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Menu resources are not always released in VO Gui. #1484

Open RobertvanderHulst opened 3 weeks ago

RobertvanderHulst commented 3 weeks ago

VO menu objects are registered in the WCMenuList array. Because this reference remains, these objects are never released. We have to adjust the Window:Destroy(), Control:Destroy() methods, as well as the assign properties (in case a new menu is assigned) to make sure that existing menus get destroyed properly. In VO the menu object itself is not in the WCMenuList but a special reference , a bit like a weak reference. Maybe we can also use a weak reference in the GUI classes to emulate this? In that case we do not have adjust all the places where menus have to be destroyed.

See https://www.xsharp.eu/forum/topic?p=30090#p30090