpected error as the compiler can parse other json files generated. It may be a problem of ununified format. Will replace the json file with a feasible one later.

chayitw commented 3 years ago

Hi WuDan, I have try your suggestion to: "neglect the unsupported data type error and test the generated .nvdla file (fast-math.nvdla)".

As your prediction, it could pass the emulation at NVDLA hardware simulator,
and we could also see the generated result of "output.dimg" at NVDLA's VP:

cat output.dimg

127 127 -128 -128 -128 -128 -128 -128 -128 127

For Next step, Should i survey how to build "modified NVDLA compiler code"? Appreciate your advise.

thank U ^^, --chayi

Some detail of simulation at NVDLA's VP:

./nvdla_runtime --loadable ./fast-math.nvdla --image ./test_images/input0.pgm

--rawdump creating new runtime context... Emulator starting pgm2dimg 1 28 28 1 128 0 3584 (DLA_TEST) Error 0x00000004: Mismatched channel: 1 != 4 (in TestUtils.cpp, function createImageCopy(), line 160) submitting tasks... [ 917.743889] Enter:dla_read_network_config [ 917.744278] Exit:dla_read_network_config status=0 [ 917.744373] Enter: dla_initiate_processors [ 917.744486] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 917.744602] Prepare Convolution operation index 0 ROI 0 dep_count 1 [ 917.744905] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 917.745196] processor:Convolution group:0, rdma_group:0 available [ 917.745443] Enter: dla_read_config [ 917.745720] Exit: dla_read_config [ 917.745835] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 917.745967] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 917.746091] Program Convolution operation index 0 ROI 0 Group[0] [ 917.747251] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.747419] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.747543] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.747691] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.747821] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.747952] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 917.749840] Update dependency operation index 3 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=3 [ 917.750093] Update dependency operation index 1 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 917.750269] enable SDP in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 917.750482] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 917.750628] exit dla_enable_operation without actual enable due to processor hasn't been programmed [ 917.750906] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 917.751001] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 917.751128] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 917.751272] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 917.751410] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 917.751542] Dequeue op from Convolution processor, index=3 ROI=0 [ 917.751711] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 917.751840] Prepare Convolution operation index 3 ROI 0 dep_count 2 [ 917.753337] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 917.753499] processor:Convolution group:1, rdma_group:0 available [ 917.753672] Enter: dla_read_config [ 917.753881] Exit: dla_read_config [ 917.753984] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 917.754125] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 917.754213] Program Convolution operation index 3 ROI 0 Group[1] [ 917.755237] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.755337] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.755461] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.755537] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.755611] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.755697] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 917.755803] Update dependency operation index 6 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=3 [ 917.757290] Update dependency operation index 4 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=2 [ 917.757474] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 917.757575] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 917.757732] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 917.757859] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 917.757976] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 917.758099] Prepare SDP operation index 1 ROI 0 dep_count 0 [ 917.758265] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 917.758455] processor:SDP group:0, rdma_group:0 available [ 917.758615] Enter: dla_read_config [ 917.758826] Exit: dla_read_config [ 917.758949] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 917.759097] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 917.759224] Program SDP operation index 1 ROI 0 Group[0] [ 917.759860] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.761367] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.761525] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.761646] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.761816] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 917.761970] Update dependency operation index 4 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 917.762140] enable SDP in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 917.762386] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 917.762507] exit dla_enable_operation without actual enable due to processor hasn't been programmed [ 917.762759] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 917.762884] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 917.763068] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 917.763234] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 917.763398] Enable SDP operation index 1 ROI 0 [ 917.763651] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 917.763771] Update dependency operation index 0 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 917.763982] enable Convolution in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 917.765779] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 917.765955] Enable Convolution operation index 0 ROI 0 [ 917.766515] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 917.766631] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 917.766746] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 917.766890] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 917.767008] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 917.767158] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 917.767305] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 917.767450] Dequeue op from SDP processor, index=4 ROI=0 [ 917.767612] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 917.767742] Prepare SDP operation index 4 ROI 0 dep_count 0 [ 917.767975] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 917.770104] processor:SDP group:1, rdma_group:1 available [ 917.770417] Enter: dla_read_config [ 917.770694] Exit: dla_read_config [ 917.770841] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 917.771018] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 917.771228] Program SDP operation index 4 ROI 0 Group[1] [ 917.774389] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.775187] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.775334] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.775473] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.775601] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 917.775732] Update dependency operation index 7 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=2 [ 917.775921] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 917.776703] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 917.776904] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 917.777051] Enable SDP operation index 4 ROI 0 [ 917.777565] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 917.777707] Update dependency operation index 3 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=2 [ 917.777911] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 917.778018] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 917.778167] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 917.778295] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 917.778422] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 917.778556] Prepare PDP operation index 2 ROI 0 dep_count 1 [ 917.778724] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 917.779194] processor:PDP group:0, rdma_group:0 available [ 917.779384] Enter: dla_read_config [ 917.779660] Exit: dla_read_config [ 917.779811] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 917.779994] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 917.781527] Program PDP operation index 2 ROI 0 Group[0] [ 917.781747] group id 0 rdma id 0 [ 917.786391] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.786526] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.786697] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.786864] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.786996] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.787115] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 