X-Sharp / XSharpPublic

Public repository for the source code for the XSharp Compiler, Runtime, Project System and Tools.
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Documentation Errors #1506

Closed vfp9 closed 6 days ago

vfp9 commented 1 week ago

topic: -i original: Click the Build tab. should: Click the Language tab.

vfp9 commented 1 week ago

1504 Missing -baseaddress, -checke, -checksumalgorithm, -filealign, -highentropyva

original: Add the option in the "User-Defined Command Line options" property should: Add the option in the "Extra Command Line options" property。

RobertvanderHulst commented 6 days ago

Fixed. I have also added an (embedded) topic __buildExtra that can be used for each of the options that are specified with the "Extra Command Line options" property. This reduces the size of the source and makes for more consistent texts.