X2Engine / X2CRM

X2CRM Open Source CRM - PHP
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phone home ip is not responding #182

Open arduent opened 3 years ago

arduent commented 3 years ago

this program does a phone home to but it doesn't seem to be responding. (could be temporary?) install hangs forever until 504 timeout, loading the web site hangs forever as well. commenting out the phone home check in protected/components/views/requirements.php lets the site function again.

Maybe should use a domain name instead of an ip address? Maybe should set a shorter timeout and report an error about the software not being able to phone home if this is a requirement of operation.

ChadCloman commented 3 years ago

I had this same problem and researched it. It definitely breaks the install script.

The URL in question is:

I went directly to that URL with my browser and it hung indefinitely.

It appears that the correct URL is obtained by simply removing the IP address:

That URL returns the correct value (a "1"). And the rest of the update code uses the "x2planet.com" domain without the IP. So I believe it's safe to make this change.

Looking in the repository history, the URL was changed (as indicated) in 2019, but that entire set of changes was reverted a few weeks later. So the change was lost.

arduent commented 2 years ago

I haven't noticed any updates to this project. I forked it and made some changes so it will run on PHP8+ and modern MySQL/MariaDB versions that have ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY set by default (which breaks almost all of the X2CRM queries)


maybe people can give it a try and let me know. back up your database first!! there's no structural change to the db in this 7.1x version so it should work ok, but if you do an install it might wipe your data... there are no files deleted so it would probably be safe to rsync the files to get the updates. This version does not have 'auto update', all that stuff is commented out / removed. check the change log