X-lab2017 / open-digger

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[Data] Add tech label data for Cloud Native #1053

Closed frank-zsy closed 1 year ago

frank-zsy commented 1 year ago

I want to add some labeled data into OpenDigger to help us for our community analysis.

For cloud native area, we use data of CNCF landscape, there are more than 2000 projects in the landscape and 585 open source repos.

The category has 3 levels, the top level is Cloud Native, and the 2nd level has 8 sub areas.

All the open source data shows below:

Label: Cloud Native - Provisioning - Automation & Configuration

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Provisioning - Container Registry

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Provisioning - Security & Compliance

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Provisioning - Key Management

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Runtime - Cloud Native Storage

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Runtime - Container Runtime

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Runtime - Cloud Native Network

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Scheduling & Orchestration

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Coordination & Service Discovery

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Remote Procedure Call

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Service Proxy

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - API Gateway

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Service Mesh

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - App Definition and Development - Database

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - App Definition and Development - Streaming & Messaging

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - App Definition and Development - Application Definition & Image Build

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - App Definition and Development - Continuous Integration & Delivery

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Platform - Certified Kubernetes - Distribution

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Platform - Certified Kubernetes - Hosted

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Platform - Certified Kubernetes - Installer

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Platform - PaaS/Container Service

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Serverless - Tools

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Serverless - Framework

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Serverless - Hosted Platform

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Serverless - Installable Platform

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Monitoring

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Logging

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Tracing

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Chaos Engineering

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Continuous Optimization

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Specifications

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Runtime

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Toolchain

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Packaging & Registries & Application Delivery

Type: Tech-2


Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Installable Platform

Type: Tech-2


frank-zsy commented 1 year ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Get repo and org/user ids done.

"I want to add some labeled data into OpenDigger to help us for our community analysis.

For cloud native area, we use data of CNCF landscape, there are more than 2000 projects in the landscape and 585 open source repos.

The category has 3 levels, the top level is Cloud Native, and the 2nd level has 8 sub areas.

All the open source data shows below:

Label: Cloud Native - Provisioning - Automation & Configuration

Type: Tech-2


- 144783430 # repo:airshipit/treasuremap
- 302703576 # repo:project-akri/akri
- 3638964 # repo:ansible/ansible
- 53127403 # repo:apolloconfig/apollo
- 3910314 # repo:cloudfoundry/bosh
- 82700090 # repo:uber/cadence
- 105809298 # repo:cdk8s-team/cdk8s
- 3543548 # repo:cfengine/core
- 108278 # repo:chef/chef
- 52837350 # repo:cloud-custodian/cloud-custodian
- 18326574 # repo:cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-manager
- 288523518 # repo:couler-proj/couler
- 415188495 # repo:devstream-io/devstream
- 199487892 # repo:digitalrebar/provision
- 258750 # repo:theforeman/foreman
- 20445947 # repo:juju/juju
- 238232099 # repo:loft-sh/kiosk
- 227010082 # repo:kubedl-io/kubedl
- 150713223 # repo:kubeedge/kubeedge
- 332999480 # repo:kubefirst/kubefirst
- 516603039 # repo:kubewharf/kubezoo
- 488866928 # repo:KusionStack/kusion
- 46932243 # repo:linuxkit/linuxkit
- 86509608 # repo:maas/maas
- 20789757 # repo:ManageIQ/manageiq
- 5874515 # repo:mistio/mist-ce
- 13839311 # repo:openstack/openstack
- 265800635 # repo:openyurtio/openyurt
- 72477752 # repo:pulumi/pulumi
- 910744 # repo:puppetlabs/puppet
- 886774 # repo:rundeck/rundeck
- 1390248 # repo:saltstack/salt
- 19051806 # repo:stackstorm/st2
- 322759957 # repo:superedge/superedge
- 17728164 # repo:hashicorp/terraform
- 215102779 # repo:tinkerbell/tink

Label: Cloud Native - Provisioning - Container Registry

Type: Tech-2


- 28366058 # repo:distribution/distribution
- 309874357 # repo:dragonflyoss/Dragonfly2
- 50613991 # repo:goharbor/harbor
- 160626997 # repo:uber/kraken
- 33866783 # repo:SUSE/Portus
- 411456245 # repo:opcr-io/policy
- 220517730 # repo:quay/quay

