Wuzzy2 / MineClone2-Bugs

Bug tracker archive for MineClone 2 (no new posts allowed)
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Player spawn radius #300

Open maikerumine opened 7 years ago

maikerumine commented 7 years ago

Within 500 meters, or can adjust. Currently spawn is 0,0,0 ish and I cannot find out where to edit.

Wuzzy2 commented 7 years ago

I think you should ask Minetest developers for this. I'm not sure if this is a required feature for MineClone 2.

kingoscargames commented 7 years ago

this isnt really a important feature i think

tacotexmex commented 7 years ago

This is similar or relates to the MC /spreadplayers command. See this video. Regardless of spread at spawn or by command, the feature to find the topmost spawnfriendly position on the X and Y axis in a map would be quite useful for multiplayer.