X16Community / vera-module

Versatile Embedded Retro Adapter
MIT License
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FX: Separate address and data logic into module #6

Closed visual-trials closed 1 year ago

visual-trials commented 1 year ago

This change separates the address and data related logic into a "addr_data"-module.

Essentially this a cut-and-paste change, so everything that was removed from top.v should be in addr_data.v now. The only thing that was added was the module and some wires. The naming inside top.v has not been changed to make reviewing a bit easier. This changes nothing to the functionality of VERA. It is meant as preparation for the upcoming changes.

Note: its probably easiest to compare addr_data.v with the old top.v as well.

Note2: this change depends on the change in the PR: #5 . So that one has to be reviewed and merged first.