WxxShirley / GNN4TaskPlan

[NeurIPS 2024] Official implementation for paper "Can Graph Learning Improve Planning in LLM-based Agents?"
MIT License
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Question about the graph #5

Open resistzzz opened 6 days ago

resistzzz commented 6 days ago

After reading your paper, I have a question about the graph.

How you construct the task graph, or where is the task graph from? I guess perhaps the graph is constructed from the ground-truth task steps? That is, if there is a "TaskA after TaskB" in the ground-truth planning, we will have an edge "from TaskA to TaskB" in the graph.

I don't know whether my understanding is correct. Could you provide some explanation?

Thank you for your valuable contribution!

Best wish

WxxShirley commented 2 days ago

We construct the graph based on the dependencies between tasks rather than from ground-truth trajectories. Specifically, if the output of task A can serve as an input for it, we add a directed link from task A to task B.

Example: In HuggingFace, the output of Pose Detection is a textual description of a pose, which can be used as input for Pose-to-Image. Similarly, the output of Summarization can serve as input for Translation. And the code for constructing this dependency-guided graph is available in TaskBench's repository (https://github.com/microsoft/JARVIS/blob/main/taskbench/generate_graph.py, Lines 13-17).

Here are the specific details regarding the task graph construction for each dataset:

Sorry for the late reply. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out!