X-Plane / XPlane2Blender

Scenery & Aircraft export addon for Blender and X-Plane
GNU General Public License v3.0
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WYSIWYG lights using Blender's UI for spill, custom, param lights #183

Closed danklaue closed 3 years ago

danklaue commented 8 years ago

Suggest using Blender's spot lights for this. Those parameters can be exported and translated for X-Plane's lighting usage.

For instance, -"spot shape" (in Blender) can be translated for X-Plane's spill lights, as the cone size and angle of the spill. It could also be used in X-Plane's custom lights for custom lights' W value (Width). -"Energy" (in Blender) can be translated into X-Plane's spill lights, as size parameter, or for Custom lights for the halo size. -Directionality is integrated in Blender's spot lights... it would just have to be translated to the OBJ8 lighting direction format. -An X-Plane override to attach it to brightness ratio dataref. -Translate the RGB values of the spot light for use in X-Plane.

-Leave current infrastructure as is, for backward compatibility, but use spot lights for "new" export capabilities.

bsupnik commented 8 years ago

Ondrej -- we should come up with some specs for this at some point; light integration -is- something that would really bring modeling forward. One of the tricky things is how Blender can know how a light works; my thinking is that we (LR) could provide more useful annotations in lights.txt so that Blender can correctly translate a named or param light, just like Blender (2.49) can use DataRefs.txt to manage animations.

jeiting commented 7 years ago

From what I can tell this is untouched? The exporter has basic support for param lights but you need to place one light per param and setting the spill color is not supported. I'll probably come to lights soon on the model I'm working on and maybe I'll pick this up to make my life easier.

bsupnik commented 6 years ago

We are planning WYSIWYG light editing including spill as the next major feature once 3-4 is finished. 3-4 will include v11 attribute support and bug fixes for animation and attributes.

danklaue commented 6 years ago

Up until recently, one of the parameters that controlled directionality for the "custom lights" in Blender 2.7 was the RGB value of the light in Blender. E.g. to have a custom light with a custom png billboard shine in a particular direction, let's say "forward", one would have to see the exported .obj have something like this in it:

LIGHT_CUSTOM -0.00000031 0.33022034 -0.66518688 0 0 1 1 2 0 0.5 0.5 1 sim/graphics/animation/lights/airplane_navigation_light_dir

where the "0 0 1" after the positional coordinates, according to the documentation represent RGB values (tinting of the halo texture) but actually in practice represent a directionality of the light... in this case, a light shining straight back, with not too much "focus" to the light.

If one would want this same halo to be visible from the front, one would have to change the "0 0 1" to "0 0 -1", or, if you want the cone where that halo is visible to be tighter, you'd increase the value of the last number in the negative direction , like "0 0 -7".

This used to be doable via Blender's RGB control sliders. But a recent version of Blender discontinued support to enter negative values into the RGB slots, so now the exported .obj files have to be hacked, in order to affect directionality of custom light billboards.

Now, I'm sure this'll be addressed once lights are re-vamped. Just wanted to make Ben and Ted aware of this.

tngreene commented 5 years ago

Up until recently, one of the parameters that controlled directionality for the "custom lights" in Blender 2.7 was the RGB value of the light in Blender...

For reference, this was resolved in #316

tngreene commented 5 years ago

This was brought up again in #312. The ideas brought up so far

OBJ Light Concept Blender UI Mapping
X, Y, Z Light Location
DX, DY, DZ Light Spot
RGB Light Color Picker
A Since A is just a dimmer, not real transparency, people can just use the color picker and we always set this to 1
S, SIZE Light Energy. It is available regardless of Lamp Type

Some common elements from lights.txt

PARAM Blender UI Mapping
BRIGHT(see helipad_flood_sp) Light Size again? Radius?
THROW (see heli_3_col_beacon) ?
WIDTH (see helipad_flood_sp) ?
W (aka Width) Synonym, see above

Elements that have no Blender Mapping. The good news is that this won't actually be many (so far)


The good news is that lights don't get added often so we probably don't have to worry about having a billion new properties like how manip has them.

Either some guarantees are made about names in lights.txt and some REALLY good choices are made for a subset of common light parts, or we stick with just the basics - XYZ from location, RGB from a color picker, A is autoset to 1, DX, DY, DZ from the rotation.

The manual override for this will be going back to the old param light type.

tngreene commented 5 years ago

There is another issue with WYSIWYG - Blender doesn't render things the same as X-Plane. We could be making a promise we can't keep.

What You See Is Probably The Type Of Thing You'll Get :/

tngreene commented 5 years ago

There is also Blender 2.8 to think about. Looking casually at it now, the some of the labels and options are different between the two. I vote to move this feature to after the transition has been made.

arb65912 commented 5 years ago

"I vote to move this feature to after the transition has been made." I think since all the hype in now on Blender 2.8 , there is a good chance it will became a standard for many so personally I would like to see transition first.

tngreene commented 3 years ago

Merged! 0fb061421ab269fc8

Prepare ye masses, for this awesome feature will soon be upon you in beta.2!