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Corrections to the documentation #1504

Closed RobertvanderHulst closed 6 days ago

RobertvanderHulst commented 1 week ago

I've seen a few issues in the help documentation, some I can confirm are misrepresentations and others I can't. I should note that I got the results by opening a console project in VS2022 and viewing its property page.

Here is the list:

  1. topic: X# Compiler Options By Category In "XBase Compatibility",-namedarguments is a misspelling, it seems to be -namedargs.

  2. topic: X# Compiler Options Listed Alphabetically original: The following compiler options are sorted by category. For an alphabetical list, see : X# Compiler Options Listed Alphabetically should: The following compiler options are sorted by Alphabetically. For an alphabetical list, see : X# Compiler Options By Category

In addition, the descriptions of -ovf and -fovf are not entirely consistent. This may lead to misunderstanding on the part of some readers. (Same in "X# Compiler Options By Category")

  1. topic: -allowdot original: Click the Dialect tab. should: Click the Language tab.

original: Change the value. should: Change "Allow DOT for instance members" value of checkbox

  1. topic: -allowoldstyleassignments original: Change the value. should: Change "Allow Old Style assignments" Value of checkbox

  2. topic: -baseaddress, -checke, -checksumalgorithm, -filealign, -highentropyva original: Add the option in the "User-Defined Command Line options" property should: Add the option in the "Extra Command Line options" property。 Because the original article was just a tooltip

  3. topic: -debug, -errorreport original: Click the Advanced button. I really didn't find that button :)

  4. topic: -define original: On the Build tab, type the symbol that is to be defined in the Conditional compilation symbols box. For example, if you are using the code example that follows, just type xx into the text box. I just found "Defines for the preprocessor". Do they mean the same thing?

  5. topic: -keyfile original: Click the Signing property page. Modify the Choose a strong name key file property. I still can't find it :)

  6. topic: -lb original: In the Visual Objects Compatibility section, modify the Allow Late Binding property. should: In the General section, modify the Allow Late Binding property.

10.topic: -nostddefs original: Click the Build tab. should: Click the Language tab.

For the identified parts, I have corrected them in the Simplified Chinese version. But for the parts that are not sure, I will still keep them.

RobertvanderHulst commented 1 week ago

See https://www.xsharp.eu/forum/topic/4177?p=30233#p30233