917.787248] Update dependency operation index 5 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=2 [ 917.787443] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 917.787558] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 917.787695] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 917.787827] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 917.787947] Dequeue op from PDP processor, index=5 ROI=0 [ 917.789209] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 917.789355] Prepare PDP operation index 5 ROI 0 dep_count 1 [ 917.789576] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 917.790018] processor:PDP group:1, rdma_group:1 available [ 917.790192] Enter: dla_read_config [ 917.790448] Exit: dla_read_config [ 917.790588] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 917.790800] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 917.790922] Program PDP operation index 5 ROI 0 Group[1] [ 917.791091] group id 1 rdma id 1 [ 917.799025] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.799226] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.799413] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.799599] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.799771] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.799942] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 917.800771] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 917.800899] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 917.801017] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 917.801168] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 917.801318] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 917.801440] Exit: dla_initiate_processors status=0 [ 917.801610] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 917.801820] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.801945] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 917.802136] Handle cdma weight done event, processor Convolution group 0 [ 917.802328] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.802466] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 917.802618] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.802746] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 917.802909] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.803044] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 917.803206] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.803342] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 917.803525] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.803659] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 917.803854] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.804051] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 917.804217] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.804352] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 917.804543] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.804667] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 917.804818] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.804951] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 917.805098] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.805263] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 917.805425] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.889371] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 917.889517] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.889613] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 917.889790] Handle cdma data done event, processor Convolution group 0 [ 917.890050] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.890142] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 917.890407] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.890536] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 917.890714] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.890867] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 917.891022] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 917.891156] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 917.891305] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.440842] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 923.441066] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.441248] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 923.441511] Handle op complete event, processor Convolution group 0 [ 923.441763] Enter:dla_op_completion processor Convolution group0 [ 923.441939] Completed Convolution operation index 0 ROI 0 [ 923.442152] 1 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 923.442333] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 923.442498] Dequeue op from Convolution processor, index=6 ROI=0 [ 923.442703] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 923.442841] Prepare Convolution operation index 6 ROI 0 dep_count 2 [ 923.443049] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 923.443273] processor:Convolution group:0, rdma_group:0 available [ 923.443469] Enter: dla_read_config [ 923.443707] Exit: dla_read_config [ 923.443839] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 923.444042] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 923.444221] Program Convolution operation index 6 ROI 0 Group[0] [ 923.445501] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.445678] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.445813] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.446000] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.446149] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.446281] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 923.446404] Update dependency operation index 8 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=3 [ 923.446623] Update dependency operation index 7 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 923.446792] enable SDP in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 923.447015] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 923.447088] exit dla_enable_operation without actual enable due to processor hasn't been programmed [ 923.447400] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 923.447564] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 923.447711] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 923.447888] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 923.448176] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 923.448371] Exit:dla_op_completion processor Convolution group0 status=0 [ 923.448575] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.448738] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 923.448894] Handle op complete event, processor SDP group 0 [ 923.449074] Enter:dla_op_completion processor SDP group0 [ 923.449229] Completed SDP operation index 1 ROI 0 [ 923.449388] Update dependency operation index 2 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 923.449593] enable PDP in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 923.449828] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 923.449962] Enable PDP operation index 2 ROI 0 [ 923.450106] group id 0 rdma id 0 [ 923.450266] rdma needed 1 [ 923.450400] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 923.450544] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 923.450711] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 923.450905] 2 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 923.451064] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 0 ROI 0 [ 923.451323] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 923.451466] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 923.451663] Dequeue op from SDP processor, index=7 ROI=0 [ 923.451912] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 923.452123] Prepare SDP operation index 7 ROI 0 dep_count 0 [ 923.452340] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 923.453943] processor:SDP group:0, rdma_group:0 available [ 923.454125] Enter: dla_read_config [ 923.454344] Exit: dla_read_config [ 923.454469] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 923.454598] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 923.454751] Program SDP operation index 7 ROI 0 Group[0] [ 923.461398] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.461600] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.461676] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.461859] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 923.462151] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 923.462330] Update dependency operation index 9 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=2 [ 923.462573] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 923.462696] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 923.462865] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 923.463053] Enable SDP operation index 7 ROI 0 [ 923.463996] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 923.464069] Update dependency operation index 6 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=2 [ 923.464283] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 923.464494] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 