Wunderbyte-GmbH / moodle-local_shopping_cart

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Misleading interactions in checkoutp process #50

Closed dasistwas closed 9 months ago

dasistwas commented 10 months ago

In the checkout process, the user is misleaded in 3 ways. That is really confusing for users, even for me. This process occurs when I have a sub-booking added to a normal booking.

First I click on "Add to cart" button (That is OK)

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 11-58-10 Halbjahreskarte

Then I get to this dialogue as a modal:

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 11-51-02 Halbjahreskarte

There are 3 UX problems on this interaction:

1) A questions is asked and there is no option provided how I could answer to this question. I would expect a button like "Yes I want to book" or similar thing. When such a question is asked, then the interaction has to reply to this question

2) I have 2 choices: Either click on "Add to cart" or "Continue". BUT: I just clicked add to cart button, why should I click it again? I would expect a confirmation page but not agein "Add to cart", an action I already performed

3) There is a continue button. It is not clear what the continue button is for. Is the item added when I click on the continue button without clicking on the "Add to cart button" again?

A single button with "Confirm adding X to cart and continue to the next step" would be enough. Or something like:

You selected XY, in order to proceed with the checkout click "Continue". But do not ask "Do you want to book XY?" (I would expect a YES/NO) option with that question.

dasistwas commented 10 months ago

We could just skip step 1. Step one does not make sense at all.

bernhard-wunderbyte commented 9 months ago

Fixed in Booking 8.0.37