WuJie1010 / Facial-Expression-Recognition.Pytorch

A CNN based pytorch implementation on facial expression recognition (FER2013 and CK+), achieving 73.112% (state-of-the-art) in FER2013 and 94.64% in CK+ dataset
MIT License
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Model CNN using Private Test Dataset in your code do learning too or not? #106

Open adhityabagasmiwa opened 3 years ago

adhityabagasmiwa commented 3 years ago


Do model CNN using Private Test dataset in your code do learning too? As far as I know, model CNN using Private Test dataset don't need learning. Sorry if I am wrong.

Can you explain it for me?


Best, Adhitya

WuJie1010 commented 3 years ago

hi, this code only use training set in the training stage.

adhityabagasmiwa commented 3 years ago

So, the PublicTest and PrivateTest set are only used to test the model, not for learning the model?