WuTheFWasThat / vimflowy

An open source productivity tool drawing inspiration from workflowy and vim
MIT License
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love vimflowy and a question #312

Open biffbaxter opened 5 years ago

biffbaxter commented 5 years ago

First of...love this ..nice work...please don't stop working on it :) - This has potential for folks who are security conscious (I am a CISSP) and work with sensitive data, and for regulatory or other reasons cannot store certain things in workflowy or other online note tools (running this in docker on a laptop..very fast and nice)...Also I have been a heavy spacemacs org user, so many of these keybinding are natural..nice. - secondly I have a simple text block question.

I know that you can "Shift+enter" text under a bullet to add "notes" in a similar way to workflowy. But how about a code block or just pasting text? It seems when pasting, it just makes a bunch of blocks, and does not keep the text inside the "block" but makes several siblings essentially with each line. I presume its related to line breaks, and may be something simple, but so far I have not found a quick way to preserve a text block under a "bullet" (admittedly I am still new and exploring).

Any tips appreciated. I like to keep my KB if possible in one source for quick search.

WuTheFWasThat commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Sadly, I'm too busy to put much time into this beyond maintenance :( hopefully good alternatives pop up or others will contribute.

RE paste: that might not be possible.. but should be easy to change. the logic is in src/assets/ts/app.tsx around line 480 - untested but I think you just have to change await session.newLineAtCursor(); to await session.addCharsAtCursor(['\n']);. any thoughts on how you would want to be able to toggle this behavior?

BTW, I tried using spacemacs org but never got used to it. As a heavy user, super curious what you think is missing from vimflowy, and why you would use vimflowy over org mode

biffbaxter commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the response. I have not dug into source at all yet, but thanks for the breadcrumbs..I will take a look around :) . I think a simple key combo ..Shift-N for note mode toggle?

In any case, I like workflowy, but have data I simply cannot keep up there. I have talked to them directly, and they have been vague and said they have a security page almost ready but not quite, etc. I was able to at least determine they are running RDS on AWS (which should validate the encryption at rest if done properly, etc)

Love spacemacs, but its like having an Infinity Glove for work when all I need is Thors Hammer..ha...

I love the speed and few keystrokes in which I can find things in workflowy and yours as well, and the ability to focus and drill into topics. You can do all those things in Org mode and spacemacs as well(which is the standard response for anyone using emacs..ha), but like all things emacs, there is a good bit of customizing to get it where you want. (custom views, narrowing, keys, etc..etc..) There is elegance in getting something to work exactly how you want it, but as I get busier I tend to curve to towards speed and efficiency over feature set. (I run Linux and i3wm so I place a lot of value on that)

Of course my short term hope may be that I can survive on vimflowy until workflowy gets their security and transparency about it clear, or like all things...I may just have to take it up on my own.