Label: Cloud Native - Provisioning - Security & Compliance

Type: Tech-2


- 102645710 # repo:anchore/anchore-engine
- 410078466 # repo:aserto-dev/runtime
- 350005438 # repo:cerbos/cerbos
- 92313258 # repo:cert-manager/cert-manager
- 224386599 # repo:bridgecrewio/checkov
- 41571541 # repo:inspec/inspec
- 46140633 # repo:quay/clair
- 531514152 # repo:cloudmatos/matos
- 413484541 # repo:confidential-containers/documentation
- 269202949 # repo:containerssh/containerssh
- 307768615 # repo:curiefense/curiefense
- 357885318 # repo:datreeio/datree
- 40916314 # repo:dexidp/dex
- 313628863 # repo:external-secrets/external-secrets
- 49986046 # repo:falcosecurity/falco
- 116995448 # repo:fossas/fossa-cli
- 183510345 # repo:FairwindsOps/goldilocks
- 99028287 # repo:grafeas/grafeas
- 444656703 # repo:hexa-org/policy-orchestrator
- 59531400 # repo:in-toto/in-toto
- 71359873 # repo:keylime/keylime
- 278200746 # repo:Checkmarx/kics
- 94779471 # repo:aquasecurity/kube-bench
- 141447532 # repo:aquasecurity/kube-hunter
- 316098156 # repo:kubearmor/kubearmor
- 318490971 # repo:kubewarden/kubewarden-controller
- 169108858 # repo:kyverno/kyverno
- 37743436 # repo:notaryproject/notary
- 48714685 # repo:open-policy-agent/opa
- 501372599 # repo:openfga/openfga
- 19279199 # repo:OpenSCAP/openscap
- 183445613 # repo:parallaxsecond/parsec
- 249814436 # repo:FairwindsOps/pluto
- 157735858 # repo:FairwindsOps/polaris
- 143233750 # repo:FairwindsOps/rbac-lookup
- 125060113 # repo:FairwindsOps/rbac-manager
- 2528254 # repo:normation/rudder
- 338633268 # repo:sigstore/sigstore
- 98453563 # repo:vmware-tanzu/sonobuoy
- 247991727 # repo:aquasecurity/starboard
- 103084166 # repo:tenable/terrascan
- 473137633 # repo:cilium/tetragon
- 7942805 # repo:theupdateframework/python-tuf
- 238662977 # repo:deepfence/ThreatMapper
- 556329104 # repo:aserto-dev/topaz
- 180687624 # repo:aquasecurity/trivy

Label: Cloud Native - Provisioning - Key Management

Type: Tech-2


- 73948366 # repo:AthenZ/athenz
- 117408191 # repo:Authing/Authing
- 62174977 # repo:cyberark/conjur
- 11125589 # repo:keycloak/keycloak
- 105262714 # repo:oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy
- 36071697 # repo:ory/hydra
- 276756059 # repo:vmware-tanzu/pinniped
- 163722349 # repo:pomerium/pomerium
- 99618772 # repo:spiffe/spiffe
- 100061496 # repo:spiffe/spire
- 32866430 # repo:square/keywhiz
- 145011089 # repo:buzzfeed/sso
- 31558937 # repo:gravitational/teleport
- 351043495 # repo:SpectralOps/Teller
- 31288958 # repo:hashicorp/vault

Label: Cloud Native - Runtime - Cloud Native Storage

Type: Tech-2


- 7276954 # repo:alluxio/alluxio
- 397563881 # repo:carina-io/carina
- 2310495 # repo:ceph/ceph
- 91765224 # repo:container-storage-interface/spec
- 171396748 # repo:cubeFS/cubefs
- 276365255 # repo:opencurve/curve
- 1377037 # repo:gluster/glusterfs
- 466948543 # repo:hwameistor/hwameistor
- 327859577 # repo:juicedata/juicefs
- 166203864 # repo:k8up-io/k8up
- 117251051 # repo:LINBIT/linstor-server
- 88298561 # repo:longhorn/longhorn
- 29261473 # repo:minio/minio
- 50505775 # repo:moosefs/moosefs
- 64654523 # repo:openebs/openebs
- 32169193 # repo:open-io/oio-sds
- 162945532 # repo:oras-project/oras
- 226072757 # repo:piraeusdatastore/piraeus
- 62921553 # repo:rook/rook
- 77096333 # repo:sodafoundation/api
- 790019 # repo:openstack/swift
- 23597054 # repo:TritonDataCenter/manta
- 99143276 # repo:vmware-tanzu/velero
- 306631211 # repo:v6d-io/v6d
- 93576430 # repo:scality/zenko