923.464701] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 923.464925] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 923.465169] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 1 ROI 0 [ 923.465449] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 923.465601] Exit:dla_op_completion processor SDP group0 status=0 [ 923.465807] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.465973] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 923.466187] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.466356] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 923.466538] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.466676] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 923.466838] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.621075] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 923.621220] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.621295] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 923.621513] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.621654] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 923.621845] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.622011] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 923.622203] Handle op complete event, processor PDP group 0 [ 923.622408] Enter:dla_op_completion processor PDP group0 [ 923.622588] Completed PDP operation index 2 ROI 0 [ 923.622742] Update dependency operation index 3 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 923.622950] enable Convolution in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 923.623273] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 923.623425] Enable Convolution operation index 3 ROI 0 [ 923.623889] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 923.624005] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 923.624146] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 923.624431] 3 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 923.624673] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 923.624876] exit PDP as there's no further operation [ 923.625024] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 923.625186] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 2 ROI 0 [ 923.625401] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 923.625552] Exit:dla_op_completion processor PDP group0 status=0 [ 923.625747] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.625885] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 923.626025] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.626158] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 923.626323] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.689744] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 923.689863] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.690047] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 923.690296] Handle cdma data done event, processor Convolution group 1 [ 923.690564] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.690721] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 923.690920] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.691101] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 923.691286] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.691441] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 923.691597] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 923.691737] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 923.691895] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.333134] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 936.333382] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.333560] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 936.333815] Handle cdma weight done event, processor Convolution group 1 [ 936.334044] Handle op complete event, processor Convolution group 1 [ 936.334267] Enter:dla_op_completion processor Convolution group1 [ 936.334485] Completed Convolution operation index 3 ROI 0 [ 936.334674] 4 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 936.334827] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 936.334954] Dequeue op from Convolution processor, index=8 ROI=0 [ 936.335121] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 936.335254] Prepare Convolution operation index 8 ROI 0 dep_count 2 [ 936.335481] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 936.335678] processor:Convolution group:1, rdma_group:0 available [ 936.335844] Enter: dla_read_config [ 936.336061] Exit: dla_read_config [ 936.336159] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 936.336278] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 936.336431] Program Convolution operation index 8 ROI 0 Group[1] [ 936.337653] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.337799] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.337921] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.338045] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.338169] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.338284] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.338398] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 936.338510] Update dependency operation index 9 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 936.338691] enable SDP in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 936.338913] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 936.339052] exit dla_enable_operation without actual enable due to processor hasn't been programmed [ 936.339320] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 936.339512] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 936.339668] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 936.339830] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 936.339952] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 936.340080] Exit:dla_op_completion processor Convolution group1 status=0 [ 936.340259] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.340369] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 936.340536] Handle op complete event, processor SDP group 1 [ 936.340697] Enter:dla_op_completion processor SDP group1 [ 936.340847] Completed SDP operation index 4 ROI 0 [ 936.341029] Update dependency operation index 5 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 936.341205] enable PDP in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 936.341438] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 936.341630] Enable PDP operation index 5 ROI 0 [ 936.341827] group id 1 rdma id 1 [ 936.342105] rdma needed 1 [ 936.342294] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 936.342472] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 936.342631] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 936.342833] 5 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 936.343093] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 3 ROI 0 [ 936.343336] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 936.343505] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 936.343696] Dequeue op from SDP processor, index=9 ROI=0 [ 936.343964] Enter: dla_submit_operation [ 936.344117] Prepare SDP operation index 9 ROI 0 dep_count 0 [ 936.344319] Enter: dla_prepare_operation [ 936.345342] processor:SDP group:1, rdma_group:1 available [ 936.345544] Enter: dla_read_config [ 936.345789] Exit: dla_read_config [ 936.345889] Exit: dla_prepare_operation status=0 [ 936.346098] Enter: dla_program_operation [ 936.346259] Program SDP operation index 9 ROI 0 Group[1] [ 936.353426] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.353615] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.353801] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.353954] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.354087] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.354220] no desc get due to index==-1 [ 936.354330] Enter: dla_op_programmed [ 936.354438] Exit: dla_op_programmed [ 936.354539] Exit: dla_program_operation status=0 [ 936.354683] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 936.354839] Enable SDP operation index 9 ROI 0 [ 936.355667] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 936.355808] Update dependency operation index 8 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=2 [ 936.356011] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 936.356147] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 936.356275] Exit: dla_submit_operation [ 936.356387] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 936.356528] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 4 ROI 0 [ 936.356740] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 936.356876] Exit:dla_op_completion processor SDP group1 status=0 [ 936.357068] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.357191] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 936.357340] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.357455] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 936.357598] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.357714] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 