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Hardcore gamemode #177

Open WSDguy2014 opened 7 years ago

WSDguy2014 commented 7 years ago

Previously, there is no hardcore mode in this subgame to do a challenge. How to do that:

There is no way to create new world with hardcore mode enabled. Create new world, enable only damage, disable creative mode, join new world for first time, will get a first message box if you want to enable hardcore mode:screenshot_20170408_134221 It does not appear this message box for only first time, not second time nor third time, if you are: disabled damage & enabled creative mode, enable damage & enable creative mode, disabled damage & disabled creative mode. Only can enable damage, to make appear this message box for only first time. If you choose "No", will play normally. Same thing by pressing Esc button to play normally. If you choose "Yes", will appear another second message box to confirm: "Are you sure?" with 2 buttons "Yes" and "No". If you choose "No", will go back to previous message box. Same thing by pressing Esc button. If you choose "Yes", will enable hardcore mode. Note: 1st and 2nd message box must be paused the game in singleplayer. If you trying to switch in hardcore mode enable for example: disabled damage & enabled creative mode, enable damage & enable creative mode, disabled damage & disabled creative mode, and then re join world that has hardcore mode enabled, will get an error message: "This world has hardcore mode enabled. Please, enable damage and disable creative mode only, to play this world". I don't know if its possible to enable/disable creative mode and enable/disable damage in-game. Don't grant yourself in singleplayer or other players something like that to fly, fast, noclip or all privileges, it will get error message: "Stop cheating in this world with hardcore mode enabled!", automatically revokes it and kicked out to main menu. If you die in singleplayer, it's game over, you can respawn as spectator mode per player to get automatically grant fly, noclip and fast privileges and revokes interact and shout (optional, i don't know) privileges, to look around the world as long as you can. If you go back to main menu, it will automatically deletes world that has hardcore mode enabled (I don't know, i didn't test it in Minecraft). If you die in multiplayer server, same thing as singleplayer mode, but if you disconnect the server or getting time out if you are on spectator mode, you will get banned per account or IP ban (i don't know what i choose ban type) forever. Only admin can die multiple times without playing on spectator mode/getting banned himself/herself. Maybe only admin can grant to other players new privilege "multideath" (multideath allow player die multiple times without playing on spectator mode/getting banned himself/herself if it has a privilege).

In multiplayer server should add server file code hardcore_mode for false by default. doing hardcore_mode:false will activate normally. doing hardcore_mode:true will activate hardcore mode.

P.S. - I forgot about changing health bar texture look to make different, while playing on hardcore mode.

Wuzzy2 commented 7 years ago

The most important aspect of Hardcore Mode is that you can not respawn, once you're dead. You only got one life. It is also correct that MC wants to delete the world afterwards.

These are the main reasons why this feature is not going to be added anytime soon. This requires some serious work on the engine first before I can get anywhere. Obviously implementing the Hardcore Mode is a must, but it would be way to hacky if I would implement it in a way like you suggest. I don't like how you described the dialog boxes, it's a bit messy in my opinion. Especially since these dialog boxes pop up after you technically already started the game by creating the world. I think it is better if the engine / main menu has support for more pre-world creation options, defined by subgame. This would be a much cleaner solution in the long run.

Note that the normal difficulty settings don't require special engine support and I am much more optimistic for those. But this is currently way down on my endless TODO list. xD First I want to get the basic gameplay right, and MCL2 is still far from that.