WuJie1010 / Facial-Expression-Recognition.Pytorch

A CNN based pytorch implementation on facial expression recognition (FER2013 and CK+), achieving 73.112% (state-of-the-art) in FER2013 and 94.64% in CK+ dataset
MIT License
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Hyperparamaters #49

Closed regilim closed 4 years ago

regilim commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I'm new to Deep Learning. May I know what are the hyperparameters you used to get VGG19 of Test_acc: 94.646% and Resnet18 of Test_acc: 94.040% Mine seem to always be getting an average accuracy of 88% after 10 folds for both. I used lr 0.01, bs 128, epoch 40, learning_rate_decay_start = 20, learning_rate_decay_every = 1 and learning_rate_decay_rate = 0.8

WuJie1010 commented 4 years ago

please try again~I will make it reproducible via random seed if i have time.