WyvernTKC / cpuminer-gr-avx2

Optimised Version of GR miner for RTM
GNU General Public License v2.0
375 stars 195 forks source link

Only stale shares mining to QT wallet or daemon? #174

Open Ralph416 opened 1 year ago

Ralph416 commented 1 year ago

Maybe people gave up on solo mining so this option is finished, but here goes anyway..

Trying to connect cpuminer using GR algo to either YERBAS or RTM wallet or daemon using RPC. Will connect but whenever it hits a block cpuminer just writes "Skip stale share.", 100% of the time.

For days I've tried to tweak the wallet and daemon.. have following options on:

rpcuser={a user} rpcpassword={a password} rpcbind={a local 192.168 ip} rpcallowip={local 192.168 ip from miners} ... externalip={external IP & port to accept connections from outside} daemon=1 server=1 listen=1 txindex=1 port={standard IP port for coin nodes} rpcpost={port for miner} onlynet=ipv4

followed by a bunch of "addnodes" to add connections.

have a bunch of outbound and inbound connections in the wallet, wallet fully synched, no apparent problems anywhere.

cpuminer-zen3 -a gr -o http://{local wallet IP}:{rpc port for miner} --userpass={user}:{pass} --coinbase-add={my address for coin} --no-stratum --no-tune --no-longpoll

It connects, appears to mine, but always 100% stale. Even tried reindexing. Nada.

If I ommit "--no-longpoll" it swamps the wallet & daemon and they freeze for many minutes stopping all mining or blockchain activities. I end up with a bucketload of JSON and RPC errors so apparently longpoll doesn't work.

Has anyone successfully got cpuminer to solo mine to either their wallet or daemon now? or ever?

michal-zurkowski commented 1 year ago

The miner does not have a proper logic to serve gbt for RTM, or any coin for that matter that has more coinbase transactions than just main mint. Here it needs to put user wallet, smartnode wallet (possibly smartnode split wallet) and coin development funds wallet which it does not recognise.

Ralph416 commented 1 year ago


It's sneaky, doesn't give you any indication its efforts are futile. Glad I tested on YERB and not RTM where it takes days to find a block.

What would be involved in getting it to work with ghostrider-style QT wallets or daemons?

I've been really trying to find any ghostrider mining software that can do this solo mining, looks like not even 1 exists, at least not publicly.

If all else fails I'll have to take the original advice and install a pool, which is way overkill and also lacks documentation/reference information, so another rabbit hole full of complications and problems.


On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 3:32 PM Michał Żurkowski @.***> wrote:

The miner does not have a proper logic to serve gbt for RTM, or any coin for that matter that has more coinbase transactions than just main mint. Here it needs to put user wallet, smartnode wallet (possibly smartnode split wallet) and coin development funds wallet which it does not recognise.

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