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I/O backplate #80

Open pacav69 opened 10 months ago

pacav69 commented 10 months ago

With so many retro computing enthusiasts out there wanting to use a steel miniAtx case is it possible to have the dimensions of the plug outlets so a I/O backplate can be created?

something like this https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/5w8AAOSweExjkp0V/s-l1600.jpg?fbclid=IwAR3CwwSlezxMCKPeSenXkcUFCdDxkxTBqlmZbupN_N6xjzqx8SVZ20SGd48

pacav69 commented 4 months ago

here is a 3d print of i/o shield by Sean Johnston https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6442924?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2Pg67ZJbQ7l_Drns99dLqsvfCPlX7RNF1qgR0avELEsVlZrW4Xp-e6kJo_aem_ASotwqUO9G-glhympM7CtKt5LEeu-0TekIz8Uzicy8y7drjAl1vcAm8DBcEIn1bAwMCwms9AWU8MG9fiVW8uHBS0