Label: Cloud Native - Runtime - Container Runtime

Type: Tech-2


- 46089560 # repo:containerd/containerd
- 67828134 # repo:cri-o/cri-o
- 107505869 # repo:firecracker-microvm/firecracker
- 131212638 # repo:google/gvisor
- 263214582 # repo:inclavare-containers/inclavare-containers
- 110539997 # repo:kata-containers/runtime
- 367284699 # repo:lima-vm/lima
- 26192117 # repo:lxc/lxd
- 26509369 # repo:rkt/rkt
- 36960321 # repo:opencontainers/runc
- 43982667 # repo:apptainer/singularity
- 2203782 # repo:TritonDataCenter/smartos-live
- 284555713 # repo:nestybox/sysbox
- 224908244 # repo:WasmEdge/WasmEdge

Label: Cloud Native - Runtime - Cloud Native Network

Type: Tech-2


- 217420145 # repo:antrea-io/antrea
- 48109239 # repo:cilium/cilium
- 86123872 # repo:cni-genie/CNI-Genie
- 33429211 # repo:containernetworking/cni
- 152550404 # repo:nokia/danm
- 386570418 # repo:FabEdge/fabedge
- 96556718 # repo:FDio/vpp
- 21704134 # repo:flannel-io/flannel
- 162610275 # repo:squat/kilo
- 177068961 # repo:kubeovn/kube-ovn
- 88471725 # repo:cloudnativelabs/kube-router
- 97228445 # repo:ligato/vpp-agent
- 76367175 # repo:k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni
- 127937836 # repo:networkservicemesh/networkservicemesh
- 18383364 # repo:openvswitch/ovs
- 63882194 # repo:projectcalico/calico
- 175095528 # repo:submariner-io/submariner
- 12347995 # repo:Juniper/contrail-controller
- 23059575 # repo:weaveworks/weave

Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Scheduling & Orchestration

Type: Tech-2


- 11469439 # repo:apache/mesos
- 124312956 # repo:Microsoft/service-fabric
- 275918955 # repo:clastix/capsule
- 374587785 # repo:clusternet/clusternet
- 414827833 # repo:clusterpedia-io/clusterpedia
- 147886080 # repo:crossplane/crossplane
- 51556828 # repo:moby/swarmkit
- 278954673 # repo:fluid-cloudnative/fluid
- 311639195 # repo:karmada-io/karmada
- 470472185 # repo:koordinator-sh/koordinator
- 340965344 # repo:kube-green/kube-green
- 157133149 # repo:kube-rs/kube-rs
- 20580498 # repo:kubernetes/kubernetes
- 88608345 # repo:kubereboot/kured
- 36653430 # repo:hashicorp/nomad
- 412113556 # repo:open-cluster-management-io/ocm
- 1464595 # repo:OpenNebula/one
- 139199684 # repo:PrefectHQ/prefect
- 175592968 # repo:volcano-sh/volcano
- 304403692 # repo:wasmCloud/wasmCloud

Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Coordination & Service Discovery

Type: Tech-2


- 160999 # repo:apache/zookeeper
- 54230994 # repo:coredns/coredns
- 11225014 # repo:etcd-io/etcd
- 224421982 # repo:k8gb-io/k8gb
- 513743595 # repo:kubewharf/kubebrain
- 137451403 # repo:alibaba/nacos
- 5198041 # repo:Netflix/eureka

Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Remote Procedure Call

Type: Tech-2


- 310611 # repo:apache/thrift
- 206459 # repo:apache/avro
- 384451028 # repo:cloudwego/kitex
- 4710920 # repo:apache/dubbo
- 285864199 # repo:zeromicro/go-zero
- 27729880 # repo:grpc/grpc
- 165041732 # repo:go-kratos/kratos
- 128709824 # repo:sofastack/sofa-rpc
- 295369297 # repo:sogou/srpc
- 79316451 # repo:tarsCloud/tars

Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Service Proxy

Type: Tech-2


- 199763479 # repo:bfenetworks/bfe
- 29207621 # repo:caddyserver/caddy
- 108462822 # repo:projectcontour/contour
- 65214191 # repo:envoyproxy/envoy
- 126499529 # repo:projectcontour/gimbal
- 128791889 # repo:haproxy/haproxy
- 214656224 # repo:inlets/inlets-pro
- 110027931 # repo:metallb/metallb
- 140654872 # repo:mosn/mosn
- 8759133 # repo:Netflix/zuul
- 37912398 # repo:nginx/nginx
- 168629414 # repo:openelb/openelb
- 480080 # repo:openresty/openresty
- 38812664 # repo:zalando/skipper
- 457021614 # repo:l7mp/stunner
- 3784017 # repo:alibaba/tengine
- 42408804 # repo:traefik/traefik

Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - API Gateway

Type: Tech-2


- 53965666 # repo:3scale/apicast
- 218068847 # repo:apioak/apioak
- 180481986 # repo:apache/apisix
- 295485450 # repo:azure/api-management
- 371564104 # repo:megaease/easegress
- 86740149 # repo:emissary-ingress/emissary
- 199619921 # repo:saarasio/enroute
- 118510171 # repo:solo-io/gloo
- 36487440 # repo:gravitee-io/gravitee-api-management
- 344331591 # repo:hango-io/hango-gateway
- 558188628 # repo:alibaba/higress
- 26783295 # repo:Kong/kong
- 72875399 # repo:luraproject/lura
- 408727871 # repo:kubeshop/kusk-gateway
- 7058562 # repo:mulesoft/mule
- 107638632 # repo:accenture/reactive-interaction-gateway
- 128018428 # repo:alibaba/Sentinel
- 19537979 # repo:TykTechnologies/tyk
- 134538006 # repo:wso2/product-microgateway

Label: Cloud Native - Orchestration & Management - Service Mesh

Type: Tech-2


- 310173647 # repo:aeraki-mesh/aeraki
- 14125254 # repo:hashicorp/consul
- 334851928 # repo:megaease/easemesh
- 155558016 # repo:solo-io/gloo-mesh
- 74175805 # repo:istio/istio
- 175425051 # repo:kumahq/kuma
- 113106184 # repo:linkerd/linkerd2
- 447051452 # repo:merbridge/merbridge
- 157554479 # repo:meshery/meshery
- 227895834 # repo:openservicemesh/osm
- 177296431 # repo:servicemeshinterface/smi-spec
- 168888155 # repo:service-mesh-performance/service-mesh-performance
- 331236836 # repo:slime-io/slime
- 187875305 # repo:traefik/mesh
- 403802153 # repo:huaweicloud/Sermant

Label: Cloud Native - App Definition and Development - Database

Type: Tech-2


- 62117818 # repo:apache/carbondata
- 23418517 # repo:apache/hadoop
- 31006158 # repo:apache/ignite
- 2649214 # repo:arangodb/arangodb
- 51290852 # repo:bigchaindb/bigchaindb
- 206424 # repo:apache/cassandra
- 60246359 # repo:ClickHouse/ClickHouse
- 3180703 # repo:couchbase/manifest
- 9342529 # repo:crate/crate
- 83363132 # repo:CrunchyData/postgres-operator
- 125824259 # repo:xtdb/xtdb
- 302827809 # repo:datafuselabs/databend
- 6358188 # repo:apache/druid
- 114187903 # repo:apple/foundationdb
- 307894865 # repo:alibaba/graphscope
- 1050944 # repo:infinispan/infinispan
- 19816070 # repo:MariaDB/server
- 24494032 # repo:mysql/mysql-server
- 146459443 # repo:vesoft-inc/nebula
- 6650539 # repo:neo4j/neo4j
- 36778364 # repo:attic-labs/noms
- 7083240 # repo:orientechnologies/orientdb
- 30753733 # repo:percona/percona-server
- 40127179 # repo:pilosa/pilosa
- 927442 # repo:postgres/postgres
- 166515022 # repo:trinodb/trino
- 156018 # repo:redis/redis
- 6452529 # repo:rethinkdb/rethinkdb
- 151700458 # repo:scalar-labs/scalardb
- 183834521 # repo:schemahero/schemahero
- 28449431 # repo:scylladb/scylla
- 163387337 # repo:seata/seata
- 49876476 # repo:apache/shardingsphere
- 396856161 # repo:authzed/spicedb
- 43884372 # repo:sorintlab/stolon
- 911980 # repo:tarantool/tarantool
- 196353673 # repo:taosdata/TDengine
- 41986369 # repo:pingcap/tidb
- 48833910 # repo:tikv/tikv
- 11008207 # repo:vitessio/vitess
- 2445970 # repo:voltdb/voltdb
- 55072677 # repo:semi-technologies/weaviate
- 105944401 # repo:YugaByte/yugabyte-db

