WyriHaximus / reactphp-child-process-messenger

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env helper problem #34

Open net53 opened 5 years ago

net53 commented 5 years ago

cakephp/utility require cakephp/core which load vendor/cakephp/core/functions.php and overvride laravel env function

WyriHaximus commented 5 years ago

To be honest this sounds more like an issue in both cakephp and laravel defining functions in the global namespace. Non the less I'm open for pull requests resolving this issue.

m50 commented 4 years ago

What are you using cakephp/utility for? It would help to narrow down the search, so that a pull request can be made.

The only way to fix this issue is to remove cakephp/utility, which tbh, shouldn't be relied upon in a general purpose library anyways. In a framework, it might be a different story, but having a framework specific library that then brings in more and more of the framework, which can interfere with other frameworks if used with them, is problematic.

Either way, you are correct, this is CakePHP's problem as well as Laravel's, but it can be fixed if we remove the CakePHP dependency here.

I'd be happy to do a Pull Request if I knew what it was being used for. Otherwise, I'll be digging through the code base for quite some time.

WyriHaximus commented 4 years ago

I'd be happy to do a Pull Request if I knew what it was being used for. Otherwise, I'll be digging through the code base for quite some time.

It's used for the encoding/decoding of communication between the child and parent process: https://github.com/WyriHaximus/reactphp-child-process-messenger/search?q=use+Cake&unscoped_q=use+Cake

m50 commented 4 years ago

Perfect, thank you very much! And huh... I've never used the code search on github, I should really be doing that, I suppose.

I'll look over this when I got time, and see if I can do the same thing without the Cakephp dependency.

WyriHaximus commented 4 years ago

As long as it works the same it works for me. Also code search isn't perfect on Github, but they are a new version soon