WyvernTKC / cpuminer-gr-avx2

Optimised Version of GR miner for RTM
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Windows 11 - MSR cannot be set #134

Open ThicccRacer opened 2 years ago

ThicccRacer commented 2 years ago


I have attempted to use this tool on several Windows 11 computers. Only one of them is able to mine with MSR being set. Despite following all advice and instructions, and launching the miner as administrator, it simply refuses to set MSR. I am struggling to find anything different about the rigs I am using that would indicate why 6 computers will not, but 1 will.

I am running the miner using Windows terminal running as admin. There is no third party antivirus software running, just basic things. All of these machines happen to be AMD if that matters. The one computer that does set MSR successfully is a 3900X desktop. The rest are lower end AMDs, some laptops running the Ryzen 7 5700u - all of these are Windows 11 Pro.

I have searched and tried all suggestions I could find. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. I am guessing it is a Windows 11 issue.

Thanks for reading!

ThicccRacer commented 2 years ago

image Here is an example of a gaming laptop which will not set MSR

michal-zurkowski commented 2 years ago

It is very possible it is Windows 11 issue. To install windows 11 you need to enable secure boot and many other things like TPM which also can interfere in hardware level register manipulation like MSR.

ThicccRacer commented 2 years ago

TPM is required for Windows 11, but secure boot is not. Perhaps that could be the cause? I will try disabling.

ThicccRacer commented 2 years ago

Update - I checked and I already had secure boot disabled. I enabled it to see if there was any change, but MSR still fails. Unfortunately cannot turn off TPM or Windows 11 would cease to function. I can tell you that the same laptop running Linux does not have this issue - even with these options enabled in bios.

ZackaryH8 commented 2 years ago

I'm also currently running Windows 11 with a AMD Ryzen 9 3900x and MSR is being set successfully, which could suggest it's an issue with Windows 11 and Lower end AMD CPUs?

Windows Details:

Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on    ‎10/‎11/‎2021
OS build    22000.348
Experience  Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.348.0
stesmi commented 2 years ago

Sometimes the first start after boot fails to set the MSRs, but stopping and starting it works. Same version as ZackaryH8. R9-5950x.

ThicccRacer commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately restarting it has zero success for me. Sometimes if Large Memory pools fails, a computer restart will fix that.

On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 12:49 AM Stefan Smietanowski < @.***> wrote:

Sometimes the first start after boot fails to set the MSRs, but stopping and starting it works. Same version as ZackaryH8. R9-5950x.

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giosal commented 2 years ago

Same here: Strangely on Ryzen 7 4800H it works fine, does require restarting machine from time to time, but works. On Ryzen 9 5900HX it worked on build 22000.348, but today, after upgrading to 22504 Insider build, it stopped working with MSR cannot be set

Alintya commented 2 years ago

Setting MSR never worked for me either on Win11 and 3600

ZackaryH8 commented 2 years ago

You literally need to run as admin and it should work first time

ThicccRacer commented 2 years ago

You literally need to eat my ass before commenting a pointless post.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 3:21 PM Zack Eckersley Pallett < @.***> wrote:

You literally need to run as admin and it should work first time

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Alintya commented 2 years ago

You literally need to run as admin and it should work first time

I suppose everyone is aware of that, hence this issue lol

ThicccRacer commented 2 years ago

You literally need to run as admin and it should work first time

I suppose everyone is aware of that, hence this issue lol

They are aware, they are just an asshole.