Label: Cloud Native - App Definition and Development - Streaming & Messaging

Type: Tech-2


- 43158694 # repo:apache/incubator-heron
- 27911088 # repo:apache/nifi
- 75164823 # repo:apache/rocketmq
- 17165658 # repo:apache/spark
- 14135470 # repo:apache/storm
- 50904245 # repo:apache/beam
- 419433905 # repo:cdevents/spec
- 113701924 # repo:cloudevents/spec
- 26390092 # repo:deepstreamIO/deepstream.io
- 7202769 # repo:emqx/emqx
- 20587599 # repo:apache/flink
- 205473061 # repo:infinyon/fluvio
- 2211243 # repo:apache/kafka
- 163074901 # repo:kubemq-io/kubemq-community
- 454372510 # repo:memphisdev/memphis-broker
- 6443435 # repo:nats-io/nats-server
- 86400116 # repo:openmessaging/openmessaging-java
- 63096822 # repo:pravega/pravega
- 62117812 # repo:apache/pulsar
- 924551 # repo:rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server
- 99412308 # repo:apache/incubator-seatunnel
- 18988631 # repo:siddhi-io/siddhi
- streamsets/datacollector # not found
- 58194180 # repo:strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator
- 211798430 # repo:tremor-rs/tremor-runtime

Label: Cloud Native - App Definition and Development - Application Definition & Image Build

Type: Tech-2


- 233809604 # repo:artifacthub/hub
- 236095576 # repo:backstage/backstage
- 138544269 # repo:buildpacks/pack
- 173207060 # repo:vmware-tanzu/carvel-ytt
- 36098429 # repo:habitat-sh/habitat
- 126647111 # repo:cloud-ark/kubeplus
- 226084465 # repo:devfile/api
- 145153231 # repo:loft-sh/devspace
- 15045751 # repo:docker/compose
- 32935745 # repo:eclipse/che
- 429510684 # repo:gefyrahq/gefyra
- 302322 # repo:gradle/gradle
- 43723161 # repo:helm/helm
- 119419195 # repo:GoogleContainerTools/kaniko
- 303758423 # repo:konveyor/community
- 198856247 # repo:replicatedhq/kots
- 368314469 # repo:krator-rs/krator
- 218249592 # repo:kubermatic/kubecarrier
- 450404132 # repo:teamcode-inc/kubeorbit
- 276822250 # repo:kubevela/kubevela
- 76686583 # repo:kubevirt/kubevirt
- 158545617 # repo:kudobuilder/kudo
- 159242360 # repo:kubernetes-sigs/kui
- 101875675 # repo:uselagoon/lagoon
- 373775141 # repo:kubeshop/monokle
- 311269921 # repo:nocalhost/nocalhost
- 192779991 # repo:vmware-tanzu/octant
- 143846881 # repo:okteto/okteto
- 191840044 # repo:oam-dev/spec
- 62855546 # repo:openservicebrokerapi/servicebroker
- 17372733 # repo:OAI/OpenAPI-Specification
- 120650407 # repo:operator-framework/operator-sdk
- 8966356 # repo:hashicorp/packer
- 109145553 # repo:containers/podman
- 155893691 # repo:getporter/porter
- 362675427 # repo:alibaba/sealer
- 264246502 # repo:serverlessworkflow/specification
- 91674936 # repo:apache/servicecomb-java-chassis
- 358693091 # repo:shipwright-io/community
- 118654121 # repo:GoogleContainerTools/skaffold
- 100131598 # repo:solo-io/squash
- 197374067 # repo:grafana/tanka
- 82933315 # repo:telepresenceio/telepresence
- 143896900 # repo:tilt-dev/tilt

