Wutname1 / SpartanUI

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Autovendor not working[Wrath Bug Report] #491

Closed A-Wolfheart closed 1 year ago

A-Wolfheart commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug AutoVendor is not selling grays and giving me a message saying none are available to sell

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Game details:

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Arkanae666 commented 1 year ago

Good evening Everyone

The error as follows:

Date: 2023-02-04 16:27:44 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: Interface/AddOns/SpartanUI/Themes/Fel/Style.lua line 177: attempt to index field 'Minimap' (a nil value) Debug:

string "@Interface/AddOns/SpartanUI/Themes/Fel/Style.lua":177: MiniMap() string "@Interface/AddOns/SpartanUI/Themes/Fel/Style.lua":161: EnableArtwork()


string "@Interface/AddOns/Attune/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua":523: EnableAddon() string "@Interface/AddOns/Attune/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua":536: EnableAddon()


Locals: None AddOns: Swatter, v3.4.6921 (SwimmingSeadragon) AtlasLootClassic, vv3.1.1 AtlasLootClassicData, vv3.1.1 AtlasLootClassicDungeonsAndRaids, vv3.1.1 Attune, v311 AucAdvanced, v3.4.6931 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucFilterBasic, v3.4.6941 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatHistogram, v3.4.6928 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatiLevel, v3.4.6913 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatPurchased, v3.4.6910 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatSimple, v3.4.6911 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucStatStdDev, v3.4.6912 (SwimmingSeadragon) AucUtilFixAH, v3.4.6914 (SwimmingSeadragon) BagBrother, v Bagnon, v10.0.16 BagnonItemLevel, v2.0.67-Release Bartender4, v4.14.7 BeanCounter, v3.4.6933 (SwimmingSeadragon) DBMCore, vd98b338 DBMSpellTimers, vr145 DBMStatusBarTimers, vd98b338 DBMVPVEM, v3c03207 Decursive, v2.7.8.13 Details, v#Details.DF.Wrath.10410.148 DetailsCompare2, v DetailsEncounterDetails, v DetailsRaidCheck, v DetailsStreamer, v DetailsTinyThreat, v DetailsVanguard, v Enchantrix, v3.4.6942 (SwimmingSeadragon) EnchantrixBarker, v3.4.6917 (SwimmingSeadragon) FarmingBar, vv3.8.0 GatherMate2, v1.47-classic GatherMate2GasClouds, v1.4 GearQuipperTBC, v51 GTFO, v5.0.4 LeatrixMaps, v3.0.102 LootReserve, v2023-01-28 NovaWorldBuffs, v2.44 Questie, v7.4.11 RaidBuffTracker, v3.01 RareScanner, v3.4.1 SlideBar, v3.4.6919 (SwimmingSeadragon) SpartanUI, v6.2.4-Classic Spy, v3.1.2 Stubby, v3.4.6920 (SwimmingSeadragon) totalRP3, v2.4.4 totalRP3Data, v2.4.4 WeakAuras, v5.3.7 WeakAurasCompanion, v4.1.0 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.4.1.30401 (ck=62e)


Since last and obvious addon update I have been facing this error.

There is no need for any interaction to reproduce this error. A simple /reload ui triggers it.

As the previous fellow stated the autosell function is not working, in any sort of manner. (Obviously, I made sure everything is enabled)

Also, the vehicle interface moves the minimap back to it's original Blizz UI position (which i don't know if it is intended or not) AND the button for leaving the vehicle doesn't not appear ( it might appear if you /reload ui, already faced several times that it didn't )

If needed any more clarification please don't hesitate in contacting.

Cheers Ark

Summersisle commented 1 year ago

I have done some testing on this. On a level 1 character with only the optional SpartanUI modules enabled, and no other mods enabled besides Bartender.

The following items are in my bag https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=5635/sharp-claw https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=3676/slimy-ichor https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=43852/thick-fur-clothing-scraps https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=5212/blazing-wand

All options are selected in AutoSell and the Maximum iLVL to sell is set to 500


Interacting with Barkeep Morag in Orgrimmar SpartanUI shows No items are to be auto sold.

I turned on debug mode but nothing else was shown.

After some digging into the code I changed line 417 in AutoSell.lua. Removing the Retail check and the elseif if itemInfo and module:IsSellable(itemInfo.itemID, itemInfo.hyperlink, bag, slot) then

and it sold all the items except for the Sharp Claw which is a crafting item so it wouldn't be sold.

Wutname1 commented 1 year ago

This is now fixed in 6.2.5, looks like blizz updated wrath to use the DF vendor backend.