Wurielle / izabela-desktop

A proof of concept text-to-speech application allowing global typing. Can be used over applications such as voice chats, games and much more.
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App isnt working at all (no speech) #85

Open Zodyart opened 1 year ago

Zodyart commented 1 year ago

I install app and vb cable there is no speech coming from the app at all i checked all outputs and it seems the app isnt generating anything at all

Zodyart commented 1 year ago


Only google tts is working all others are not working

Zodyart commented 1 year ago

would love for the tik tok tts to be added i use that api in projects too

AliceFreyer commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue, my app just stopped functioning a few days ago, simply don't hear anything when my virtual cable works perfectly fine.

EvilPasta commented 1 year ago

For me it's been about a week, it's just not working and I don't know what to do

Edit 09.05: I have been using Google TTS engine for almost a week now, I miss the Responsive Voice, it wasn't very reliable, but I liked how it sounded. I hope it will start working again soon

Wurielle commented 1 year ago

Google Cloud had a water leakage that forced them to shut down their infrastructure last week which had a major impact on a lot of things. It seems to coincide with the time the GCTTS API stopped working. The API key seems to be working but I can see it is not inside the application for some reason so I'll have to take a look.

If you have a key to any TTS service I recommend using v1 which is the most up-to-date version of the app: https://github.com/nature-heart-software/izabela

It doesn't provide a GCTTS API by default anymore but I provide a universal API key on my Ko-Fi which works just fine with all TTS services currently (except IBM Watson but I'm working on it) and I also provide guides to get your own API keys if you prefer to use that

@Zodyart the TikTok TTS is available in the v1 version above for Ko-Fi members. You can now make your own TTS implementation with v1 so you can create a TikTok TTS API for yourself if you don't want to be a Ko-Fi member

Update: Google Cloud TTS seems to be working on my work computer but Responsive Voice is not. Responsive Voice uses Google Services for their TTS so maybe it's also related to the issue above. If you're not able to use Google Cloud TTS, try the hotfixes in https://github.com/Wurielle/izabela-desktop#known-bugs--hotfixes and let me know if that fixes anything