Label: Cloud Native - App Definition and Development - Continuous Integration & Delivery

Type: Tech-2


- 188402099 # repo:agola-io/agola
- 120896210 # repo:argoproj/argo-cd
- 100982449 # repo:argoproj/argo-workflows
- 108049853 # repo:brigadecore/brigade
- 333303663 # repo:bytebase/bytebase
- 402102657 # repo:vmware-tanzu/cartographer
- 18950460 # repo:concourse/concourse
- 302922505 # repo:devtron-labs/devtron
- 173335706 # repo:apache/dolphinscheduler
- 16607898 # repo:harness/drone
- 149515625 # repo:fluxcd/flagger
- 258469100 # repo:fluxcd/flux2
- 2500088 # repo:gitlabhq/gitlabhq
- 15155534 # repo:gocd/gocd
- 214396571 # repo:hyscale/hyscale
- 1103607 # repo:jenkinsci/jenkins
- 116400734 # repo:jenkins-x/jx
- 54400687 # repo:grafana/k6
- 449649393 # repo:keploy/keploy
- 166831098 # repo:keptn/keptn
- 458214571 # repo:open-feature/community
- 384241097 # repo:open-gitops/project
- 189490177 # repo:openkruise/kruise
- 84104787 # repo:ortelius/ortelius
- 271714774 # repo:pipe-cd/pipecd
- 187084432 # repo:razee-io/Razee
- 59517730 # repo:screwdriver-cd/screwdriver
- 21436816 # repo:spinnaker/spinnaker
- 146641150 # repo:tektoncd/pipeline
- 381952060 # repo:kubeshop/testkube
- 4693087 # repo:travis-ci/travis-web
- 50365232 # repo:werf/werf
- 179344069 # repo:woodpecker-ci/woodpecker

Label: Cloud Native - Platform - Certified Kubernetes - Distribution

Type: Tech-2


- 203163249 # repo:ilkilab/agorakube
- 85678822 # repo:alvistack/ansible-collection-kubernetes
- 313741735 # repo:aws/eks-distro
- 155447233 # repo:Azure/aks-engine
- 54725435 # repo:charmed-kubernetes/bundle
- 330533312 # repo:aceeric/desktop-kubernetes
- 296643893 # repo:elastisys/ck8s-cluster
- 215783734 # repo:deckhouse/deckhouse
- 220698719 # repo:flexkube/libflexkube
- 235835211 # repo:sighupio/fury-distribution
- 411029320 # repo:smart-edge-open/open-developer-experience-kits
- 271250363 # repo:k0sproject/k0s
- 135516270 # repo:k3s-io/k3s
- 439021003 # repo:clastix/kamaji
- 385158917 # repo:kubecube-io/KubeCube
- 50734768 # repo:kubermatic/kubermatic
- 130430977 # repo:kubesphere/kubesphere
- 120284730 # repo:kubic-project/container-images
- 198898598 # repo:replicatedhq/kurl
- 124905930 # repo:scality/metalk8s
- 132732601 # repo:canonical/microk8s
- 295900097 # repo:PaaS-TA/paas-ta-container-platform
- 541402612 # repo:alexeadem/qbo-home
- 26337322 # repo:rancher/rancher
- 49904068 # repo:openshift/kubernetes
- 253887459 # repo:rancher/rke2
- 99544448 # repo:poseidon/typhoon
- 355946670 # repo:loft-sh/vcluster
- 303802332 # repo:vmware-tanzu/community-edition
- 239576223 # repo:wind-river/starlingx-config

Label: Cloud Native - Platform - Certified Kubernetes - Hosted

Type: Tech-2


- 145783478 # repo:catalyst-cloud/magnum
- 162939338 # repo:QingCloudAppcenter/QKE
- 171472086 # repo:msazurestackworkloads/aks-engine

