Wutname1 / SpartanUI

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Raid Unit frames wont go away #379

Open scottbuonya opened 3 years ago

scottbuonya commented 3 years ago

I've unchecked the raid unit frames and party unit frames and refreshed. It still appears and wont go away unless I disable all unit frames then re-enable Unit Frames.

Inthesky94 commented 3 years ago

I support, the same trouble only /reload ui is helping

gunters63 commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem. I disabled the raid submodule of SpartanUI (SpartanUI_Raidframes in Wow Addon list), that made the problem go away. I use Vuhdo for raid frames anyway.

Inthesky94 commented 3 years ago

I also disabled group and raid in modifications

gunters63 commented 3 years ago

Disabling raid submodule did not really help.

Every time someone is added to the raid or is logging in (and sometimes also when I log in after a disconnect) I have some visible unit frames of some raid members, even if raid is checked off and the raid submodule is deactivated.