X-lab2017 / oss101

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2024 春季学期期末大作业任务总览(7.31前完成) #305

Open PureNatural opened 1 month ago

PureNatural commented 1 month ago


大家好,OSS101 课程 2024 春季学期期末大作业已经发布了。本次任务主要包含了 4 个开源项目:OpenDigger,HyperCRX,OpenPerf 和 OpenLeaderboard,共计 31 个任务供大家认领,需要大家组队完成。为了帮助大家了解并顺利的完成每个任务,我们对每个项目安排了导师,大家在开发的过程中遇到问题可以在各个任务对应的 Issue 下进行提问,我们强烈建议同学们在开发的协作过程中能够在 Issue 中积极地讨论,本次大作业有以下几个注意事项:

本次大作业将在此 Issue 中汇总信息,如果你想认领某个任务,请参考格式在此 Issue 下回复,任务认领后则添加组长姓名,先到先得。你可以通过下表,了解到每一个任务的认领情况。












导师:@frank-zsy @will-ww Peng99999 序号 任务 ISSUE 组长姓名
1 Add the label data about AIGC
2 Design and implement a new metric
3 Interpretation of existing metrics 郭腾
4 Mirror Source Management Tool 支家和
5 Automatic label classification task based on machine/deep learning methods 麻瑞阳
6 Data Insight Report or Visualization Work 施瑾睿
7 Open source domain visualization dashboard 庞瑞洋


导师: @tyn1998 @lhbvvvvv wxharry 序号 任务 ISSUE 组长姓名
1 Refactor the existing multiple languages feature by adopting a third i18n library 魏永富
2 List all adjacent nodes of the hovered node in collaboration networks for quick reference 梅杰源
3 Display OpenDigger labels in the right of the repository header 侯婷
4 Circle of contributors 朱奕帆
5 Display Community OpenRank 徐梦滢
6 Display extra information from OpenDigger in the developer information hover card 游明东
7 Display the metric Active dates and times from OpenDigger
8 Obtain GitHub tokens to increase request limits 王硕
9 A mechanism to remotely disable broken features
10 Finish the Repository Collection feature


导师: @PureNatural @bifenglin @Zzzzzhuzhiwei 序号 任务 ISSUE 组长姓名
1 Developer/Repository Recommendation Method Based on GitHub Collaboration Network 邱钰莹 高洪帆
2 Construction of an open-source community question-answering dataset and implementation of a question-answering model 韩凡宇 童文平
3 Construction of Dataset and Method Implementation for Named Entity Recognition in the Open Source Community 郑逸潇
4 Machine Learning-based Developer Geolocation Information Mining 郑中正
5 Research and Implementation of Multi-Label Classification Methods for GitHub Repositories 杨新宇 李垫
6 Open source repository collaboration network and npm artifact library dependency network mapping dataset 张雯怡
7 find the influential developers and repositories in Github open source community 黄帆 徐涵钰
8 Classification reasearch : the role of developer in Github open source community 钟青松 冉又玮


导师:@andyhuang18 @wj23027 序号 任务 ISSUE 组长姓名
1 Platform Switch for Gitee and Github Rankings 丁永亮
2 Add Region-Specific Rankings 陆辰昊
3 Add Domain-Specific and Foundation Rankings 汪小曼
4 change overall board design 郑朴辰
5 Change the method of loading new data from scrolling down and clicking to flipping pages 叶哲名
6 Refactor the columns of the project and developer leaderboard 周伟
taketaketakeru commented 1 month ago





elegaa commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 刁圆员,张偲欣

ECNU-51265903094 commented 1 month ago





YeexiaoZheng commented 1 month ago


【项目】:OpenPerf:Construction of Dataset and Method Implementation for Named Entity Recognition in the Open Source Community



huangfan0 commented 1 month ago


【项目】:OpenPerf:find the influential developers and repositories in Github open source community



W1evy commented 1 month ago





beyond-mountains commented 1 month ago





ZhmYe commented 1 month ago





Tenth-crew commented 1 month ago


【项目】: HyperCRX

【序号】: 06

【成员】: 陈宇轩 郑子路

HaopuDong commented 1 month ago





xiaoAugenstern commented 1 month ago





lilian-r commented 1 month ago





GuoTeng-ECNU commented 1 month ago





Thrrreeee commented 1 month ago





xiaoAugenstern commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 单佑婉弘

MaxWeeeell commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 李北步、申屠琦超、黄姗姗

PureNatural commented 1 month ago





zzz-ovo commented 1 month ago





1120680244 commented 1 month ago





ChloeWenyiZhang commented 1 month ago

【组长】:张雯怡 【项目】:OpenPerf 【序号】:08 【成员】:胡思劼

Ld151739500002 commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 叶韩辉,张豈明,吴行健

PureNatural commented 1 month ago

@Ld151739500002 OpenLeaderboard的任务最多3人完成,需要移除1名成员

pry666 commented 1 month ago





Ld151739500002 commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 叶韩辉,张豈明

JiaheZhi commented 1 month ago





worstwoman commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 刘天扬、吴泽贤

mooricAnna commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 胡诗彦、徐榕荟、刘思聪

PureNatural commented 1 month ago

@Ld151739500002 在你评论之前,OpenPerf-01已经被两个小组认领,你可以再看看OpenPerf的其他任务

Ld151739500002 commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 叶韩辉,张豈明,吴行健

【这是一个项目选择修改原本在OpenLeaderboard 04】

MarigWeizhi commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 冷宜隆

wouldmm commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 张馨元

xxrelax commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 曾龙 樊亦文

Mark-00z commented 1 month ago




【成员】: 郑岩钰

Jankeeeeee commented 1 month ago





woyaochimangguo commented 1 month ago





vitaminzl commented 1 month ago




【成员】:曾龙、 樊亦文、段晗祈

【备注】:更换任务,原任务为 OpenDigger 02

ChloeWenyiZhang commented 4 weeks ago

【组长】:张雯怡 【项目】:OpenPerf 【序号】:06 【成员】:胡思劼 【备注】:更换任务,原任务为 OpenPerf 08

hzshou commented 3 weeks ago

【组长】:冉又玮 【项目】:OpenPerf 【序号】:08 【成员】:寿泓柘、吉刘骏、崔仁静

wouldmm commented 1 week ago





【备注】:更换任务,原任务为 OpenDigger 01