"_comment4": "tune-full takes longer but should provide better hashrate",
"tune-full": false,
"_comment5": "You can specify different name/location for your tune config",
"tune-config": "tune_config",
"_comment6": "You can force miner to not tune. It tunes by default",
"_comment7": "Or force it even if tune-config file already exists",
"no-tune": false,
"force-tune": false,
"_comment8": "\"log\": \"filename\" can be used to create logfile of output",
"benchmark": false,
"stress-test": false,
"quiet": false
{ "_comment1": "Any long-format command line argument ", "_comment2": "may be used in this JSON configuration file",
"url": "stratum+tcps://eu.flockpool.com:5555",
"_comment3": "Backup/failover stratum used in case of connection problems", "url-backup": "stratum+tcps://us-west.flockpool.com:5555",
"user": "RQKcAZBtsSacMUiGNnbk3h3KJAN94tstvt.WorkerName", "pass": "x",
"algo": "gr", "threads": 0,
"_comment4": "tune-full takes longer but should provide better hashrate", "tune-full": false,
"_comment5": "You can specify different name/location for your tune config", "tune-config": "tune_config",
"_comment6": "You can force miner to not tune. It tunes by default", "_comment7": "Or force it even if tune-config file already exists", "no-tune": false, "force-tune": false,
"_comment8": "\"log\": \"filename\" can be used to create logfile of output", "benchmark": false, "stress-test": false, "quiet": false }