X-Ryl669 / eMQTT5

An embedded MQTTv5 client in C++ with minimal footprint, maximal performance
MIT License
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There seems no definition of Platform::free and so on for macOS. #4

Closed shinyaohtani closed 3 years ago

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

my clang says "Undefined symbols". Does eMQTT5 support macOS?

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "Platform::free(void*, bool)", referenced from:
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::connectTo(char const*, unsigned short, bool, unsigned short, bool, char const*, Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicBinDataView const*, Protocol::MQTT::V5::WillMessage*, Protocol::MQTT::V5::QualityOfServiceDelivery, bool, Protocol::MQTT::V5::Properties*) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::Impl::Impl(char const*, Network::Client::MessageReceived*, Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicBinDataView const*) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
      Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicString::readFrom(unsigned char const*, unsigned int) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::Impl::~Impl() in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
  "Platform::malloc(unsigned long, bool)", referenced from:
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::connectTo(char const*, unsigned short, bool, unsigned short, bool, char const*, Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicBinDataView const*, Protocol::MQTT::V5::WillMessage*, Protocol::MQTT::V5::QualityOfServiceDelivery, bool, Protocol::MQTT::V5::Properties*) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::Impl::Impl(char const*, Network::Client::MessageReceived*, Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicBinDataView const*) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
  "Platform::realloc(void*, unsigned long)", referenced from:
      Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicString::readFrom(unsigned char const*, unsigned int) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

I was developing on a Mac when I wrote this, so it should work. Can you send me your CMake's build configuration?

X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

The definition of the 3 methods are in eMQTT5/tests/ClassPath/src/Posix.cpp. And the file is listed to be built when the platform is not Windows:


X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

Can you add a -D_POSIX to your CXX flags to see if it works ? I wonder if they removed the preprocessor macro recently.

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

Thank you for very quick reply! Now I'll try -D_POSIX.

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

I added -D_POSIX. but result was same.

I indicate eMQTT5 as a link target from my CMakeLists.txt. Is it correct? What is a correct target name? Is it written in the document below? I can't read it because URL is collapse.

API Documentation You'll find the client API documentation here. https://blog.cyril.by/en/documentation/emqtt5

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

According to my cmake knowledge, it seems that only one source file is compiled for the target eMQTT5 which doesn't include eMQTT5/tests/ClassPath/src/Posix.cpp.

add_library(eMQTT5 src/Network/Clients/MQTTClient.cpp)

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

There seems no definition of Platform::free and so on for library eMQTT5. Excuse me, could you please tell me the proper way to write my cmake to link eMQTT5 as a library. 🙏

now i just write like:

X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

I've fixed the URL. The library shouldn't need platform code, only the test code does. Let me check...

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

I just use Network::Client::MQTTv5 as a library. I include #include <Network/Clients/MQTT.hpp> from my code.

X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

Can you try with latest master b197dac ? It should have fixed the issue.

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

I tried but same. Only src/Network/Clients/MQTTClient.cpp is compiled for libeMQTT5.a

Is this your modification correct? https://github.com/X-Ryl669/eMQTT5/blob/b197dacbaf1aa31df3eb5ef841b6c24744398dcf/lib/CMakeLists.txt#L3

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "Platform::free(void*, bool)", referenced from:
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::connectTo(char const*, unsigned short, bool, unsigned short, bool, char const*, Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicBinDataView const*, Protocol::MQTT::V5::WillMessage*, Protocol::MQTT::V5::QualityOfServiceDelivery, bool, Protocol::MQTT::V5::Properties*) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::Impl::Impl(char const*, Network::Client::MessageReceived*, Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicBinDataView const*) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
      Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicString::readFrom(unsigned char const*, unsigned int) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::Impl::~Impl() in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
  "Platform::malloc(unsigned long, bool)", referenced from:
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::connectTo(char const*, unsigned short, bool, unsigned short, bool, char const*, Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicBinDataView const*, Protocol::MQTT::V5::WillMessage*, Protocol::MQTT::V5::QualityOfServiceDelivery, bool, Protocol::MQTT::V5::Properties*) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
      Network::Client::MQTTv5::Impl::Impl(char const*, Network::Client::MessageReceived*, Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicBinDataView const*) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
  "Platform::realloc(void*, unsigned long)", referenced from:
      Protocol::MQTT::Common::DynamicString::readFrom(unsigned char const*, unsigned int) in libeMQTT5.a(MQTTClient.cpp.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

