X-Hax / sa2-mod-loader

Sonic Adventure 2 PC Mod Loader
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Feature idea: File/folder aliases #6

Open TorutheRedFox opened 4 years ago

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

File and folder aliases can allow people to make the directory structure of their mods more organised, and make texture mods easily compatible with my mod without doubling the amount of storage required.

MainMemory commented 4 years ago


TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

better name for them: symbolic links

MainMemory commented 4 years ago

5f91c47 fixes this, I think? Also this functionality was kind of always available from mod.ini, just kind of hidden: make a section named [ReplaceFiles] and put a sequence of paired file paths in it, left is source, right is destination.