Label: Cloud Native - Platform - Certified Kubernetes - Installer

Type: Tech-2


- 304223078 # repo:alvistack/vagrant-kubernetes
- 388260896 # repo:aws/eks-anywhere
- 129878089 # repo:slzcc/crane
- 140261100 # repo:cybozu-go/cke
- 117377862 # repo:gardener/gardener
- 148545807 # repo:kubernetes-sigs/kind
- 62091339 # repo:kubernetes/kops
- 110401202 # repo:easzlab/kubeasz
- 248386471 # repo:kubesphere/kubekey
- 158171016 # repo:KubeOperator/KubeOperator
- 155974736 # repo:kubermatic/kubeone
- 114474246 # repo:darxkies/k8s-tew
- 43613404 # repo:kubernetes-sigs/kubespray
- 26314357 # repo:openstack/magnum
- 56353740 # repo:kubernetes/minikube
- 102576190 # repo:puppetlabs/puppetlabs-kubernetes
- 108337180 # repo:rancher/rke
- 109451092 # repo:siderolabs/talos
- 142926510 # repo:particuleio/symplegma
- 146337367 # repo:wise2c-devops/breeze

Label: Cloud Native - Platform - PaaS/Container Service

Type: Tech-2


- 130013 # repo:akka/akka
- 12223350 # repo:cloudfoundry/cli
- 13753636 # repo:jhipster/generator-jhipster
- 139590616 # repo:kyma-project/kyma
- 120538304 # repo:kelseyhightower/nocode
- 200118806 # repo:redkubes/otomi-core
- 44998824 # repo:Yelp/paasta
- 59239347 # repo:portainer/portainer
- 143456583 # repo:rancher/rio
- 283410102 # repo:sogou/workflow
- 3631697 # repo:tsuru/tsuru

Label: Cloud Native - Serverless - Tools

Type: Tech-2


- 160055127 # repo:cncf/landscapeapp
- 137724480 # repo:hasura/graphql-engine
- 27050722 # repo:motdotla/node-lambda
- 91441209 # repo:grycap/scar
- 306060886 # repo:serverless-devs/serverless-devs

Label: Cloud Native - Serverless - Framework

Type: Tech-2


- 97773247 # repo:architect/functions
- 70530854 # repo:aws/serverless-application-model
- 59868262 # repo:aws/chalice
- 192632000 # repo:dapr/dapr
- 208698479 # repo:apache/incubator-eventmesh
- 62978868 # repo:TIBCOSoftware/flogo
- 362672151 # repo:mosn/layotto
- 140669486 # repo:midwayjs/midway
- 317676879 # repo:nitrictech/nitric
- 34302698 # repo:serverless/serverless
- 44479969 # repo:mweagle/Sparta
- 68877113 # repo:spring-cloud/spring-cloud-function
- 285092252 # repo:serverless-stack/sst
- 225625782 # repo:apache/flink-statefun
- 116817549 # repo:webiny/webiny-js

Label: Cloud Native - Serverless - Hosted Platform

Type: Tech-2


- 42548553 # repo:Azure/azure-functions-host

Label: Cloud Native - Serverless - Installable Platform

Type: Tech-2


- 146865191 # repo:apache/camel-k
- 52039373 # repo:apache/openwhisk
- 3803067 # repo:AppScale/gts
- 66050533 # repo:fission/fission
- 170411418 # repo:kedacore/keda
- 118828329 # repo:knative/serving
- 232829717 # repo:knix-microfunctions/knix
- 226983227 # repo:krustlet/krustlet
- 73902337 # repo:vmware-archive/kubeless
- 91797088 # repo:nuclio/nuclio
- 77144337 # repo:openfaas/faas
- 322168077 # repo:OpenFunction/OpenFunction
- 38730494 # repo:pipelineai/pipeline
- 98690441 # repo:projectriff/riff
- 113086028 # repo:virtual-kubelet/virtual-kubelet

Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Monitoring

Type: Tech-2


- 16554739 # repo:elastic/beats
- 161628176 # repo:kubeshop/botkube
- 496143272 # repo:centreon/centreon
- 171669368 # repo:tribe29/checkmk
- 67793333 # repo:cortexproject/cortex
- 448599559 # repo:deepflowys/deepflow
- 55850689 # repo:open-falcon/falcon-plus
- 130035428 # repo:foniod/foniod
- 15111821 # repo:grafana/grafana
- 385634291 # repo:grafana/mimir
- 4254338 # repo:graphite-project/graphite-web
- 222612062 # repo:cilium/hubble
- 12440855 # repo:Icinga/icinga2
- 13124802 # repo:influxdata/influxdb
- 120181748 # repo:kiali/kiali
- 137922416 # repo:kuberhealthy/kuberhealthy
- 191676087 # repo:lindb/lindb
- 61153677 # repo:m3db/m3
- 16119670 # repo:NagiosEnterprises/nagioscore
- 10744183 # repo:netdata/netdata
- 138287889 # repo:Netis/packet-agent
- 139140778 # repo:NexClipper/NexClipper
- 244694886 # repo:didi/nightingale
- 95098170 # repo:OpenObservability/OpenMetrics
- 865412 # repo:OpenTSDB/opentsdb
- 316257595 # repo:opstrace/opstrace
- 243394576 # repo:pixie-io/pixie
- 6838921 # repo:prometheus/prometheus
- 252745692 # repo:timescale/promscale
- 82981995 # repo:sensu/sensu-go
- 527583905 # repo:runsidekick/sidekick
- 175833318 # repo:skooner-k8s/skooner
- 15926180 # repo:draios/sysdig
- 109162639 # repo:thanos-io/thanos
- 127344362 # repo:trickstercache/trickster
- 146327667 # repo:vectordotdev/vector
- 150954997 # repo:VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics
- 34659664 # repo:weaveworks/scope
- 17253775 # repo:zabbix/zabbix

Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Logging

Type: Tech-2


- 1918677 # repo:fluent/fluentd
- 129717717 # repo:grafana/loki
- 430536935 # repo:loggie-io/loggie
- 1090311 # repo:elastic/logstash
- 334274271 # repo:opensearch-project/opensearch
- 520784735 # repo:parseablehq/parseable

Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Tracing

Type: Tech-2


- 76088862 # repo:megaease/easeagent
- 99251094 # repo:elastic/apm-server
- 236055696 # repo:grafana/tempo
- 56342508 # repo:jaegertracing/jaeger
- 184620732 # repo:open-telemetry/community
- 46904685 # repo:opentracing/opentracing-go
- 25459400 # repo:pinpoint-apm/pinpoint
- 45721011 # repo:apache/skywalking
- 133340671 # repo:sofastack/sofa-tracer
- 31788540 # repo:spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth
- 454341458 # repo:kubeshop/tracetest
- 4576305 # repo:openzipkin/zipkin

Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Chaos Engineering

Type: Tech-2


- 206213815 # repo:chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh
- 104656275 # repo:chaostoolkit/chaostoolkit
- 175192867 # repo:chaosblade-io/chaosblade
- 72786190 # repo:linki/chaoskube
- 85039965 # repo:litmuschaos/litmus
- 113219762 # repo:powerfulseal/powerfulseal

Label: Cloud Native - Observability and Analysis - Continuous Optimization

Type: Tech-2


- 429285098 # repo:gocrane/crane
- 274625369 # repo:infracost/infracost
- 178079595 # repo:kubecost/cost-model
- 178079595 # repo:opencost/opencost

Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Specifications

Type: Tech-2


- 53178225 # repo:ewasm/design
- 179135166 # repo:WebAssembly/WASI
- 263765444 # repo:WebAssembly/wasi-nn
- 40598815 # repo:WebAssembly/spec

Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Runtime

Type: Tech-2


- 350268741 # repo:second-state/crunw
- 24420506 # repo:v8/v8
- 184654298 # repo:bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime
- 212152900 # repo:wasm3/wasm3
- 224908244 # repo:WasmEdge/WasmEdge
- 152572186 # repo:wasmerio/wasmer
- 118469706 # repo:paritytech/wasmi
- 101767772 # repo:bytecodealliance/wasmtime
- 41151921 # repo:WAVM/WAVM

Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Toolchain

Type: Tech-2


- 1357796 # repo:emscripten-core/emscripten
- 75821432 # repo:llvm/llvm-project
- 163517929 # repo:hyperledger-labs/solang
- 304483748 # repo:suborbital/subo
- 359427864 # repo:wapc/wapc-js
- 121253762 # repo:rustwasm/wasm-pack

Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Packaging & Registries & Application Delivery

Type: Tech-2


- 36960321 # repo:opencontainers/runc

Label: Cloud Native - Wasm - Installable Platform

Type: Tech-2


- 308404813 # repo:suborbital/atmo
- 345774446 # repo:deislabs/hippo
- 226983227 # repo:krustlet/krustlet "

frank-zsy commented 1 year ago
