Wyko / netcrawl

Netcrawl is a tool designed to discover and poll one or more devices, inventory them, and then provide useful data on the processed devices.
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Netmiko establishes SSH connection but no data extraction #33

Open Tarik-H opened 5 years ago

Tarik-H commented 5 years ago

Hello, I'm using python 3.6 with inside a virtualenv and I can't get information to display whatever the platform (cisco_nxos, cisco_ios or cisco_xe).

python run.py -sS -t -p cisco_nxos main.main : #3 Start new run main.main : #3 ##### Starting Single Run ##### main.single_run : #3 Processing connection to base_device.process_devices : #4 Processing device cli.connect : ? SSH auth error to using admin, In cli.connect : ? SSH auth error to using admin, In cli.connect : #4 Successful ssh auth to using administrator, In base_device.process_devices : ? _enable - Error: 'CiscoNxosSSH' object has no attribute 'ip' main.single_run : ? Connection to failed: 'CiscoNxosSSH' object has no attribute 'ip' Device processing failed main.main : #3 ##### Single Run Complete #####

Could you please help to point what is wrong?

Wyko commented 4 years ago

I suspect that a new version of Netmiko broke some functionality here. I included the device dispatcher code from an old version of Kirk's project, and it can probably be replaced by an up to date version (or removed entirely with a more elegant solution).

This project is not currently actively maintained, but feel free to submit a pull request with a fix and I will update it.