936.357864] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.448594] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 936.448804] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.448914] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 936.449078] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.449213] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 936.449430] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.449586] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 936.449776] Handle op complete event, processor PDP group 1 [ 936.449996] Enter:dla_op_completion processor PDP group1 [ 936.450242] Completed PDP operation index 5 ROI 0 [ 936.450438] Update dependency operation index 6 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 936.450627] enable Convolution in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 936.450973] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 936.451170] Enable Convolution operation index 6 ROI 0 [ 936.451645] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 936.451797] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 936.451897] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 936.452073] 6 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 936.452243] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 936.452396] exit PDP as there's no further operation [ 936.452594] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 936.452763] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 5 ROI 0 [ 936.453007] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 936.453160] Exit:dla_op_completion processor PDP group1 status=0 [ 936.453413] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.453583] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 936.453753] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.453901] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 936.454067] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.598371] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 936.598542] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.598657] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 936.598784] Handle cdma data done event, processor Convolution group 0 [ 936.598974] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.599067] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 936.599238] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.599410] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 936.599578] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.599744] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 936.599899] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 936.600059] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 936.600238] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.506674] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 939.506894] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.507002] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 939.507278] Handle cdma weight done event, processor Convolution group 0 [ 939.507546] Handle op complete event, processor Convolution group 0 [ 939.507750] Enter:dla_op_completion processor Convolution group0 [ 939.507960] Completed Convolution operation index 6 ROI 0 [ 939.508360] 7 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 939.508578] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 939.508749] exit Convolution as there's no further operation [ 939.509012] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 939.509196] Exit:dla_op_completion processor Convolution group0 status=0 [ 939.509428] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.509590] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 939.509757] Handle op complete event, processor SDP group 0 [ 939.509909] Enter:dla_op_completion processor SDP group0 [ 939.510054] Completed SDP operation index 7 ROI 0 [ 939.510195] Update dependency operation index 8 ROI 0 DEP_COUNT=1 [ 939.510355] enable Convolution in dla_update_dependency as depdency are resolved [ 939.510584] Enter: dla_enable_operation [ 939.510729] Enable Convolution operation index 8 ROI 0 [ 939.511057] Enter: dla_op_enabled [ 939.511157] Exit: dla_op_enabled [ 939.511322] Exit: dla_enable_operation status=0 [ 939.511581] 8 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 939.511744] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 6 ROI 0 [ 939.511971] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 939.512151] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 939.512311] exit SDP as there's no further operation [ 939.512551] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 939.512706] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 7 ROI 0 [ 939.512836] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 939.512918] Exit:dla_op_completion processor SDP group0 status=0 [ 939.513058] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.513226] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 939.513344] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.513468] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 939.513627] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.513743] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 939.513886] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.618553] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 939.618943] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.619254] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 939.619674] Handle cdma data done event, processor Convolution group 1 [ 939.620223] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.620513] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 939.620876] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.621219] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 939.621584] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.621937] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 939.622375] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.622697] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 939.623034] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.652039] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 939.652302] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.652490] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 939.652764] Handle cdma weight done event, processor Convolution group 1 [ 939.652978] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.653156] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 939.653309] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.653458] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 939.653603] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.653728] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 939.653870] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.653983] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 939.654129] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.657531] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:BDMA [ 939.657706] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.657785] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:Convolution [ 939.657989] Handle op complete event, processor Convolution group 1 [ 939.658237] Enter:dla_op_completion processor Convolution group1 [ 939.658428] Completed Convolution operation index 8 ROI 0 [ 939.658638] 9 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 939.658771] Enter: dla_dequeue_operation [ 939.658884] exit Convolution as there's no further operation [ 939.659068] Exit: dla_dequeue_operation [ 939.659191] Exit:dla_op_completion processor Convolution group1 status=0 [ 939.659357] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.659538] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:SDP [ 939.659713] Handle op complete event, processor SDP group 1 [ 939.659913] Enter:dla_op_completion processor SDP group1 [ 939.660070] Completed SDP operation index 9 ROI 0 [ 939.660292] 10 HWLs done, totally 10 layers [ 939.660458] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 8 ROI 0 [ 939.660769] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 939.660889] Enter: dla_free_op_desc op desc index 9 ROI 0 [ 939.661040] Exit: dla_free_op_desc [ 939.661147] Exit:dla_op_completion processor SDP group1 status=0 [ 939.661295] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.661508] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:PDP [ 939.661668] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.661848] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:CDP [ 939.662100] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.662222] Enter:dla_handle_events, processor:RUBIK [ 939.662378] Exit:dla_handle_events, ret:0 [ 939.664818] reset engine done Shutdown signal received, exiting Test pass #

cat output.dimg

127 127 -128 -128 -128 -128 -128 -128 -128 127

WuDan0399 commented 3 years ago

Hi Chayitw, You next step depends on your goal. If you want to know more about the project, you may start with this project report.

chayitw commented 3 years ago

Hi WuDan, I have ever see your project report, this report is short but clear to say some important keys. Thank U for your big hand ^ ^. -chayi