X-Hax / sa_tools

Sonic Adventure Toolset
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Hot Shelter 4 #251

Closed Resilixia closed 7 months ago

Resilixia commented 7 months ago

(Everytime I open "Hot Shelter 4" of Action Stages in Level Editor it crashes)


Program: SALVL Build Date: 11/24/2023 14:42:16 OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 Log: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at SAModel.SALVL.MainForm.LoadFog(SA1LevelAct levelact) in C:\Programs\sa_tools\SALVL\Loading.cs:line 674 at SAModel.SALVL.MainForm.MainLevelLoadLoop() in C:\Programs\sa_tools\SALVL\Loading.cs:line 1430