Wuodan / gentoo-raspberrypi-builder

Crossdev and distcc in a vagrant virtualbox as builder for raspberry pi
GNU General Public License v2.0
0 stars 1 forks source link

pkgs. Notes #1

Open necrose99 opened 3 years ago

necrose99 commented 3 years ago

https://www.anandtech.com/show/15733/ampere-emag-system-a-32core-arm64-workstation Drolling already... radieon or geforce. (https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/160558/en-us) rtx ready 😎

@Sakaki- https://github.com/sakaki-/gentoo-on-rpi-64bit Has binhost, xfce etc.. So far all pros With only one con , No GPT/EFI image 😤 grub.. ie could swap to user choice of kernel if fail you have original kernel, try rebuild again... ie use pentoo kernel instead, or newer pentoo upgrade kernel..


https://github.com/Jannik2099/gentoo-pinebookpro Effectively a retooled rockpro64 in a laptop shell

@necrose99 I have configurations for server workstations/ rpi4/rockpro64 panfrost drivers built Ie video cards, Vulkan drivers/headers, rpi4 is wip.. , as is panfrost or mali bifrost.. However mesa with just about all the trimmings... Vulcan enabled on some , as others come on board with upgrades no need to specifically rebuild just for them.

https://github.com/necrose99/arm64-portage , if rpi goes fubar or since rockpro64, et.c devices, can clone to all.. for consistency, needs bit of cleaning up .. but works in most cases.

A good bit of @pentoo pkged.

necrose99 commented 3 years ago

Funtoo has cheep hosting from 15 and up..

Git-ftp is packaged if git of /packages can push what's rebuilt or newer etc, ie 2 updates wala. Need to finish singing up for binhost on funtoo lxc hosted. Setup shared binhostisting.. So with bit of twerking to @zero_chaos 's catalyst scripts, can rock out bins.. Thus with binhost enabled you scripts to rebuild roots may drop to 15 mins or less.

https://pastebin.com/9WyacGiz the forked https://github.com/necrose99/gentoo-binhost 50 mega ie gcc ghc , was irksome and uptime of 2 weeks or more emerge foo nada uploading... Git-ftp as packages build they get pushed up.. , pure bash no python might snafu... Anyway poke over that script.. hopefully its kosher..

For arm64 other than device profiles, packages , same profile but block say rpi4 firmware etc on rock64 devices..

Should just work..

A53.a72 cores, in RPI4 , rock64pro, rock64, pinebook pro, odriod.. Other than vc4 Vs Mali bifrost or opensource panfrost (for mali) Cpu is same..

UBOot van be' compiled with more devices trees..
However not Well documented... asked uboot devs , and a few articles mentioned as much. So a comon noobs installer for pentoo with a few comon SBC'S baked in might be doable with gpt/boot/efi grub-aarch64.efi , boot , /, swap/s and firmware partitions. Pick device from menu and proceed.

EDK FIRMWARE packs also available for rpi4, rock64/pro/pinebook-pro , odroid...

One gentoo base image to rule them all.. a plus in my book..


https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4u9gbhps0ek402e/AAC5VLBE32cwH2gGjkj0Yz9sa?dl=0 Packages , in browsing tree , tarball or 7zip sliced tarball it's about 3 weeks ago.

necrose99 commented 3 years ago

https://www.watters.ws/mediawiki/index.php/Build_custom_kernel_RPM Aslo just binary kernel, rpmdevelop, rpm2tzg , make rpm_bin make rpm full pentoo tree kernel headers , and arm64 binarie/s.. However not distribution of bin_kernels but in images.. else zc might get irritated.. Make tgz_bin bork's up deb likewise. Rpm out tarballify wala..

Make allyess, make all modules, fills in kernels fast. Need to KILL some options Thankfully scriptable.. X64-pentoo , makeold config will keep as much possible convert to arm64,

Fore device specific.. a few.. others I can point to.. Some scripts can merge config a,b,c ie shards to single configuration file, /kernel/scripts. Diff the mess.. can get device spec pentoo bin_kernels perhaps or one arm64 kernel to rule the all..

[Security Engineer, bit in the crocodile infested waters here.. so my boats stayed too far in devops waters/land for comfort.. ]

necrose99 commented 3 years ago


(Kernel_dir) ./scripts/config --set-val CONFIG_OPTION y /n Can all yes all modules, script off defects ie deprecated sysfsv2 etc, zfs or etc.. Or oldconfig pentoo kernel config to arm64, add pots by script/a.

<cites https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7505164/how-do-you-non-interactively-turn-on-features-in-a-linux-kernel-config-file>