WyattBlue / auto-editor

Auto-Editor: Efficient media analysis and rendering
The Unlicense
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Desync #364

Closed MonzterDev closed 1 year ago

MonzterDev commented 1 year ago

Bug description

This was initially discussed in the Discord here: https://ptb.discord.com/channels/711767814821773372/711774410721198134/1129367312907112509

When my margin is at anything below 6, the beginning of cut audio clips will be too far into the audio. So if I say "Now...", the clip will start at "ow.." and miss a part of the first word, or skip the first 1-2 words entirely. When my margin is at 6, to fix the first issue, I'm them left with many clips starting with no audio for a few secs / millisecs image image

Gif example: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/711774410721198134/1129378313601830922/Resolve_mtYriOSbxD.gif?width=177&height=270

Sometimes the last word or part of the last word will be cut off. (https://i.imgur.com/IddGaYh.gif) Sometimes a word within the sentence will get cut off mid-way through. (https://i.imgur.com/h3znypK.gif)

What's your platform?

Python Version: 3.11.4 64-bit                                                                                           Platform: Windows 10 amd64                                                                                              FFmpeg Version: N-110322-g0c25da5a28-g1440bf15e2+1                                                                      FFmpeg Path: C:\Users\Monzt\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\ae_ffmpeg\Windows\ffmpeg.exe      Auto-Editor Version: 23w15a

What command did you use

auto-editor "C:\Users\Monzt\Videos\x.mp4" --margin 0.02s,0.06s --edit audio:stream=3,threshold=4% --export resolve

What properties does your input video have?


No response

WyattBlue commented 1 year ago

I fixed this in 23w32a. The fix for the app is coming soon.