Wugand / FuturePack-Language

Language-Files form FuturePack (Minecraft Mod)
4 stars 29 forks source link

updated outdated.md #160

Closed mcenderdragon closed 6 years ago

mcenderdragon commented 6 years ago

Last Update at Fr, 10. Aug 2018 13:53:54

Parent Dir de_de , Sub Dir zh_cn

File Time diff Commit
zh_cn/armor.json does not exists -
zh_cn/energieerzeugung.json 68 days Wugi:update
zh_cn/energieerzeugung2.json 68 days Wugi:update
zh_cn/energy.ionen.json 203 days Wugi:Now using Part files
zh_cn/erneuerbare.json 68 days Wugi:update
zh_cn/optik.json 197 days Wugi:update
zh_cn/production.decoration.json 197 days Wugi:update
zh_cn/tools.plasma.json 203 days Wugi:Now using Part files
zh_cn/tuning.json 72 days Wugi:Fix
zh_cn/upgradeT3.json 200 days Wugi:Now using Part files

Parent Dir de_de , Sub Dir en_us

File Time diff Commit
en_us/forscher.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
en_us/tuning.json 72 days Wugi:Fix

Parent Dir de_de , Sub Dir fr_fr

File Time diff Commit
fr_fr/armor.json does not exists -
fr_fr/calculation.json does not exists -
fr_fr/chips.externalcore.json does not exists -
fr_fr/core.dungeon.json does not exists -
fr_fr/core.entronium.json does not exists -
fr_fr/core.non.json does not exists -
fr_fr/core.univers.json does not exists -
fr_fr/deco.composite_chest.json does not exists -
fr_fr/deco.rs_utils.json does not exists -
fr_fr/energieerzeugung.json 288 days Wugi:update
fr_fr/energieerzeugung2.json 288 days Wugi:update
fr_fr/energy.fluxtransformer.json does not exists -
fr_fr/energy.ionen.json 266 days Wugi:Now using Part files
fr_fr/erneuerbare.json 288 days Wugi:update
fr_fr/fluidlogistik.json does not exists -
fr_fr/hs.menelaus.caves.json does not exists -
fr_fr/hs.menelaus.crystals.json does not exists -
fr_fr/hs.menelaus.entity.json does not exists -
fr_fr/hs.menelaus.mendel.json does not exists -
fr_fr/hs.menelaus.metalhaltig.json does not exists -
fr_fr/hs.menelaus.mycel.json does not exists -
fr_fr/hs.menelaus.surface.json does not exists -
fr_fr/hs.menelaus.tree.json does not exists -
fr_fr/ionentechnik.json does not exists -
fr_fr/log.battery.cell.json does not exists -
fr_fr/log.battery.compact.json does not exists -
fr_fr/log.battery.crystal.json does not exists -
fr_fr/log.flash.6.json 288 days Wugi:update
fr_fr/log.intake.json does not exists -
fr_fr/log.pump.json does not exists -
fr_fr/log.supercable.json does not exists -
fr_fr/log.tank.json does not exists -
fr_fr/log.tube.json does not exists -
fr_fr/menelaus.json 203 days Wugi:Update to current state
fr_fr/nanomanip.json does not exists -
fr_fr/optik.json 288 days Wugi:update
fr_fr/production.decoration.json 288 days Wugi:update
fr_fr/production.deep_core.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.deep_core.processing.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.nind.linse.g.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.recycler.analyzer.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.recycler.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.recycler.lasercutter.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.recycler.shredder.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.recycler.timemanipulator.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.zent.color.json does not exists -
fr_fr/production.zent.extraction2.json does not exists -
fr_fr/ram.dungeon.json does not exists -
fr_fr/ram.entronium.json does not exists -
fr_fr/ram.non.json does not exists -
fr_fr/ram.univers.json does not exists -
fr_fr/recycling.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.advanced.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drive.ftl.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drone.mono.booster.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drone.mono.charger.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drone.mono.detector.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drone.mono.oneway.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drone.mono.rail.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drone.mono.station.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drone.mono.waypoint.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.drone.monocart.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.forstmaster.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.navcord.tyros.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.plantmarker.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.turret.heal.json does not exists -
fr_fr/space.turret.killer.json 203 days Wugi:Update to current state
fr_fr/story.dungeon_1.json does not exists -
fr_fr/story.dungeon_2.json does not exists -
fr_fr/story.dungeon_3.json does not exists -
fr_fr/story.dungeon_4.json does not exists -
fr_fr/story.kryptographie.json does not exists -
fr_fr/story.menelaus.json does not exists -
fr_fr/surveyscan.menelaus.json does not exists -
fr_fr/tools.escanner.json does not exists -
fr_fr/tools.sword.bioterium.json does not exists -
fr_fr/tools.sword.glowtite.json does not exists -
fr_fr/tools.sword.neon.json does not exists -
fr_fr/tools.sword.retium.json does not exists -
fr_fr/tuning.json 72 days Wugi:Fix
fr_fr/tyros.json does not exists -

