WubingZhang / MAGeCKFlute

Integrative analysis pipeline for pooled CRISPR functional genetic screens
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when i run "EnrichAnalyzer", it comes an error:Error in order(res$pvalue) : argument 1 is not a vector #11

Open xbx2024 opened 2 years ago

xbx2024 commented 2 years ago

when i run "EnrichAnalyzer", it comes an error:Error in order(res$pvalue) : argument 1 is not a vector the code is : enrich = EnrichAnalyzer(geneList,method = "HGT", type = "KEGG") then it comes: 2021-10-13 16:52:39 # Running KEGG enrichment analysis 762 genes are mapped ... Error in order(res$pvalue) : argument 1 is not a vector the geneList is ilke: geneList[1:5] DAF2 OLFR1084 DEFB35 MYL6 GM5460 2.4112 2.3730 2.1098 1.9740 1.9128

does anyone meet the same problem?

Norisad commented 1 year ago

I have exactly the same error... I really don't understrand from where it come...

enrich_go_top_pos_cond3 = EnrichAnalyzer(genelist_top_pos_cond3,type = "GOBP+GOCC", organism = "hsa",filter = T)

enrich_prot_top_pos_cond3 = EnrichAnalyzer(genelist_top_pos_cond3,type = "Complex", organism = "hsa",filter = T)

Same sets of genes first commands works and second one give me the error

"Error in order(res$pvalue) : argument 1 is not a vector"

By looking by hand which genes cause this error. I find gene in position 568 of my vector : SIN3A 0.52593