WyriHaximus / ReactGuzzle

ReactPHP HttpClient Adapter for Guzzle
MIT License
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react/http-client dependency needs to be updated to 0.4.* #6

Closed elazar closed 10 years ago

elazar commented 10 years ago

This repo currently has this requirement chain:

react/http-client:>=0.3.0,<0.5.0 requires react/socket-client:0.3.* requires react/event-loop:0.3.*

\WyriHaximus\React\Guzzle\HttpClient\Request attempts to use \React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop->nextTick(). However, this method doesn't exist in the 0.3.x branch of react/event-loop; it wasn't added until the 0.4.x branch. Attempting to run this code currently results in this error:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop::nextTick() in vendor/wyrihaximus/react-guzzle/src/HttpClient/Request.php on line 104

This repo's dependency on react/http-client needs to be updated to require 0.4.* or higher in order to reflect this dependency chain:

react/http-client:0.4.* requires react/socket-client:0.4.* requires react/event-loop:0.4.*

This will bring react/event-loop up to 0.4.* so that \React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop includes the missing referenced nextTick() method.

WyriHaximus commented 10 years ago

Doh, thanks for the headers up!

WyriHaximus commented 10 years ago

Can you confirm if this fixes it for you?

elazar commented 10 years ago

That fixes this particular issue. Thanks! :)