Parent Dir de_de , Sub Dir pt_br

File Time diff Commit
pt_br/armor.json does not exists -
pt_br/chips.externalcore.json does not exists -
pt_br/core.entronium.json does not exists -
pt_br/core.non.json does not exists -
pt_br/deco.composite_chest.json does not exists -
pt_br/deco.rs_utils.json does not exists -
pt_br/energieerzeugung.json 288 days Wugi:update
pt_br/energieerzeugung2.json 288 days Wugi:update
pt_br/energy.fluxtransformer.json does not exists -
pt_br/erneuerbare.json 288 days Wugi:update
pt_br/forscher.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/forschung.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.battery.crystal.json does not exists -
pt_br/log.cable.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.intake.json does not exists -
pt_br/log.itempipe.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.laser.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.neonpipe.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.networkcable.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.pump.json does not exists -
pt_br/log.pusher.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.redstonecable.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.redstonepipe.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.sorter.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.supercable.json does not exists -
pt_br/log.supportcable.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.supportpipe.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/log.tank.json does not exists -
pt_br/log.tube.json does not exists -
pt_br/motherboard.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/optik.json 288 days Wugi:update
pt_br/partpress.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.blockbreaker.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.blockplacer.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.decoration.json 288 days Wugi:update
pt_br/production.deep_core.json does not exists -
pt_br/production.deep_core.processing.json does not exists -
pt_br/production.ind.reduktion.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.industrieofen.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.neonfurnace.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.neonind.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.keramik.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.linse.g.json 74 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.linse.r.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.magnet.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.polymer.json 271 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.quantanium.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.reduktion.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.reloaded.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.nind.wakurum.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.optibench.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.recycler.analyzer.json 74 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.recycler.json 74 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.recycler.lasercutter.json 74 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.recycler.shredder.json 74 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.supercrusher.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.zent.bio.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.zent.color.json does not exists -
pt_br/production.zent.extraction1.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.zent.extraction2.json does not exists -
pt_br/production.zent.neon.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.zent.rare.json 271 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/production.zentrifuge.json does not exists -
pt_br/ram.entronium.json does not exists -
pt_br/ram.non.json does not exists -
pt_br/recycling.json does not exists -
pt_br/scanner.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.advanced.json 267 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.airlock.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.claime.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.computer.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.drive.ftl.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.drone.mono.oneway.json does not exists -
pt_br/space.fuel.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.gravity.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.magnetblock.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.modular_door.json 271 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.navcord.menelaus.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.navcord.tyros.json 267 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.tank.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.teleport.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/space.thruster.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/story.dungeon_1.json does not exists -
pt_br/story.dungeon_2.json does not exists -
pt_br/story.dungeon_3.json does not exists -
pt_br/story.dungeon_4.json does not exists -
pt_br/techtabel.json 75 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.airbrush.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.composite_axe.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.composite_hoe.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.composite_pickaxe.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.composite_spade.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.gleiter.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.grenade.blaze.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.grenade.compost.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.grenade.food.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.grenade.he.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.grenade.plasma.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.grenade.saat.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.grenade.slime.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.hologramm.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.logistik_editor.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.plasma.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.sauerstofftank.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tools.scrench.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/tuning.json 366 days Wugi:Fix
pt_br/tyros.json does not exists -
pt_br/unreach.laserbow.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/upgradeT1.json 293 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/upgradeT3.json 75 days Wugi:Now using Part files
pt_br/util.json 90 days Wugi:Now using Part files

Parent Dir de_de , Sub Dir ja_jp

File Time diff Commit
ja_jp/armor.json does not exists -
ja_jp/core.entronium.json does not exists -
ja_jp/core.non.json does not exists -
ja_jp/energieerzeugung.json 47 days Wugi:update
ja_jp/energieerzeugung2.json 47 days Wugi:update
ja_jp/erneuerbare.json 47 days Wugi:update
ja_jp/forscher.json 53 days Wugi:Now using Part files
ja_jp/log.battery.crystal.json does not exists -
ja_jp/optik.json 47 days Wugi:update
ja_jp/production.decoration.json 47 days Wugi:update
ja_jp/ram.entronium.json does not exists -
ja_jp/ram.non.json does not exists -
ja_jp/story.dungeon_4.json does not exists -
ja_jp/tuning.json 72 days Wugi:Fix
ja_jp/tyros.json does not exists -
ja_jp/upgradeT1.json does not exists -
ja_jp/upgradeT2.json does not exists -
ja_jp/upgradeT3.json does not exists -