X-Hax / SA-Mod-Manager

A new mod manager for the Sonic Adventure games.
MIT License
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SA Mod Manager doesn't clean up after update #143

Closed PiKeyAr closed 1 month ago

PiKeyAr commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug As of 1.2.9, the SA Mod Manager leaves a .SATemp folder (in my case it contains an SAModManager.exe) after a Manager update. This has been an issue in multiple previous versions as well. There seems to have been a workaround when the Manager would remove the folder on a fresh startup, but it still left the .SATemp folder if you didn't restart it manually, and recently the workaround does no longer appear to work.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update the Mod Manager.
  2. Check the manager folder for the .SATemp folder.

Expected behavior The .SATemp folder should only be created temporarily for update purposes, and removed after use.

Additional context Using in portable mode.

Sora-yx commented 1 month ago

.SATemp no longer exists, it now create SATemp instead, which I checked is deleted fine. The only reason why it didn't work with the update here was because 1.2.8 still created the version with a . which is no longer checked on startup starting with 1.2.9.