Walletversion: 1.0.13
Binary: xsn-qt (XSN Core Version v1.0.13.0-96f714ff1 (64-Bit))
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 / XFCE / German
When trying to switch status of locked collateral coins under Send Coins -> Inputs -> Listview nothing happens.
Expected bahavior:
Locked coins become unlocked, and unlocked coins become locked. This ensures to be able to move collaterals of masternodes or tpos-coins.
Walletversion: 1.0.13 Binary: xsn-qt (XSN Core Version v1.0.13.0-96f714ff1 (64-Bit)) OS: Ubuntu 18.04 / XFCE / German
Issue: When trying to switch status of locked collateral coins under Send Coins -> Inputs -> Listview nothing happens.
Expected bahavior: Locked coins become unlocked, and unlocked coins become locked. This ensures to be able to move collaterals of masternodes or tpos-coins.
Reproducable: Yes