Can you try to apply this patch on the latest master and try to build it (it should fail, please post the log):

diff --git a/lib/include/Platform/Platform.hpp b/lib/include/Platform/Platform.hpp
index 30d15eb..322e3e8 100644
--- a/lib/include/Platform/Platform.hpp
+++ b/lib/include/Platform/Platform.hpp
@@ -49,28 +49,27 @@ namespace Platform
     /** Get the current process name.
         This does not rely on remembering the argv[0] since this does not exists on Windows.
         This returns the name of executable used to run the process */
-    inline const char * getProcessName() {
+    inline const char * getProcessName()^M
         static char * processName = NULL;
         if (!processName)
-#ifdef _LINUX
+  #ifdef _LINUX^M
             FILE * f = fopen("/proc/self/cmdline", "r");
             if (f) {
                 char buffer[256];
                 processName = strdup(fgets(buffer, 256, f));
-#elif defined(_MAC)
+  #elif defined(_MAC)^M
             processName = strdup(getprogname());
+  #else^M
             return "program";
+  #endif^M
         return processName;
-return "this_program"; } // Poor workaround to avoid so many difference between platforms
+#error here^M
     /** The simple malloc overload.
         If you need to use another allocator, you should define this method
shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

:pray: Could you push it to a branch?

X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

In the latest master, I've removed Posix.cpp file since it was useless (even for tests). Yet, it seems the compiler tries to build it anyway. It's strange.

X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

Try the branch called "badStuff", run rm -rf build && mkdir build then rerun ccmake .. in the build directory, then make and post output. It should fail building with "error here" issues.

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

ok with my env, this is output for the branch https://github.com/X-Ryl669/eMQTT5/commit/0cac22e182148cf4977e71a50725621f5dcbaaa0

[  1%] Building CXX object common_libs/myLib/common_libs/eMQTT5/lib/CMakeFiles/eMQTT5.dir/src/Network/Clients/MQTTClient.cpp.o
cd ~/build/myProj/common_libs/myLib/common_libs/eMQTT5/lib && /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/c++ -DMQTTOnlyBSDSocket=1 -DMQTTUseTLS=0 -DMinimalFootPrint=1 -D_DEBUG=0 -I~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/include -O3 -DNDEBUG -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX11.1.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 -std=c++11 -o CMakeFiles/eMQTT5.dir/src/Network/Clients/MQTTClient.cpp.o -c ~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/src/Network/Clients/MQTTClient.cpp
In file included from ~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/src/Network/Clients/MQTTClient.cpp:2:
In file included from ~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/src/Network/Clients/../../../include/Network/Clients/MQTT.hpp:5:
~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/src/Network/Clients/../../../include/Network/Clients/MQTTConfig.hpp:89:9: warning: 
      Building eMQTT5 with flags: __Check__BSD [-W#pragma-messages]
#pragma message("Building eMQTT5 with flags: " CONF_AUTH CONF_DUMP CONF_VALID CONF_TLS CONF_SOCKET)
In file included from ~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/src/Network/Clients/MQTTClient.cpp:2:
In file included from ~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/src/Network/Clients/../../../include/Network/Clients/MQTT.hpp:8:
In file included from ~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/src/Network/Clients/../../../include/Network/Clients/../../Protocol/MQTT/MQTT.hpp:7:
~/repos/external/eMQTT5/lib/src/Network/Clients/../../../include/Network/Clients/../../Protocol/MQTT/../../Platform/Platform.hpp:72:2: error: 
#error here
1 warning and 1 error generated.
make[2]: *** [common_libs/myLib/common_libs/eMQTT5/lib/CMakeFiles/eMQTT5.dir/src/Network/Clients/MQTTClient.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [common_libs/myLib/common_libs/eMQTT5/lib/CMakeFiles/eMQTT5.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

What does this mean?

shinyaohtani commented 3 years ago

Oh, link error was gone with master HEAD!! 1 hour ago, I tried it. it seems that it was my mistake. I'm sorry. https://github.com/X-Ryl669/eMQTT5/issues/4#issuecomment-779793363

Now I can build it without any problems. Thank you.

X-Ryl669 commented 3 years ago

Ok, great. The issue you experienced was because I was too fast pushing code that did not build. I've fixed up 5mn later but you've probably pulled in between. Glad it works.