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Arabic does not render RTL properly #150

Closed markalolo closed 9 months ago

markalolo commented 10 months ago

Arabic ( https://content.bibletranslationtools.org/WA-Catalog/arb_nav/src/branch/master/manifest.yaml ) should render RTL but it doesn't respect the flag in the manifest that states that. It's in the JSON as "Direction"

Here's an example of rendered output:


markalolo commented 10 months ago

RTL is Right to Left. Here's data from the Manifest.

dublin_core: type: 'bundle' conformsto: 'rc0.2' format: 'text/usfm' identifier: 'nav' title: 'New Arabic Version (Ketab El Hayat)' subject: 'Bible' description: "" language: identifier: 'arb' title: 'العربية' direction: 'rtl'

linearcombination commented 10 months ago

Accidentally closed this. Reopened. Unintentional.