X-Plane / XPlane2Blender

Scenery & Aircraft export addon for Blender and X-Plane
GNU General Public License v3.0
190 stars 67 forks source link

datarefs missing #194

Closed mike44 closed 6 years ago

mike44 commented 7 years ago

It exports fine both datarefs with 3.2 but with 3.3 only one dataref. datarefbug.blend.zip

JasonGilholme commented 7 years ago

How good are you with code? I have a fix for this. I can commit something for you if you're able to pull it down and use it.

BlueishGhost commented 7 years ago

Can there be a list of error troubleshooting for animations? Like a message outlining what to do? On Jun 11, 2016 6:00 PM, "JasonGilholme" notifications@github.com wrote:

How good are you with code? I have a fix for this. I can commit something for you if you're able to pull it down and use it.

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JasonGilholme commented 7 years ago

@BlueishGhost if you have feature requests, you should make your own issue so the owner of the project can see them clearly. Chances are he won't see them in here or they will get lost.

BlueishGhost commented 7 years ago

How do i do that? On Jun 11, 2016 9:23 PM, "JasonGilholme" notifications@github.com wrote:

@BlueishGhost https://github.com/BlueishGhost if you have feature requests, you should make your own issue so the owner of the project can see them clearly. Chances are he won't see them in here or they will get lost.

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JasonGilholme commented 7 years ago


mike44 commented 7 years ago

HiI haven't used git for a while. I need to create a fork before the pull? Anyway where's der-on? Now with 10.5 I want to try the latest scroll wheels etc.Thanks

JasonGilholme commented 7 years ago

I might make my own fork of this project anyway. I'm a pipeline TD for a visual fx company by day so the whole import export thing is right up my alley. There are a few things i'd like to add, even if they're just for myself.

I'll try to do this over the next few days at some stage. It will have fixes for the couple of issues I've reported over the last week or so.

Not sure where der-On is. Probably just caught up with the real world. It happens.

bsupnik commented 7 years ago

Hi Y'all,

Ondrej works on this exporter as a hobbyist and as a contractor and in the later capacity he sometimes has limited availability.

If you guys want to be able to create useful branches and keep them working with the project in the long term, I would suggest the following:

  1. Discuss proposed new features with me (ben at x-plane dot com) to find out if they can make it back to trunk and/or will conflict with other proposed development and
  2. Consider keeping features in their own topic branches (and then 'merge together' your topics to produce your custom build) - that way we can pull in topic branches on a per-feature basis and not be stuck with "oh no, we have to take everything to get anything."

Generally speaking, both Ondrej and I think it would be fantastic if the community gets involved in the tool chain. Jason, based on your day job you may be in a unique position to really understand what the exporter is supposed to do.

cheers Ben

mike44 commented 7 years ago

@BlueishGhost you can simply download the zip @JasonGilholme do you have some fixes now? I'm almost to the point waiting for fixes to continue, but never used python before to fix myself.

bsupnik commented 7 years ago

@JasonGilholme Do you have a pull request for a fix for this?

JasonGilholme commented 7 years ago

@bsupnik I haven't been in this code for a while. I think I'm due for a change in scenery. It's just a formality but I'll get a pull req sorted over the weekend.

JasonGilholme commented 7 years ago

@bsupnik I've submit pull requests for the useful things I have locally.

@mike44 If you want to try it out sooner, it's here: https://github.com/JasonGilholme/XPlane2Blender/tree/%23194-datarefs_missing

mike44 commented 7 years ago

Great work. Many thanks