Add the categories array, hierarchical, network, vector into the label list of dbms index.yml file.
Any Additional Comments?
A new category, i.e. vector database system, has emerged due to the use of AI and Large Language Models(LLM). It has not been included in the label list of dbms index.yml file.
Current Behavior
In database label data, some dbms categories, such as array, hierarchical, network, vector, are not included in the label of index.yml file, thus will cause miss counting when calculating the overall database open source data.
Expected Behavior
Add the categories array, hierarchical, network, vector into the label list of dbms index.yml file.
Any Additional Comments?
A new category, i.e. vector database system, has emerged due to the use of AI and Large Language Models(LLM). It has not been included in the label list of dbms index.yml file.