Wurst-Imperium / Wurst7

Minecraft Wurst Hacked Client v7
GNU General Public License v3.0
983 stars 410 forks source link

Built-in Baritone #272

Open fffelix-jan opened 3 years ago

fffelix-jan commented 3 years ago

Before posting, please make sure that this hasn't already been suggested by someone else.


Currently, Fabritone must be installed separately. Impact, KAMI Blue and Inertia have it bundled with the client, which is a lot more convenient when installing the client. Baritone is licensed under the LGPL, so it would be legal to include Baritone with the client.

JamesTheAwesomeDude commented 3 years ago

Small PSA if you've found yourself here:

If you're trying to download Fabritone and see that the last "release" was 1.5.3 9 months ago, you're looking in the wrong section.

The project is still up-to-date and running, you just have to download the releases as "artifacts", from the CI/CD Tab.


wb1016 commented 3 years ago

i want baritone intergration. not bundled mod. just intergration.

fffelix-jan commented 3 years ago

Baritone integration would be even better!

Alexander01998 commented 3 years ago

i want baritone intergration. not bundled mod. just intergration.

I won't force everyone else to install Baritone just because you want it. If you want, install it, but have some respect for other people!