Wutname1 / SpartanUI

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No Unit Frames[Vanilla Bug Report] #507

Closed Xaataana closed 2 months ago

Xaataana commented 2 months ago

I just updated SpartanUI this morning & I have no unit frames other than the default WoW ones. I love this UI & have never had this issue until now. To Reproduce

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Game details: Classic Hardcore, Defias Pillager, all characters. Currently 2, Melanicia, lvl 15 Forsaken Mage & Mayhealyu, lvl 6 Troll Priest

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Xaataana commented 2 months ago

This appears to only be affecting Classic, Cata Classic looks fine.

Northyman commented 2 months ago

Have the same issue in Classic SOD. Also seems to quite a lot of LUA errors from Spartan

Xaataana commented 2 months ago

I'm seeing a decent number of LUA errors between Spartan & UnitScan. It seems to only be on any of the Classic servers, SOD/HC/Era. Cata Classic appears to be good.

Wutname1 commented 2 months ago

Cata update broke it. Just pushed a update. Let me know if you see more issues and how to reproduce it as I don't play SOD.

Northyman commented 2 months ago

Seems to work fine again now. Thank you very much!